Stress in Summer – What a Bummer!

Posted on July 31, 2024 by Deborah Myers

Woman cooling face with table fan

Summer is SUPPOSED to be FUN! Right?! That’s what we all plan for.

From our early childhood, most of us couldn’t wait for school to be over. Then we could do all the fun activities we wanted to do, and not the things we HAD to do, especially studying, tests and exams, and being in bed at a particular time.

My memories as a kid included bicycling daily, going to the lake to fish and swim, hanging out with friends, and reading all the fiction I could get my hands on.

Remember those days? What did you look forward to every summer – where you could almost predict the weather and how your days would unfold?

Now, here we are as adults. We definitely do things differently in the summer. Our activities revolve around being outside and using the longer daylight hours. And of course, most of us are all about enjoying the sun and the warm, balmy weather.

But we seem to now be living with extremes, which can bring on a lot of unexpected mental and physical stress.


glowing sunset, fire, and thermometer

Because of the heat and wind, many are dealing with uncontrolled fires that create havoc, cause loss of homes, and result in losing a sense of well-being. I know that many areas of Canada and the United States are experiencing all that and much more because of fires and drought.

All that smoke affects the quality of air and our breathing. Instead of enjoying being outside, people are forced to stay indoors. Many people are having major respiratory issues show up. Other health issues create the need for medical intervention.

On the other side, many areas are experiencing intense rain. The weather is taxing their infrastructures – properties are flooded, roads are torn apart, and water systems are failing. Because of drainage and flooding issues, people are forced to boil water until the water systems are repaired.

Yep. Mother Nature is demonstrating that we have absolutely no control over our regular summer routines or the special activities and trips we have put into our calendars.


pondering woman looking through window at rain

So, why my dissertation about Mother Nature and our hopes and plans for ‘normal’ weather to enjoy our summer?

Did you plan a fun adventure for yourself or your family but it got disrupted because where you were going is no longer feasible, or unforeseen weather events have occurred in or near your home that are thwarting your plans?

You may very well be experiencing the stress of figuring out how to deal with it all, what options you might have, or how to look after yourself and your family.

To support your mental, emotional, and physical stress, it is essential to help your body FEEL at ease and calm, to have your body experience expansive inhale and exhale, full vitality, and the ability to go with the flow no matter what is happening in your world.

What your body wants more than anything is the ability to be prepared for whatever you’re going to ask it to do and be prepared for whatever might come towards it. That could be physical or mental or emotional.

We don’t plan on experiencing stress, but we live in a world where stress exists, and when your routines and plans are impacted or blown up, they CAN be stress-inducing.


So, here is the key. YOU can help your body feel prepared, cared for, healthy, and vital no matter what happens around you.

Spend time each day balancing your energy by doing:

  • self-help acupressure
  • meditating
  • breath exercises
  • doing yoga or Qi Gong
  • walking
  • gardening
  • forest bathing
  • beach exploring


Do what you can do under your circumstances. When you can, create physical experiences as you discover or rediscover the beautiful places you can visit and enjoy near where you live.

And if you have plans and maybe even a vacation that just got reconfigured because Mother Nature or something crazy took place, just recognize that YOU can help your body avoid the consequences of stress.

Instead, help your body recognize that change does not mean there is a space for anxiousness to be created.


Women holding neck and elbow for relief

Here are some self-help acupressure tips I’ve been using for myself for the last few days.

I’m one of those folks having to accept that we need to change our plans. Our family camping vacation is now being redefined because of fires in Northern California. And, as I’m doing my energy flows, I’m also sending ease and calm and balancing flows to those who have been impacted by the traumatic experiences they’re going through.

You can do the same by using the following simple energy tips. Use your fingertips and hold the suggested acupressure points with a very light, gentle touch as you do them. And remember, there is no wrong because there is no right.

  1. The Daily Clean Your House Flow™. Doing the Daily Flow brings me balance and a firm foundation for my physical, mental, and emotional well-being. (If you don’t know the Daily Flow, you can get it here).
  2. Jumper Cables. It’s the 9th step of the Daily Clean Your House Flow. My body immediately experiences deeper breathing and brings calmness as my body says, “You don’t need to go to worry, fear, frustration, sadness, or trying too hard or too much. In fact, your body doesn’t want to live in any of those spaces.”
  3. Cup your sternum under the collarbone and hold your other hand on your tummy. This simple energy hold brings breath and calm and lubricates all your tissues, including your throat, sinuses, eyes, and ears, as well as your muscles, ligaments, and tendons. This simple energy tip will help with shortness of breath and dry throat.
  4. Hold the base of your skull and the outside of the wrist to connect with the entire nervous system. It will bring calm, the ability to connect with focus and clarity and let go of any anxiousness. It looks like this:
    Right hand – hold the right base of the skull
    Left hand – hold outside of right wrist on little finger side
  5. And use your Thermostat Controller if you need to cool down!
    Hold the outside of your knees. This is how you can regulate your body temperature. It’s also an anti- inflammatory point. So, it’s a great energy point to have in your “remember to do this off and on throughout the day”.


I wish for you a fun-filled and safe summer, whether it’s planned or spontaneous. Stay stress-free and remember to GO WITH THE FLOW!



About Deborah Myers

Deborah Myers is passionate about empowering others to live life in a balanced and healthy way. After a car accident that left her with a back injury and chronic pain, Deborah finally found relief through acupressure and Jin Shin Jyutsu. This led her on a personal quest to find out more about these ancient healing techniques. She graduated as a certified acupressurist from the Acupressure Institute in Berkeley, California, and then pursued training under well-respected Jin Shin Jyutsu masters, making the commitment to share what she had learned with others. Deborah founded Health At Your Fingertips in 1995 so she could use her knowledge of mind and body to help people find relief from pain, reduce stress, and embody well-being. Today, this thriving endeavor is Deborah Myers Wellness—the go-to resource for energy balancing.
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