How to make CHANGE easier
Posted on August 28, 2023 by Deborah MyersBalance your energy and be in connection with Change
No matter what’s happening in your world, it’s all about the change that is taking place. And that is what life IS. Every moment of your day is a transition from what was before to what it is becoming.
Today, I want to share some easy acupressure tips to help you better manage change in your life, AND introduce you to my amazing new Labyrinth, which also supports change.
Whether you use the word change, transition, transformation, transfiguration, or shift, the meaning is “an alteration or modification; the substitution of one thing for another.”
I, for one, have not always stepped into change easily. That is one of the primary reasons I appreciate my daily energy balancing using self-help acupressure and Jin Shin Jyutsu. I want to be in a state and position where I can move through my days easily and calmly. And energy balancing IS all about creating the space in which grounding, centering, calming, and ease want to exist.
How are YOU with change?
How do you handle change? That is THE big question!Your body has energy systems, and energy MUST change. If energy becomes and stays stuck, it will become stagnant. And stagnant energy will affect your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states. It’s the stuck energy that can create “health problems.”
By the way, instead of health problems, I prefer using the phrase “health projects” because projects have a beginning and an end and are much more fun to work with. ~Deborah Myers
Move Your Body’s Energy
So, here is the key. Move your body’s energy by placing your fingertips on energy balance points to move the energy from one spot to another. Your body will respond by “letting go” of anything in the way of, so that you are:
- being balanced
- feeling ease and calm
- being healthy and pain-free
- having vitality
- being productive
- having focus and clarity
- balancing emotions
- improving the performance of anything you want to do better
You name what you want to improve, and you can create the space to help it happen. The following energy balancing tips are a great place to start.
ENERGY TIP: To release the tension around “old patterns” and help change them, these will also help let go of clenching jaw or teeth and “holding” your breath.
- Right hand – cup sternum directly below clavicle (collar bone)
*Left hand – hold fingertips in a vertical pattern below the naval - To eliminate the “need” to effort and to create a new pattern – use this as a trigger point to create the new pattern
* Hold the outside of both knees using your fingertips - To release the “accumulation” of the old pattern and “consequences of holding on to the old pattern”
* Cross arms holding the outside edge of your shoulder blades
Done daily, self-help acupressure can help bring about transition and transformation by unblocking and balancing your energy, so you can work with change.
A Labyrinth for Change
Even when going through a significant change, like moving from your home of many years, you can help make it easier and calmer. That’s what I’m in the midst of, and though it’s tough at times, I’m mostly staying in a place of hope, faith, and trust that gives me the space to allow and surrender to what the universe has to bring.
Then along comes my friend Lea Goode-Harris to add some magic to my garden with a new labyrinth! Now, one of my favorite places to be, this labyrinth is helping to make a difference.
A labyrinth is a circular curving path that leads to a center. When you walk the path to the center and back, it is known to “provide a path to practice change.”
I’ve always dreamed of having a labyrinth in my garden. Lea is a master labyrinth designer and we mulled over ideas for over six years. The idea of a plan became a “big project” that would’ve taken a lot of time, energy, and funds to make it happen. So, I put the project on the back burner.
A few weeks ago, Lea said, “It’s time for you, your garden, and your property to have that labyrinth. Let’s do it and create a simple and small version of what we had planned so you and your home can step into your next chapters.”
We did just that!
And on one Saturday morning, my garden labyrinth was born! It went faster with manual help from Octavio, my garden and landscape assistant.
If you’ve been with me for a while, you’ll know that I have loved creating my garden as an oasis. And now, the labyrinth is another way to enjoy the space. And whenever my home changes ownership, the new residents will have another beautiful way to enjoy the garden and embrace their own change.
The Joy of Walking a Labyrinth
If you have ever walked a labyrinth – you know how inspirational it can be. It’s a beautiful way to experience grounding, centering, balancing, and joy. As Lea explains, “They are instrumental in providing a path to practice change.”
“Labyrinths are symbols of hope, wonder, and self-discovery. They are a perfect place to plant seeds for the future.” ~Lea Goode-Harris
I have walked my labyrinth several times daily over the last several weeks. I did so with deep thought, prayer, and willingness to accept the challenges and changes the universe and the divine are bringing my way.
As a result, I found it easier to deal with the craziness thrown at me with what could have become a major technical fiasco for my business. After a Zoom account melt down, it’s taken a lot of discussions and strategizing with Zoom, and with fantastic customer service, it appears it’s all working out. A change to move forward.
I also know that the magic of this labyrinth is bringing the space to receive the new owners who will fall in love with my home. The day after Lea and I created it, over 13 couples/families showed up at an open house in two hours. The flow of energy is bringing the new family here soon.
To read more about labyrinths and see what my friend, Lea Goode-Harris, has accomplished in her world, check out her website at https://www.creativelabyrinths.com. Be ready to step into the world of labyrinth magic!
How about YOU?
Do you have ways that help you magically move through life? Help your body and overall wellness with self-help acupressure, and incorporate experiences like labyrinth walking, or other tools. Change is inevitable.
Living in your body with reduced stress, increased mindfulness, and feeling better about yourself will help you transition through whatever change is happening in your life. Change IS happening all the time – so make it easier!
Whether it’s change with your physical body, personal life, relationships, or business – change doesn’t have to be tough. Just be aware that you can ease your way through it.
Get more insights and help to manage change >> Change and Resistance.

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