Let Go of Back Pain
Posted on June 15, 2016 by Deborah Myers
Help Your Body Let Go of Back Pain
Back pain is absolutely no fun! Are you discovering that there are activities you don’t get around to doing because your back hurts? If that is the case, it’s time to help your body be happier and less reactive.
The Cost of Back Pain is Huge
In the United States, the impact of back pain can be measured not only in discomfort but dollars, time lost, decreased productivity and on-the-job performance.
“The prevalence of pain has a tremendous impact on business, with a recent report by the Institute of Medicine indicating that the annual value of lost productivity in 2010 dollars ranged between $297.4 billion to 335.5 billion. The value of lost productivity is based on three estimates: days of work missed (ranging from $11.6 to $12.7 billion); hours of work lost (from $95.2 to $96.5 billion); and lower wages (from $190.6 billion to $226.3 billion).(1)”
The research cited is from Institute of Medicine of the National Academies Report. Relieving Pain in America: A Blueprint for Transforming Prevention, Care, Education, and Research, 2011. The National Academies Press, Washington DC. (page 260)
You can read the full article on http://www.painmed.org/patientcenter/cost-of-pain-to-businesses/
The economic, physical and psychological impact of back pain is enormous as shown on paindoctor.com.
“Beyond the impact of the sheer number of people who suffer from back pain every year, the burden on the healthcare system is enormous. A study by researchers at the Duke University Medical Center found that patients with back pain spend $90 billion a year on medical expenses, with over $26 billion of that total spent directly on back pain-related medical care.”
“While specific figures are difficult to come by in the United States, a review of available data in the Medline database found the following indirect costs associated with back pain between 1996 and 2001:
- Workers missed 149 million days of work due to low back pain alone, as compared to 101 million days missed due to a work-related injury.
- Chronic low back pain cost approximately $1,230 for each man and $773 for each woman in lost work days, with an annual loss of productivity total of $28 billion.
- The reported average number of days of work disability due to back pain ranges, from 75 for the first incidence to 337 days of total compensated missed work days.”
Read the entire article at https://paindoctor.com/the-impact-of-back-pain/
“Health economists from Johns Hopkins University writing in The Journal of Pain reported the annual cost of chronic pain is as high as $635 billion a year, which is more than the yearly costs for cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.”
American Pain Society. “Chronic pain costs U.S. up to $635 billion, study shows.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 11 September 2012. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/09/120911091100.htm.
Scary Costs of Pain
If those numbers don’t scare you, think about how back pain interferes with your happiness.
A Cooperative Back
I don’t know about you, but if my desire to hike, garden or exercise is being usurped by a body project, it’s pretty likely that I’ll end up in a funk. I want my body to cooperate so I can do whatever I want to do! If you are staring at a long to-do list and have a cantankerous back ache, it might be affecting your fun activities as well as getting in the way of taking care of computer projects or office work. For most of us, if we can’t get something accomplished because our body is talking, we can be pretty hard on ourselves. And that makes everything worse. The mental and emotional states of feeding the physical imbalance and everything gets even more exacerbated.
Chronic, Acute or Nagging Back Pain
Whether you are experiencing chronic or acute pain or whether you have a persnickety nagging project that talks to you once in a while, your body is getting a message to you that it is time to ease the tension, tightness and imbalance.
When your back is in a state of blocked energy, your sense of well-being can be impacted because your core balance has gone awry. Low back connects to foundation and sense of safety and security. Your mid-back connects to breathe and natural transitions that allow for easy transformations. And the upper back is often connected to “too much on your plate” and confusion in the system. Any of that sound familiar to you?
You Are Now Entering the State of Comfort and Ease
The long and short of it is that our backs need to be in a state of comfort and ease so we can “put our backs into it” and easily do what we want to do and accomplish what we set out to do. The key is to have the phrase “put my back into it” be a positive statement and that we have a positive mindset. The body will sense any negative. For you to be fully in the present and a positive state, there are some simple energy points you can hold to help you move through your day.
Practice Makes Perfect with The Daily Clean Your House Flow
Consider doing the Daily Clean Your House Flow as your daily practice. It helps create a firm foundation that prepares our bodies for what we are going to ask them to do and prepares them for what might come at them, even if it is totally unexpected.
Then the following energy tips will be that much better and faster received by the body. The changes you want to take place will more easily happen so you can do all you want to do.
Back Pain Relief is at Your Fingertips
Holding these energy balance points will bring smooth movement and flow and help release any back and neck tension:
- Right hand – cup back of neck with fingers on the left side
- Left hand – hold fingers on the coccyx (base of spine)
- Left hand – hold fingers on outside of left knee
And holding these points will connect with breath and easy transition:
- Right hand – hold fingers on left elbow
- Left hand – hold fingers on right elbow
- Left hand – move fingers to base of right ribcage
- Left hand – move fingers to outside of left knee
Wishing you easy movement so you can have fun AND get things done! Let me know what transpires!
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- Conference Date: Wednesday, June 22, 2016
- Start Time: 06:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time
- End Time: 07:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time
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photo by Olenka Kotyk

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