Is pain taking over your life?

Women holding her head in pain

I understand all too well about life altering pain! I’ve had times when a part of my body hurts so much that it’s all I can think about.

I remember what transpired in my garden when I lifted too many heavy pails of water one afternoon. I should’ve known better. Right? Well, I injured my shoulder and arm by doing too much.

We’ve all done it. And afterwards, we can be so hard on ourselves! “Why wasn’t I smarter than that?”

But when the pain really kicks in and starts to affect how you’re thinking and what you decide to do and not do, it’s time to investigate possibilities of “what can I do about this pain and help my body heal?”

It’s one thing to have pain resulting from a physical injury like what I just described, or pain from a physical ailment. We can usually wrap our minds around those kinds of issues that create pain in the body. And if we don’t push our body to keep on doing, and if we help the body let go of the inflammation, we can often help healing take place.

It will usually take some extra attention, and of course, I’m suggesting you make use of self-help acupressure to help get on the other side of a pattern of pain.

Emotional Anguish

What if you’re living with the pain for so long, and it just becomes what you expect? And then what happens if your mind and emotions play into that way of being?

What if the pain is happening because of emotional trauma, like losing a loved one or exposure to violence? Or what if the pain is a result of feeling lost and isolated and maybe anxious and depressed?

That kind of pain can be just as debilitating because it’s often harder to figure out what is hurting and how to fix it.

Pain can create such deep, intense feelings that the senses get all caught up in “this way of living.” Well, your body would appreciate if you had another way of dealing with it and helping it not go in that direction.

You CAN change the patterns of how you talk to yourself and how you treat anything going on in your body and help it release old physical, mental, or emotional traumas.

Read on…

Self Conversations

Here are some possibilities of conversations you could be having with yourself about emotions and feelings in association with living with pain:

** Concern and worry

“What is happening with my body?  What do I need to do to get rid of this pain?”

This state of unknowing can lead to extreme nervousness and then confusion. And then it becomes almost too easy to go to “what am I doing wrong?” And, when you get caught up in that place, you start questioning yourself about almost everything?

When you’re stuck in that negative mode, it’s important to change your way of thinking to “what are some other possibilities?” That way you’ll increase your chances of getting answers as to how to take care of the pain and many other issues going on in your life. You and your body are now living in the space of believing that you ARE doing everything right to take care of you.


** Major fear that life is going to get really impacted

“What will happen if this pain doesn’t go away? What if this leads to something even worse?”

That sense of “feeling and being out of control” can lead to anxiety. And that’s one pattern we want to help our bodies not experience because it will cause aggravation of pain. Anxiousness is more like a “moment in time.” Being in a state of anxiety can become an issue that can become a project that then needs to be remedied.

The key is to help your body recognize that you and your body together CAN change the trajectory of thought patterns and improve your emotional state of being.


** Frustration and anger

 “This pain is driving me crazy. I’m so frustrated that I can’t do what I want to and need to do.”

Significant irritation at how you have to live day-to-day with pain can create belief patterns that cause you to feel like you’re unable to change something that could make a difference in your activities, relationships, and life – personal or business.


** Sadness and grief

“Life is so empty, and I can’t find a way to be happy.”

When pain takes over your day-to-day existence, you can all too easily begin to “miss how things used to be.” When the energetic body recognizes that you’re missing an integral part of yourself and can’t locate what you’re searching for, the body starts feeling like something has been lost. Then comes a state of sadness and grief for what’s missing.

A life that doesn’t seem happy creates an unhappy body. A body that’s experiencing lots of pain is most likely not in a state of experiencing joy and happiness.


** Trying too much and trying too hard – efforting

“My body doesn’t want to do what I need it to do. Everything seems too hard to do, and there’s just not enough time to do it all.”

When pain takes over the body and causes life to feel overwhelming, even expected and often simple daily activities take too much energy and can deplete your overall vitality. If you had vitality and the ability to be an “energizer bunny,” and now that’s missing, you and your body are experiencing a significant sense of loss and not knowing how to live in the world.

Energy Balance

So why this lengthy description of emotions and feelings when we’re discussing pain?

Pain causes so much “stopping us in our tracks” that emotions need to be addressed as we travel the journey of helping our bodies release the symptoms of pain and what is holding the pain IN the body.

When you dive into all that can be affecting your body, you’ll travel through all the systems and places that are being reactive –

  • Respiratory
  • Digestive
  • Elimination
  • Muscular
  • Skeletal
  • Vascular
  • Cognitive
  • Emotional


Additionally, you will connect with your

  • Adrenal
  • Endocrine
  • Immune
  • Lymphatic
  • Nervous systems

so they can easily support your WHOLE body fully.

For instance, you may notice that when you’re experiencing a stretch of pain, it’s harder to get a full inhale and exhale. Your breath MUST open up to help spread the energy and be able to let go of ALL that’s in the way of change and healing.


Do this energy flow to open your breath AND to release the tendency for inflammation to be present in the body when there is injury, ailment, trauma, distress, and the emotions that are talking back. Doing this energy flow will also help your body rediscover easy and comfortable movement:

Right hand – hold fingers on the left elbow

Left hand – hold fingers on the right elbow

Left hand – move fingers to the base of the right front ribcage

Right hand – move fingers to right chest below collarbone


Inflammation Release

Do this simple energy hold to remind the body that inflammation can let go and not be a pattern.

Left hand – hold fingers on the outside of the left knee

Right hand – hold fingers on the outside of the right knee


Be in Flow

Follow with this simple energy flow to remind your body to be in flow and breath and calm!

Right hand – cup your sternum directly below the collarbone

Left hand – hold your fingers on your tummy below your navel

Use these acupressure flows using light gentle touch to get back into an energy balance for your body, mind, and emotions.


What I just shared with you is just the tip of the iceberg that I will be covering in the upcoming THE GREAT PAIN ESCAPE workshop!

>> Get all event details and register<<

the great pain escape

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Hats Off to You Mom!

Mom and little girl with hats in a field laughing

We all get it. Moms like you have lots on their plates to keep life happening, so Hats off to You, Mom!

First off, it’s everything that NEEDS to get done for the kids – school commitments, after-school activities, and keeping the kids on track with “doing well” at whatever they’re involved in, plus homework and their “I love doing this, and I can’t skip it.”

Sometimes, it seems like way too much getting juggled.

What if you’re caring for a parent or someone else, that’s another timeline that must be included in your day.

And let’s not forget the long list to take care of in your own life:

  • work and its requirements
  • time with your partner
  • connecting with friends
  • after-work activities
  • exercise program
  • quiet time
  • sleep
  • self-care

You get it – the list is crazy. How on earth do you do it all?

Ask Yourself This

Besides focusing on all the things, take a moment to reflect on yourself.

  • Do you ever get to the space of feeling anxious about “too much and not enough time?”
  • Do you ever tell yourself that you’re not doing everything good enough?
  • Do you give yourself a lecture that it’s time you make some changes and make them now?

All of these are “anxious-making stuff,” and create havoc in your mind, your state of being, and potentially in your physical body.

  • Do you notice that you’re holding your breath or clenching your jaw?
  • Is your neck taking the brunt and holding up the weight of the world?
  • Is your lower back feeling tight and sore, and is it hard to turn, lift, and stretch?

Maybe your body is experiencing one of those glitches or something else.

  • Do you sometimes feel on edge, and maybe it’s hard to hold back an angry comment?
  • Does your head hurt with the “too much to do” and the mind chatter it all creates?
  • Does the mind chatter take over, and you find you’re being super hard on yourself and maybe others?
  • Or do you feel like you’re just super tired and don’t know how to make it through the day?

If any of that is happening, that anxiousness is being experienced as a pattern in your body. And if you’re expressing yourself with angry comments or fretful impatience, it’s being noticed by others, including your kids.

If your kids see you being impatient and on edge, that is anxious behavior that they may very well model when they’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

The greatest gift you as a mom can give to your kids is modeling a way of being that is calm, no matter what is going on. When you show up composed, unruffled, and relaxed even when there is craziness in the day, they WILL notice and SEE your behavior as a soothing and peaceful way to be.

My Mother’s Day Gift to You

In the spirit of Mother’s Day, it’s time for YOU to receive a simple, easy way to “just be” and have your body experience breath and calm.

So, here is my gift of “just being.” And everything I share with you will work for everyone else in your life, including your kids, their teachers, your partner, and your best friends. Feel free to share what I’m going to suggest.

Following are some super simple self-help acupressure tips you can do anytime, anywhere.

Your body will start saying, “Do this,” and you’ll find that you and your body have created new habits that will make you feel better, healthier, and happier.

For each of the ‘poses’ below, use your fingertips with a light, gentle touch on the points I suggest, and hold each step for several good breaths.

So here you go!

To expand breath, ease anxiousness, assist with clarity and focus, feel stronger, have more vitality, and just feel good:

  1. Give yourself a hug – just hold your fingers on the upper arms above your elbows.
  2. Cup the back of your head using your right hand with fingers on the opposite base of the skull. Then cup your forehead using your left hand with fingers on the opposite side.
  3. Cup your sternum below the collarbone (thumb on one side and fingers on the other). With the other hand, hold your fingers on your tummy.
  4. To create more room for everything, including your neck and shoulders feeling more spacious and able to hold up your head and DO everything more easily…
    With your right hand, cup your left shoulder near your neck
    Place your left hand under your left sit bone or near it
    After a few breathes, switch hands.
  1. Cup your fingers, one at a time (first one hand and then the other, starting with the thumb). This routine is called jumper cabling, and it helps to increase breath and balance emotions.

Keep Going!

Are you interested in knowing an energy flow pattern that takes less than 10 minutes? This energy flow can be used throughout the day, and it can create calm and breath as it works with every system in your body to bring balance and vitality.

It’s called the Daily Clean Your House Flow® , and it’s my gift to you and your family!

Hey Mom!  Give yourself a Happy Mother’s Day gift. Bring on the breath and calm and peace. Feel balance and harmony throughout your whole body.

Everyone in your life will appreciate you even more because you’re taking care of yourself. Enjoy your day and every day.

And LOTS of hugs! YOU deserve to be loved! 

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Magic in Your Own Fingertips

Two palms facing up witih a glowing light coming from the center

Have you ever known someone you just can’t get enough of? Someone that’s wise, and funny, and inspiring. For me, that’s Vilma Ginzberg.

I’ve worked with Vilma for over 13 years. She is a retired psychologist, an exceptional writer, and a poet laureate. I relay that information because even though she’s almost 97 years old, Vilma can still express her thoughts and have conversations consistently full of information and insights.

I am inspired every time I see her, and genuinely hope to be like her as I mature into her age.

She’s generous, too. In the beginning of one of my books, “Easy Self-Help Acupressure for Grown-Ups”, she wrote,

“Using Deborah Myers Daily Clean Your House Flow routine is better than being a couch potato. This routine, done daily like brushing your teeth, is easy and rewarding.”

When I recently saw Vilma, we discussed my work with schools and students of all ages, plus workplace wellness programs. I commented that I love helping others discover how to balance their energy daily so they get from where they are to where they want to be.

As I continued doing the energy flows with her, Vilma said that she felt the energy flowing, and it felt like magic. Then she elaborated,

“You know. We carry this magic in our back pockets all the time. Often, we just sit on it instead of pulling it out and making use of it.”

Vilma had hit the nail on the head!

We both started laughing because, as you may know, one of my favorite comments is that we walk around with our fingers 24/7. We just need to pull them out of our pockets and make use of our fingertips to touch energy balance points and help our bodies find physical, mental, and emotional balance and harmony.

Vilma and Deborah with fun Christmas hats

Vilma wanted me to show you our holiday picture. I brought the headbands along because I wanted to see that girl smile!

Yes, Sit on Your Hands!

Vilma and I also talked about how one of the Daily Clean Your House Flow® steps is sitting on your hands. That energy balance point is all about vitality and helps your body discover alignment.

When that point is in balance, we are genuinely pulling the magic out of our back pockets and connecting with all the possibilities that are ready to happen. We just have to give those possibilities a chance to show up.

Then there’s the pose that is sitting on one hand and holding the other hand on the opposite shoulder. That pose helps the body release blocked energy and move the energy throughout the body, allowing the meridians and channels to flow easily and effortlessly.

That is when the organs and body systems can fulfill their tasks, and your body experiences balance, rhythm, strength, health, comfort, stability, and happiness.

Can you see that when you help your body be prepared for whatever you want it to do, it WILL respond by taking you forward?

A Special Gift from Vilma

Here is the poem that Vilma wrote for me after the very first time she came for an in-person acupressure session.

healing hands

for Deborah Myers

© Vilma Ginzberg 09-22-2010

you invite me to your table

padded curved and angled

to accommodate my bone-outlined

flesh-defined body of exhaustion

I spread myself atop it

my yesterdays of try-to’s

planked across its ridges

unfinished have-to’s

making stiffened bridges

of old intent preserved in rock of habit

I hardly feel your first fingers

your touch puff-wing light   butterfly-soft

don’t you need something more jack-hammer-fisted I wonder

slow as morning light washes over doubt

melts layers of thought-armor

polishes the rusted jadedness

softly  subtly  slowly they come

subtle awakenings

stirrings of flesh    and feeling

worlds entire fall apart while other worlds congeal

universes faint away

give birth to new constellations

you move soundlessly around this altar to life

where I am both sacrificial lamb      and sacrament

soon I am as a sauce spilled on shapeless sheets

our mutual though silent rejoicing fills the empty spaces

outside the nearby window finches feed

gratefully on your thistle-seed

and some small uncaged bird in me

chirps again

Let’s pull your MAGIC out of your back pockets so you can achieve whatever you want to have happen in 2024!

Yes, I do in-person session at my home in Santa Rosa, CA, but I also help people to learn how to do self-help acupressure themselves.

Check my online calendar to see what might work best for you. Go to Deborah’s Calendar!




Start your year off with a gift to yourself

Do Anything Better workshop promo with determined lady

Is there something you want to achieve or exceed at this year? In your business, personal, or school life?

Let’s get you on the right path to manifest your dreams at my new Do Anything Better workshop!

At this 3-session class, you’ll discover easy self-help acupressure techniques. This experience will open the door to better performance, balanced emotions, and overall life improvement by learning how to manage your body’s energy.

Event Details & Registration! 

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How to Get Magic in Your Holiday Season

little girl with an awestruck face looking into magic box

Have you noticed? Even before Thanksgiving, we were inundated with ads and signs saying, “The holidays are here!” It feels like it’s been go, go, go time for weeks.

Has your stress level been elevated?

If you as an adult are suddenly feeling pressed for time and maybe even a bit overwhelmed with “all that has to be dealt with,” imagine what kids are experiencing.

They also react to all that talk and hype about Christmas and Santa. You might be seeing excitement, but that too can quickly turn into “going into a tizzy.”

Let’s help all of us – children and adults – discover that we can have magic and joy in the holiday season without the stuff called stress and anxiousness.

Let’s Work Some Magic

In my opinion, magic is what the holidays should be about. I think it’s important to enjoy the preparation for the season, whatever it might look like for you and your family. That is where the magic begins.

Whether you want to be in a space of contemplation or to step into the traditions that bring your family fun and joy as you prepare and experience the season – it should come with calm and the expectation of the magic.

Positivity Wins!

My family contends I’m a “Christmas nut” with lots of decorations, lights, and sparkle. I think I’m stepping into the magic, so move out of the way!

If you have extended family joining you for the holidays, you might find that you have even more on your plate and that your mind starts wondering which family members may create upset during the time together. That type of thinking can create anxiousness.

Well, we know that positive thinking is essential. Being proactive can stop stress from taking over.

Balance emotions and habits, and you will discover how easy it is to be positive, joyful, proactive, and take control of your own well-being. You can even change any negative patterns, like negative self-talk!

You can potentially help each member of your family be at ease and calm and NOT have stress and anxiousness. You’ll discover that you’ll be less reactive to situations and emotions.

Uncover the Magic

Here are some easy ways to empty the stress and uncover the magic and joy. You’ll also boost your immune system, improve sleep, and help your body avoid burn-out.

  1. Do the Daily Clean Your House Flow®, a nine-step self-help acupressure flow that’s easy and takes less than ten minutes to complete. As a nine-year-old succinctly told me, “It is the Daily Flow, so of course I do it every day! And I do it more than that!”Get the free animated video to show you all the steps. 👉
  2. Keep your breath open. Feel the expansiveness of the inhale and the letting go during the exhale. In the video you download, you’ll also get some energy tips that will expand your breath. Plan on doing them off and on throughout the day. There is no such thing as too much self-help.
  3. Give yourself lots of love! The first step of the Daily Flow is hugging yourself. It opens up breath, shows your body you are caring for it and connects with heart health.

Practise this flow daily or whenever you think you need a lift. You’ll experience an energy balance in your body that can change your day…for the positive.

Start building the magic for the weeks to come, and enjoy the holidays!

Let me know if you have any questions! Contact Deborah.


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How to make CHANGE easier

Labyrinth for change Deborah celebrate

Balance your energy and be in connection with Change

No matter what’s happening in your world, it’s all about the change that is taking place. And that is what life IS. Every moment of your day is a transition from what was before to what it is becoming.

Today, I want to share some easy acupressure tips to help you better manage change in your life, AND introduce you to my amazing new Labyrinth, which also supports change.

Whether you use the word change, transition, transformation, transfiguration, or shift, the meaning is “an alteration or modification; the substitution of one thing for another.”

I, for one, have not always stepped into change easily. That is one of the primary reasons I appreciate my daily energy balancing using self-help acupressure and Jin Shin Jyutsu. I want to be in a state and position where I can move through my days easily and calmly. And energy balancing IS all about creating the space in which grounding, centering, calming, and ease want to exist.

How are YOU with change?

How do you handle change? That is THE big question!Your body has energy systems, and energy MUST change. If energy becomes and stays stuck, it will become stagnant. And stagnant energy will affect your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states. It’s the stuck energy that can create “health problems.”

By the way, instead of health problems, I prefer using the phrase “health projects” because projects have a beginning and an end and are much more fun to work with. ~Deborah Myers

Move Your Body’s Energy

So, here is the key. Move your body’s energy by placing your fingertips on energy balance points to move the energy from one spot to another. Your body will respond by “letting go” of anything in the way of, so that you are:

  • being balanced
  • feeling ease and calm
  • being healthy and pain-free
  • having vitality
  • being productive
  • having focus and clarity
  • balancing emotions
  • improving the performance of anything you want to do better

You name what you want to improve, and you can create the space to help it happen. The following energy balancing tips are a great place to start.

ENERGY TIP: To release the tension around “old patterns” and help change them, these will also help let go of clenching jaw or teeth and “holding” your breath.

  1. Right hand – cup sternum directly below clavicle (collar bone)
    *Left hand – hold fingertips in a vertical pattern below the naval
  2. To eliminate the “need” to effort and to create a new pattern – use this as a trigger point to create the new pattern
    * Hold the outside of both knees using your fingertips
  3. To release the “accumulation” of the old pattern and “consequences of holding on to the old pattern”
    * Cross arms holding the outside edge of your shoulder blades

Done daily, self-help acupressure can help bring about transition and transformation by unblocking and balancing your energy, so you can work with change.

A Labyrinth for Change

Even when going through a significant change, like moving from your home of many years, you can help make it easier and calmer. That’s what I’m in the midst of, and though it’s tough at times, I’m mostly staying in a place of hope, faith, and trust that gives me the space to allow and surrender to what the universe has to bring.

Then along comes my friend Lea Goode-Harris to add some magic to my garden with a new labyrinth! Now, one of my favorite places to be, this labyrinth is helping to make a difference.

Labyrinth build 1

Labyrinth build 2

Labyrinth build 3

A labyrinth is a circular curving path that leads to a center. When you walk the path to the center and back, it is known to “provide a path to practice change.”

I’ve always dreamed of having a labyrinth in my garden. Lea is a master labyrinth designer and we mulled over ideas for over six years. The idea of a plan became a “big project” that would’ve taken a lot of time, energy, and funds to make it happen. So, I put the project on the back burner.

A few weeks ago, Lea said, “It’s time for you, your garden, and your property to have that labyrinth. Let’s do it and create a simple and small version of what we had planned so you and your home can step into your next chapters.”

We did just that!

And on one Saturday morning, my garden labyrinth was born! It went faster with manual help from Octavio, my garden and landscape assistant.

If you’ve been with me for a while, you’ll know that I have loved creating my garden as an oasis. And now, the labyrinth is another way to enjoy the space. And whenever my home changes ownership, the new residents will have another beautiful way to enjoy the garden and embrace their own change.

The Joy of Walking a Labyrinth

If you have ever walked a labyrinth – you know how inspirational it can be. It’s a beautiful way to experience grounding, centering, balancing, and joy. As Lea explains, “They are instrumental in providing a path to practice change.”

“Labyrinths are symbols of hope, wonder, and self-discovery. They are a perfect place to plant seeds for the future.”  ~Lea Goode-Harris

I have walked my labyrinth several times daily over the last several weeks. I did so with deep thought, prayer, and willingness to accept the challenges and changes the universe and the divine are bringing my way.

Labyrinth thanks, namaste, Deborah

As a result, I found it easier to deal with the craziness thrown at me with what could have become a major technical fiasco for my business. After a Zoom account melt down, it’s taken a lot of discussions and strategizing with Zoom, and with fantastic customer service, it appears it’s all working out. A change to move forward.

I also know that the magic of this labyrinth is bringing the space to receive the new owners who will fall in love with my home. The day after Lea and I created it, over 13 couples/families showed up at an open house in two hours. The flow of energy is bringing the new family here soon.

To read more about labyrinths and see what my friend, Lea Goode-Harris, has accomplished in her world, check out her website at Be ready to step into the world of labyrinth magic!

How about YOU?

Do you have ways that help you magically move through life? Help your body and overall wellness with self-help acupressure, and incorporate experiences like labyrinth walking, or other tools. Change is inevitable.

Living in your body with reduced stress, increased mindfulness, and feeling better about yourself will help you transition through whatever change is happening in your life. Change IS happening all the time – so make it easier!

Whether it’s change with your physical body, personal life, relationships, or business – change doesn’t have to be tough.  Just be aware that you can ease your way through it.


Get more insights and help to manage change >> Change and Resistance.


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Corona Virus Prevention Recommendations

Virus ProtectionThis thing called the coronavirus is taking many folks to a worrisome “what is next?” place. Here’s what I want to suggest to you!


Utilize easy ways to boost your immune system so you can consistently stay on top of this and potentially prevent infection or at least minimize the severity. In essence, it’s all about immune resilience!


What follows are some prevention strategies. Please let me know if you have any questions!


The top of MY list to boost immune resilience is stress reduction.

Why? When the body is experiencing stress and holding onto it, the immune system will get affected. It’s a natural reaction.


How on earth are we supposed to reduce stress in the midst of all of this craziness? We’re questioning what we’re supposed to do. How can we best take care of ourselves and others and sort out misinformation? And how can we best NOT go into a place of fear that creates MORE stress?


Reduce stress by doing the Daily Clean Your House Flow!

This 9-step self-help acupressure flow (it takes anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes to do) is super easy to learn and get around to doing because the benefits are noticeable! Your breath will expand. And you will experience that relaxing feeling of “all is good.”


And, please note this flow connects with your immune, endocrine, and adrenal systems to add extra support and give them a boost.


Many people say that the Daily Clean Your House Flow is a built-in meditation practice — true even for folks who say, “I can’t meditate, my body won’t do that.” You can experience a feeling of calm without trying to make it happen. And you’ll replenish your body at the same time!


Click here to get the printed version of the Daily Clean Your House Flow AND extra energy tips for expanding breath, releasing anxiety, increasing clarity and focus, and relieving pain and discomfort. All of that, by the way, is all about reducing stress!


Share this information

Want to share this with friends and family members? Send them to my website at and have them click on the button – “Learn the Daily Flow! Get Focused Now!” And they’ll receive a copy of this exclusive Insider’s Guide.


And for a super quick and easy boost for immune and breath:

  • Right Hand – cup right shoulder with fingers at the top inside corner of the shoulder blade (near the neck); you’re holding an energy balance point that connects to the immune system.
  • Left Hand – hold fingers on the left chest below the collarbone; you’re holding an energy balance point that is all about lung breath and distributing that breath to every cell of your being.
  • Switch hands to do the other side.


More prevention strategies


1.    Take probiotics (and add fermented food to your diet)

2.    Reduce sugar and other sweeteners

3.    Avoid taking unnecessary antibiotics

4.    Exercise regularly – it supports cardio, respiratory and lymphatic health

5.    Get enough rest –restorative sleep allows your body to replenish the supportive systems in your body (immune, endocrine, and adrenal systems)

6.    Keep your body hydrated – make sure you’re getting adequate fluid; maybe add coconut water to your regimen

7.    Keep inflammation down –

  • Consider adding a high-quality omega supplement (essential fatty acids).
  • Determine whether you are getting adequate electrolytes. You may need sodium, potassium, and magnesium as food and supplements to create electrolyte balance.
  • By the way, magnesium helps reduce inflammation, and it’s available as an easy-to-use oil and oil spray).

8.    Have zinc lozenges available if you feel any cold-like symptoms beginning. Zinc can potentially reduce the severity of colds. But be careful. More than 150 mg/day may lead to zinc toxicity with side effects.


Preventative Actions

Here are the steps we’re hearing a lot about and are super important to be thinking about consistently:

  1. 1.    Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
  2. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. Have some in your car and purse
  3. After coming into contact with shared surfaces like doorknobs and car door handles, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.
  4. Cover your cough or sneeze (do so into your elbow)
  5. Change your handshake to an elbow-bump
  6. Most importantly, stay home when you are sick and seek medical attention if symptoms worsen.

Recommended Reading

I selected several articles that give tons of quality information to help us be better informed. The data will help us make intelligent choices that we can do to keep healthy. Each of us can be a partner with our bodies. We need to be consciously aware of what we can do to strengthen our immune systems!


The following article is by Dr. Shiroko Sokitch, a Certified Acupuncturist and Functional Medicine Doctor in Santa Rosa. Shiroko is a seeker of solutions and healing, and her words are indeed an amazing overview of how we can make a difference in our bodies. Her expansive knowledge of different healing methods have given her the reputation as an authority for patients with difficult, or impossible, conditions.


“How to Avoid Coronavirus, The Power of the Immune System”

How to Avoid Coronavirus



The following article by Dr. Bridge Somine is FULL of great insights and suggestions. Dr. Somine is a naturopathic health care provider at Farmacopia. Visit the Santa Rosa Integrative Wellness Clinic, where they operate an apothecary (both onsite and online). Lily Mazzarella, the owner of Farmacopia and her staff consistently impress me. They are significant assets that bring wellness to our community both near and far.


“Coronavirus – Holistic Strategies for Building Immune Resilience”


Boost Your Wellness

And remember!! To boost your immune system – do the Daily Clean Your House Flow! It’s also available as an animated video. I created it for kids, but adults love it just as much.  Let’s all get and stay as energetically balanced and healthy as possible!!


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!


For additional information about using zinc lozenges.

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Sleep Secrets

sleeping woman in the forest and lakeSleep is a magical space that gives our bodies on all levels (physically, mentally, and emotionally) the opportunity to be stronger and healthier and to have more vitality. That all sounds great!  But when you can’t seem to get to sleep or get back to sleep, what can you do?

Getting to Sleep

I pull my self-help acupressure tools out of my tool bag. One of the best is to:

  1. Hold your fingertips on the base of your skull,
    right fingertips on the right side and left on the left side.
  2. Then start jumper cabling — gently cup each thumb and finger, one at a time, beginning with the thumb on one hand and then moving to the next hand.
  3. Hold each for at least several good deep breaths. 

And, if you’re not asleep by then, start your jumper cables over. It’s all about helping your body break the old energy pattern of “no sleep” and bringing on a new way of being.

Belize 2020

Also, you can bring a dynamic change to your environment by bringing in the movement of water. Now, I just came from the waters off Belize. I was sleeping like a baby each night! In fact, for someone who never naps, I found myself taking snoozes during the day. Granted, I was on vacation, but this girl never takes naps. For me, water is the key — being around it and being in it.

Water is Nature’s Sleep Aide

The activity of swimming and snorkeling and hearing the surf while walking on the beach helps the whole body let go. Besides, floating down a river through caves and touring an ancient Mayan cave brought lots of adventure.

And holding the base of the skull and then doing your jumper cables brings your body immediately to that place of ease and openness. It connects with the “rivers of energy” that move vertically and diagonally through your body. When you hold your acupressure points, you are connecting with those meridians and channels that bring your body into balance.

For those of us who live near the ocean or the sea or a river, we are hopefully taking time to enjoy the beautiful blue space that mother nature gives to us. The sound of the blue space brings happiness, and it’s beneficial for the energy body to discover balance, harmony, and easy movement.

Bring Water to Your Sleep Routine

If you’re not near the water or don’t have enough opportunities to be there, bring water TO you. The sound of water moving in fountains, both outside and inside, can quickly help your mind let go, create space, and allow you to drift off as if you’re walking along the beach. It truly has restorative effects.

Studies have found that people who (at least occasionally) walk along the coast or along rivers experience a “significantly longer night’s sleep than those who don’t create the time to do so.”

The results may not be wholly surprising. The number of sleep aids on the market connected to the sea, such as CDs featuring ocean sounds, suggests possible links between the coast and conditions suitable for sleep.

Sleep, Blue Space, Green Space

“The Guardian” has some great articles about utilizing both blue spaces and green spaces for health and happiness.

The benefits of “blue space” — the sea and coastline, but also rivers, lakes, canals, waterfalls, even fountains – are less well publicised, yet the science has been consistent for at least a decade: being by water is good for body and mind.

Proximity to water – especially the sea – is associated with many positive measures of physical and mental wellbeing, from higher levels of vitamin D to better social relations. “Many of the processes are exactly the same as with green space – with some added benefits,” says Dr. Mathew White, a senior lecturer at the University of Exeter and an environmental psychologist with BlueHealth, a programme researching the health and wellbeing benefits of blue space across 18 (mostly European) countries.

Even a fountain may do. A 2010 study (of which White was lead author) found that images of built environments containing water were generally rated just as positively as those of only green space; researchers suggested that the associated sound scape and the quality of light on water might be enough to have a restorative effect.

Lessons Learned

Both groups reported they felt happier, calmer, more alert, and slept better and longer after their walks.

But Ratcliffe, who herself has happy memories of childhood seaside walks and cycle rides at Aldeburgh in Suffolk, found that coastal walkers experienced a “significantly” longer night’s sleep than the inland group.

The results may not be wholly surprising. The number of sleep aids on the market connected to the sea, such as CDs featuring ocean sounds, suggests possible links between the coast and conditions suitable for sleep.

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Self-Care Workshops

Build a Sustainable Wellness Practice

2020 Wellness Workshops

cute girl thinking

Kick off the year with a Twenty-Twenty Vision Workshop

  • You’ll increase your productivity and focus
  • Gain momentum
  • Discard obstacles in your way
  • Use the power of attraction to get more of what you want in your life
  • Reduce your anxiety and stress levels
  • And discover how to enjoy harmony and balance

Wednesday, February 26, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at coLAB

Tuition is $69 and includes your choice of one of my books:Easy Self-help Acupressure for Grown-ups orEasy Self-help Acupressure for kids and parents

The workshop will be held in Santa Rosa at coLAB, 427 Mendocino Ave., 95401

To register, go to the registration page or call me At 707-546-5692 to register.

Download a 2020 Wellness Workshop 2020 Vision flyer and share it with people you love.

heartsWorkshops are great Valentine’s gifts and I have gift certificates available.

Level One Wellness Workshop

Easy Self-Help Acupressure Banner

Put the power of wellness into your hands

When you want to go deeper into the benefits and practices of easy self-help acupressure, sign up for the next Level One Workshop. A perfect way for you to see and learn hands-on. A Comprehensive Workbook comes with  our registration.

Nine hours over three Thursdays evenings in March will set you up With the tools you need for a sustainable wellness practice.

3 Thursdays: March 12, 19, 26 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at coLAB            

Early Bird: $399.00 Tuition: $469.00 Review: $379.00

CEU’S available

To register online: or call me at 707.546.5692

Download the 2020 Wellness Workshop Level One Flyer V7 and share with your friends

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Stress-Proof Your Kid

Stress-Proof Your Kid

Stress-Proof Your Kid

Before the holidays begin and family gatherings, this is the perfect time to lessen the pressure building up in your kids.

My pre-Thanksgiving treat for kids, parents, and all kinds of families is a free 45-minute webinar. I’ll share 3 prime ways to “Stress-Proof Your Kids.”

All you have to do is sign-up for an invitation (and join my community).

Free Live Webinar

The live webinar is scheduled for November 20 at 7:00 pm PDT. You can take part in the webinar using a computer, smartphone, tablet, or landline. I promise to leave time for Q&A. Those who register will also get a link to the recording.

Download a Flyer

Stress-Proof-QR-Code is a flyer that will provide you with an easy way to get to the registration page where you can get all the details for the event. This flyer includes a scannable QR-Code.

  1. To use the QR-Code, hover your smartphone camera over the code
  2. Your smart device will ask if you want to open the page in a browser window.
  3. You don’t even need to print the flyer, you can hover your phone in front of your computer screen.
  4. And, if you want to share the flyer, please feel free. There will be folks joining us from around the country.

If QR-Codes aren’t your cup of tea, click here to get to the registration page.

Have a Happier Holiday Season with your Stress-Proof Kid

Did I mention, this is a free event. You’ll have a happier holiday when you learn how to “Stress-Proof Your Kids.”

Invite someone you love and share the good stuff.



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Ah(choo) Spring!

Allergy SuffererAre you sick and tired of the symptoms of allergies?

Feeling any of these symptoms:

  • sinus congestion
  • sneezing
  • headaches
  • itchy watery eyes
  • itchy throat
  • a stuffy or runny nose

If you are constantly dealing with any or all of those miserable symptoms, you are most likely noticing a loss of productivity. These symptoms impact sleep and vitality in a big way. Spring grasses, weeds, and tree pollen (allergens) can bring on those pesky discomforts. If you are like me, you don’t want to hide inside. You want to enjoy what Mother Nature has created for you. 

3 easy ways to reduce the misery of seasonal allergies

Follow along and learn how to reduce reactivity to the pollen floating around outside.

Use acupressure to relieve allergy symptoms

Jasmine came for a Jin Shin Jyutsu session feeling uncomfortable and lousy. Swollen, weepy eyes. Her head hurt. Jasmine had intense sinus congestion.  She had been doing all the right things to boost her immune system: lots of self-help acupressure flows and drinking lots of water. It seemed like an uphill battle and she was on the losing side. She left our 90-minute session in comfort and ease. She could breathe deeply. Her face was no longer puffy, and her cheekbones reappeared.

Why did Jin Shin relieve Jasmine’s allergies?

Our bodies are made of energy. Energy needs to flow. Conditions, illnesses, and injuries are evidence of blocked energy. Acupressure helps energy flow. It allows the body to let go of symptoms and heal.

Now, when Jasmine does her daily self-help acupressure, she will notice the benefits more readily. And everything else she does for herself will help her body be happier, healthier and more comfortable.

Hydration!  Drink lots of water!

Allergies have a tendency to dry out our systems. It’s important to hydrate your body. Avoiding dehydration will boost your immune system and help maintain normal histamine levels. Read more about it in this article from,

Lubricate your body adequately with good fluids, including electrolytes, and all layers and levels of your body will notice the difference. Your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic levels will all cooperate with each other and bring health.

Eat anti-inflammatory foods

Beat seasonal allergies the natural way by adding anti-inflammatory foods to your grocery list. Pineapple, which contains the enzyme known as bromelain, fish oil, and fresh ginger are just a few that will reduce allergic reactions.

Check out a more complete list at

To read more about seasonal allergies go to

Got Questions about Allergies?

Leave a comment below or contact me directly.

Wishing you a beautiful and enjoyable spring without the misery of allergies!

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Get your copy of the six-minute Daily Clean Your House Flow animated video.

It’s my gift to you!! Click here..