Get Frustration Out of Your Picture!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels


One of the most frequent phrases I’ve heard lately is, “I’m so frustrated!” Are YOU frustrated and finding that it’s hard to stay focused, handle everything on your plate, and get things accomplished? It only makes sense if you find yourself in that place! We live in a world with high levels of uncertainty, confusion, stress, and disruption. Most people find it easy to get distracted by the troubles going on around them. They want to get things done. We’re in for more unsettling moments for a while longer, so it’s pretty essential to get on the other side of the frustration.


Change Your Patterns


You can lower the temperature in the room and make it through the commotion. It would help if you were kind to yourself, remain calm, figure out what needs to change, and give yourself time to implement the changes. To help you let go of dissatisfaction, let’s consider some ways that allow you to feel relaxed and experience ease.


  1. Make a list of what you love to do to relax
  2. Designate times during the day that are all about “relaxing and taking care of me.”
  3. Have a meditation practice
  4. Have an exercise program
  5. Eat sensibly
  6. Get restful and rejuvenating sleep
  7. Plan, organize, and prioritize what you want to and need to accomplish; make it realistic
  8. Explore ways to balance your emotions and feelings

Balance Emotions and Feel Empowered


Feelings are important because they give you information about what you need to address before getting bigger and taking over. Whether it’s frustration, worry, fear, sadness, or efforting that is creating upset, you can help minimize these discomforts before they take your breath away.


You CAN manage and balance your emotions throughout the day, so stress doesn’t have room to hang out!


Here are some ideas for you:


1. If you don’t know about it, the Daily Clean Your House Flow is a nine-step self-help acupressure flow that you can do in 10 minutes a day. Many folks spend over 10 minutes because they find it a super-simple way to relax, meditate, experience deep breathing, let go of many aches and pains, and balance emotions.

2. Jumper Cabling, the last step of the Daily Flow, is all about balancing emotions and taking the punch out of stress. Gently cup each thumb and finger—each connects to helping the body experience calm and ease.

Get Frustration Out of Your Picture


To reduce frustration and the effects of frustration:

  1. Cup the middle fingers
  2. Right hand—hold fingers at the right base of the skull
    Left hand—hold fingers at the outside of the right wrist.
  3. Right hand—cup the forehead with fingers on the left side
    Left hand—cup base of the skull with fingers on the right side


To get the step-by-step of the Daily Clean Your House Flow, look for the purple button on my website “Learn the Daily Flow” and click the button to start your free download.


Please let me know if you have questions! And I’d love to hear about the results you get when you create YOUR daily practice of balancing your energy!


I wish all of you a beautiful, prosperous, joyous, and VERY Happy New Year! It’s possible when you allow yourself to experience life with ease and calm.

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How to Reduce Stress and Have Your Joy

Did you know that stress can steal your joy? Let’s change that picture!!

Happy multi-generational family in the snow

Joy is such a glorious experience. It’s a feeling that can bring you to a place of gratitude for what you have and allow you to experience a sense of wonder and delight in the possibilities.

I’m all about joy, especially during the holidays. The spirit of the season and the colors, lights, and sparkle make me smile. I love holiday magic!

Stress takes away the magic

weary mom with toddlers running in the background

Then here comes stress, that thing that lives on the other side of the proverbial coin. And, right now, the stress level is exceptionally high because of the holidays, the pandemic, travel plans affected, civil unrest, decision fatigue, interrupted sleep patterns, loss of vitality, too much computer time, the list goes on and on.

Stress can take away your juice, affect the quality of your life, and cause you to lose your appreciation of life. In that realm, how on earth can we have great expectations and be positive?? So, it’s no wonder that stress can affect your ability to communicate your feelings and thus influence your relationships. If it’s tough to be positive, it will show up in how you are with anyone, whether in person or virtual, on Zoom, or on the phone.

So, maybe that’s why it can be so tricky during the holidays to be with your loved ones, especially if you’re amid a stressful period. Sad to say, most of us are experiencing high levels of stress. Much of that is because we’re in a “not knowing state of being.” Humans want to know and need to know what’s around the corner. Most of us don’t want to admit that we don’t know! And yet we need to express ourselves.

You can choose to live a reactive or a proactive life

Are you in a place of wanting and maybe even needing to express some of your hidden emotions?? You are not alone!! Did you know that when you communicate your feelings, you will more easily let go of any stress you’re carrying? And that you can even help prevent burnout??

The trick is to recognize you’re feeling something and then acknowledge that you reacted to whatever was going on, whether it was a physical, mental, or emotional reaction. THAT is an awareness that allows you to be on a path of changing how you’re feeling. And then the stress can deconstruct and transform and help you strip away what doesn’t matter.

Changing the patterns of stress

  1. Look at what is “wrong,” what is stressful, and what you want to change. You’re capable of making it through these times. Look at what you’ve already been through in all parts of your life, what you changed to make it to where you are, and then KNOW that you can do it again.
  2. Change up negative self-talk. Once you’ve noticed that you’re doing it, you’ll recognize that you’re uncomfortable with it. THAT is the moment you can address the talk and change it up.
  3. When you’re in that better place of positive self-talk, those around you will notice it too. You will see evidence that you can more easily express your feelings and not hold things in. So, speak and be true to yourself! Be positive, and it will be easier to have gratitude live within you. And you’ll smile more often!
  4. Recognize that change is just that. And if you’re questioning your ability to change old ways, acknowledge that “you just don’t know how to do the “new thing” yet. You just don’t know yet how to do it differently from how you’ve done it before!! In that moment of realization, you are on the road to change.
  5. Get support. We rarely recognize how important it is to bring another voice into the picture. Ask for “a listening ear.” Maybe it’s a friend or a colleague who will be your sounding board as you unload. That process lets go of the mind chatter so you can get on the other side of “the voices inside.”
  6. Get some movement happening. Exercise, walk, garden, whatever you do will trigger a positive feeling, feel emotionally stronger, and lower stress.
  7. Create a daily practice that is super simple to accomplish. When it becomes a routine that you and your body discover is supportive and healing, you will FEEL stronger, healthier, more vital, and more prepared for whatever comes along.

Discover that rituals help your day begin with optimism and continue with joy

Woman with her face covered in tiny hearts

Have hope and faith that the changes you want in your body and life can happen! Embrace the possibility and relax with the process.
Balance emotions and habits, and you will discover how easy it is to be positive, be joyful, be proactive, and take control of your own well-being.

YOU are worth it!

Are you ready for a daily practice that is easy to accomplish??

  1. Do the Daily Clean Your House Flow, a nine-step self-help acupressure flow that is super easy to do and takes less than ten minutes to complete. As a nine-year-old so succinctly told me, “It is the Daily Flow, so of course I do it every day! And I do it more than that!”
  2. Keep your breath open. Feel the expansiveness of the inhale and the letting go during the exhale. Go to my website, click on the purple button “Learn the Daily Flow,” and you’ll get some energy tips that will expand your breath. Plan on doing them off and on throughout the day. There is no such thing as too much self-help!!
  3. Give yourself lots of love! The first step of the Daily Flow is giving yourself a hug. It opens up breath, shows your body you are taking care of it, and it connects with heart health.
  4. Throughout the day, manage your feelings so stress doesn’t have room to hang out.
    A super simple energy movement that allows you to express yourself.
    Right hand—cup sternum directly below the collarbone
    Left hand—hold your fingers on your tummy


By the way, I’m taking singing lessons, and I cup my sternum and hold my tummy a lot! It opens up my breath, softens my throat and vocal cords, drops my jaw, opens up my face muscles, and projects my voice. If I may say so myself—it’s astonishing how far I have come with my singing! Mostly when I had lost my singing voice after surgery.

Read more about letting go of negativity and stress:

And see what Psychology Today says about stress and joy:

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Hope, Faith & Energy Workshop Series

Let go of all your challenges. It’s time to celebrate the holidays with fun and joy!

Change is natural. Yet you may find that you need help to make the changes you want in your body, life, or the world. You may feel it’s taking too much hard work to get that change to happen.

You can learn to embrace change and relax with the process!

In this workshop, we’ll combine acupressure and neural science discoveries. You’ll practice partnering with your body to shift your response to change and stay in balance. And you will enjoy the holidays a lot more!

Balance emotions and habits, and you will discover how easy it is to be positive

Amid all that is going on in our world, it is super important to turn down the stress and anxiety meter and find joy and positivity.


COVID-19 and Change

Have you been noticing the emotional rollercoasters as you continue to be in various stages of lock-down??

If you have kids in your life, you will most likely notice that they are experiencing the same difficulties. All of us have experienced an interruption of everyday routines during this year. Our social interactions have shifted from in-person to on-screen. Human beings need physical contact to thrive, yet we fear the peril that may come with touch.

What if you could recognize and acknowledge the surrounding changes in a way that takes you out of reaction and into positive action?


Does any of the following impact you?

  • Feeling stressed and anxious
  • Feeling a loss of breath
  • Experiencing decision fatigue
  • Feeling tired, unproductive, overwhelmed
  • State of mind, fear, apathy, apprehension, confusion
  • Hard to find joy and feel happy
  • Your recovery from a challenging personal event
  • Too much time in front of the computer and a loss of in-person interaction


You Can Feel Better if You Know How to Balance Your Body

  • Experience your body as an energy system—be in touch with your body and discover breath, ease, calm, and vitality. You’ll even notice when your body is giving you a message so you can DO something about it.
  • Manage feelings and emotions—recognize them and re-pattern them so you can more easily have positive, smoother experiences instead of stumbling blocks
  • Boost the immune, endocrine, and adrenal systems—prepare your body to become healthier, more robust. You will be better prepared to handle potential exposure to viruses and bacteria


Stay Calm and Carry On

If creating a sense of calm and curiosity appeal to you, this three-part workshop series is right for you.

We will cover:

  • Creative ways to appreciate yourself
  • Cognitive Behavioral Theory
  • Using Easy Self-Help Acupressure to keep in balance


Take Control of What You Can

Ready to take responsibility for your well-being? Give yourself a gift of Hope, Faith & Energy, and enjoy the holidays. Set yourself up to begin the new year.


Hope, Faith & Energy Workshop

I’m excited about my upcoming workshop to prepare for the holidays. And I’d love YOU to be there! I want this to be a fantastic season for you and your family! And I want to share how you can more easily get that to happen.


Register for the workshop using this link. And, if you can’t attend the live class, you’ll be able to access the recording.


You are worth it!!
Your investment in your improved health:
Only $97.00 for all 3 class meetings!!

The meetings will take place via Zoom on the following Tuesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:00 pm


November 24th
December 1st
December 8th


You will receive an email with instructions for joining the workshop after you register. You can take part via computer, mobile devices, or phone.


Ready to take responsibility for your well-being? Give yourself a gift of Hope, Faith & Energy, and enjoy the holidays.

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Hope, Faith & Energy

Hope, Faith & Energy

Are you feeling at odds, unhappy, maybe lonely? Are you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what you should do next to clear the to-do list? Perhaps you’re also taking care of others, and you have their feelings and needs to look after, too.

If you have all of that going on and even more “stuff,” you might experience a sense of hopelessness, feeling that it’s never going to change. And, with all of that, you’re most likely experiencing some fatigue. Dealing with it is just too much!

Look at everything that is going on in this crazy world. COVID-19, social distancing, massive civil unrest, fires or hurricanes or flooding depending on where you live, evacuations, destruction, the election. Okay. The list is already too long, especially since each one of those can create stress and anxiety and the feeling that “it’s just too much.” No wonder we hear the phrase “pandemic fatigue.”

Kids are Feeling Stressed Out

What’s sad is that children are experiencing the same stress, overwhelm, not knowing what’s coming next, frustration, and sadness. They feel exhausted by social distancing, not being with their friends, and feeling hemmed in.

How do we cope and get on the other side of it? It’s super important to help our bodies get to that place. Otherwise, our bodies will think they are in constant trauma.

Trauma Adds Stress

Trauma and the effects of trauma bring us to a place of being on edge, wary, confused, even holding our breath. Energetically, trauma causes the energy pathways to get blocked and stuck. Energy needs to move, and it needs to change. Otherwise, our bodies will manifest “projects” that can cause unhealthiness and chronic fatigue. (Instead of problems, let’s use the word projects. They’re more fun to work with, and they have a beginning and an end).

Tips for Reducing the Effects of Stress

I have some easy-to-do ideas on how to get on the other side of it all.

Number One

We can help our bodies get out of confusion and create calm. You can do easy self-help acupressure to let go of fatigue and develop physical, mental, and emotional balance. It will help you sleep easily, feel healthy, be happy and joyful, have clarity and focus, increase self-esteem, and feel optimistic about tomorrow and beyond.  That’s where hope and faith come into the picture! (There’s a link at the end of the article to get you to easy self-help energy tips).

Number Two

I think we need to take Oprah’s advice that I read in her recent Inspiration Newsletter. We need to embrace hygge, the Danish art of coziness. Danes rank as the happiest people in the world, even today.  How do they get to that place?

Man smiling, crowned with flowers

Photo by Daria Rem from Pexels

What the Danes Do to Feel Happier

The Danish make sure that several essential elements are part of their daily lives, including relaxed thoughtfulness, meditation, and time spent with others. And, yes, we can spend time with others without actual physical contact. Now more than ever, we need to create time with others that create an atmosphere that is warm, relaxed, friendly, down-to-earth, close, comfortable, snug, and welcoming. It is like a friendly hug—but without the physical contact. In this situation, you can be yourself and relax completely. Therefore, the art of hygge is also the art of expanding your comfort zone to include other people.

So, I guess we have to do it with social distancing and maybe even over Zoom. No matter what, create the time for cozy togetherness! Our bodies, hearts, and souls hunger for it!

Another significant element the Danes bring into their lives is “living lights.” They make use of candles to bring light and create sunny smiles.

Maybe this year, we need to make sure we put up those holiday lights for the color and the sparkling lights that bring those big smiles. As many of you know, I love Christmas. What I also know is that I need those lights as the days get shorter and shorter. And, even though very few people will see my Christmas extravaganza, it just might be the year it all gets displayed.

Read more about Embracing Hygge:

Hope and Change

Another piece we need to be aware of—change wants to happen, and it needs to happen. The body you walk around in is in constant flux because it’s energy. A body in energetic balance will quickly experience the change, and it will be a positive shift. The trick is to be creative in appreciating ourselves and find enjoyment within the shift. Maybe the difference is merely relishing an accomplishment.

Consider using this simple worksheet to help you see the changes that you can implement. It uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which uses your mind to notice the good stuff. It focuses on behavioral changes in your daily life, for instance, tracking your emotions according to your activities. So, it’s learning how to notice when your body is giving you a message.

behavioral-activation quiz

If you would like to learn more about behavioral-based therapy, visit the Therapist Aid website.

Your Key to Hope, Faith  & Energy

To help your body thoroughly experience change and get messages, go to my website and click on the purple button, “Learn the Daily Flow.” You will receive self-help acupressure suggestions that will help your body experience balance and harmony. Included is the Daily Clean Your House Flow® and energy tips to expand the breath, let go of frustration, achieve focus, boost motivation, and increase productivity. Now, those are some changes your body will appreciate!  And you are fully experiencing hope, faith, and energy. Enjoy the movement and the difference!




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Keep Your Breath Moving!

Breathe the air today

The fire season is here. The holidays are on their way. This has been one crazy year and I bet you have been holding your breath.
It’s time to get your breath back!


You know those phrases we have a tendency to use after a crisis?
“It took my breath away.” 
“Waiting with bated breath.” 
“Waiting for the next shoe to drop.”
Those phrases describe our bodies without enough breath. And, our bodies have a memory of “not having enough breath.” After the traumatic experiences of the last year, it is easy to recognize that we need to revitalize our respiratory systems. With full breath, you will boost your immune systems, be more alert, and prepared for whatever comes your way.
$47 will secure your spot in the  90-minute workshop on October 6 at 6:30 pm PDT. What a deal!
Register now to secure your spot.
After you register, you will receive an email with the details for joining the workshop.
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Stay Fit and Healthy

women at yoga class

Stay fit and healthy while you are at home. Searching for an outstanding fitness class? Here are my recommendations:

BikerBarre Fit

BikerBarre Fit is located in Santa Rosa and offers virtual classes accessible anywhere you live. It is your one-stop-shop for strength, flexibility, and fun fitness. Someday soon, I’ll be back there in-person. Until that happens, I love their live stream classes. Check it out!  And my daughter Nicole is an instructor.

Blue Door Yoga

Blue Door Yoga in Penngrove is an impressive yoga studio. The studio focuses on health, flexibility, and spirit and specializes in creating safe classes for all levels of yogis. They are offering a variety of online yoga classes. Be sure to check them out no matter where you live! My daughter, Nicole, is likewise an instructor at Blue Door!

Enjoying Mother Nature

Being in the outdoors can feed your soul. Whether you wander, hike, bike, ride horseback, garden, stroll in the sand at the beach, climb a mountain, or sit and listen to the birds singing, allow yourself time to soak up the environment. It’s one of the best ways to discover breath, be in joy, and relax. Mother Nature will assist you to have a perfect meditation.

BreatheEnergy Tips for Getting & Staying Calm

Breath is the key! When we have full expansive inhales, our breath feeds us. And those inhales allow us to have full purging exhales.

So much of what has been going on the last four-plus months can affect our breathing. Stress causes us to hold our breath, to wait with bated breath, expecting the next shoe to drop. When our bodies are dealing with stress, anxiety, frustration, sadness, or fear your nervous systems can be on edge and fired up. Heightened arousal = burnout, irritability, fatigue.

Super easy energy tips for ease and calm:

  1. Hold fingertips on opposite upper arms and feel your breath (first step in the Daily Flow)
  2. Hold right fingers on right base of skull and left fingers on outside of right wrist
  3. Hold left fingers on left base of skull and right fingers on outside of left wrist
  4. Cup right hand at sternum below collarbone and hold left fingers on tummy.
  5. Hold right fingers on outside of right knee and left fingers on outside of left knee

Check out my Deborah Myers Wellness Facebook Page for videos of some energy tips while I give you a tour of my garden.

See the animated video of the Daily Clean Your House Flow, an Easy Self-Help Acupressure Flow that both kids and adults love and practice to create a foundation for health and wellbeing. Go to It’s available to watch and use at no charge.


Creation from your garden’s bounty or from the farmer’s market

Grilled Summer Vegetables

You’ll need a good-sized grill pan coated with a bit of olive oil.

Coat chunks of onions, zucchini, green beans, garlic, peppers, and whatever else you have with oil. (I enjoy using large slices so everything stays firm).

Season with salt, pepper, and any seasoning that complements the other dishes you’re serving. Then place them into the hot grill pan.

In a separate pan, have a single layer of mushrooms and dry grill (they’ll stay firm and are easy to mix with other veggies).

When veggies have finished cooking and still firm, dump into a large bowl, incorporate sizable chunks of fresh tomatoes and basil. I also add basil salt that I made from last year’s crop.

Stay fit and healthy

It is easy to do. Mind, body, spirit in harmony.

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Master Class: Energy Balance of Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

An Intensive Six-Month Guided Study Program with Deborah Myers


You will come away from this program with a deeper understanding of how energy pathways function. You will develop a practice of listening to your energy. Become adept at balancing the flow of energy. Learn why Jin Shin Jyutsu and acupressure work and how to make positive changes in your body. Improve emotional wellbeing, mental health, and uplift your spirit.


Are you ready to be a partner with your body? Let the adventure begin!


Jennifer Cody, Executive Coach and former Director of Program Management at Medtronic, describes the results of her journey:


“How can this Jin Shin Jyutsu be working? I couldn’t explain it, but I could FEEL it, so I signed up for Deborah’s Wellness Workshop to learn more about this mysterious technique and the magic way it was impacting my well-being. Now I have the magic recipe for creating balance in my life right at my fingertips. It is a simple and easy way to make an enormous difference in your well-being. Deborah’s self-help care program helps you regain control of the life you want.”


Calendar of Classes

The program takes place two Wednesday evenings a month for 90 minutes. 18 hours of live instruction over the six months via Zoom. You can join from anywhere in the world. Your investment is $737.00. Save $260 off the regular price of $997 when you act now.


What We’ll Study

We will explore hands-on techniques, based upon the basic principles of Jin Shin Jyutsu and related modalities.

1.     Decrease stress and tension-related discomfort

2.     Increase vitality and personal performance

3.     Recover from trauma

4.     Increase self-esteem

5.     Relieve pain

Learn how energy pathways can open to relieve allergies, fatigue, arthritis, insomnia, headaches, menopausal and PMS symptoms, fibromyalgia, and other discomforts.

Health care providers will master techniques to complement modalities they already offer clients.

What’s Included

For the first time, I’m combining my Level One and Level Two courses with fresh material. By adding in a lot of fresh information, and blending in coaching, this intensive will positively change your life. You will experience progressive changes over the course of the six-month program. Your body will understand the magic recipe for creating balance right at your fingertips!

And you can do all of this right from home or anywhere you have a quiet place and internet connection. Between classes, you’ll study, experience the transformations taking place, and integrate this life-changing practice. Your body will crave healing. You’ll want more of it every day—relishing the effects. Many students report they practice multiple times daily. There is no such thing as too much self-care.

Save these Dates

Mark your calendars: two Wednesday evenings a month for 1-1/2 hours. The first two sessions are Wednesday, July 8th and July 22nd. You’ll get the full schedule upon registration.

Your investment in this program that will bring you comfort, health, and joy for the rest of your life is only $737.00. The Energy Balancing Care Guide manual is included.

If you’ve taken my workshops in the past, this is an outstanding way to review.  If you’re new to my programs, let’s get started!

I’m thrilled to be offering this to you! And I hope you will join me!

An approved provider by the California Board of Registered Nursing (Provider Number CEP12833).

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Finding Joy and Ease Amid Our Topsy-Turvy World

green man defying gravityTopsy Turvy

It is not unusual to discover new crisis announcements every day during these troubled times. Dire proclamations provoke deep unease and may put you in a state of hyper-vigilance. And repeated disturbing news may create a sense of anxiety that takes your breath away. What happens if you burden yourself with anxiousness and dread? The trick is to acknowledge the sentiments that come up for you and help your body let go of harmful reactions.

I want to give you some of my favorite self-help acupressure tips to do that!

These easy-to-do acupressure movements will:

  • expand breath
  • let go of anxiety
  • reduce stress reactions
  • help you sleep even with so much on your mind
  • and boost your immune system.

Energetic Balance

Your body prefers to be in energetic balance. You need to help your body experience balance and harmony. You are training your body what it feels like to be in balance. When you do, your physical, mental, and emotional bodies will take better care of you.

Help Your Body

A daily practice of easy self-care acupressure helps your body. A balanced immune system can fend off anxiety and stress despite what is happening in the world.

Hold your fingertips on the following acupressure points with a light and gentle touch for several good breaths:

  1. Open up your breath. Give yourself a hug by holding your fingertips anywhere on your elbows or upper arms. You’re holding energy points that connect with lung and diaphragm breath. This will expand your breath. You will experience a full inhale followed by a purging exhale.
  2. Bring on better sleep! Hold your fingertips on the base of your skull and you will connect with a “sleep center.” Follow with jumper cables—cup and hold each thumb and finger with a light touch.
  3. Boost your immune system and it will better be able to take care of you!
  • Right hand—cup right shoulder with fingertips where neck and shoulder come together.
  • Left hand—hold fingers at left chest immediately below the collarbone.
  • Switch hands.

Prepare your body for difficult times

Make the Daily Clean Your Houseflow your go-to daily practice for balancing your energy. A daily practice makes your system more receptive to nurturing.  Many of my clients start and end every day doing the Daily Clean Your House Flow—a 9-step self-help acupressure flow that provides your body with a firm foundation. The flow supports all the organs and systems of the body. You are preparing your systems for performing at optimum levels—bringing stability, strength and vitality to your entire body.

You can find the Daily Clean Your House Flow on my website, Click on the purple button “Learn the Daily Flow” and you’ll get a PDF of the 9 steps, and more energy tips.

I encourage you to view the animated video of the Daily Clean Your House Flow. I created it for kids, and adults love it as much as any kid. Watch it in its entirety on my website at no charge. I want anyone who is searching for a way to let go of stress and anxiety to enjoy free access during this distressing, unnerving time. Do your body a favor and check out the video. You’ll see why kids, parents, and teachers love this 6-½ minute video for helping to create a more carefree and happier body.

Spending time every day taking care of YOU assists your body to get to that place of balance and harmony. Your body will know you are taking care of it. A daily practice might include self-help acupressure, meditation, exercise, walking, enjoying Mother Nature, gardening, singing, dancing, resting when you need to, reading, writing. The list of what could be part of your daily practice is up to you. Choose the activities that help your body feel better and more vital, including what brings a smile to your face.

My desire for you is to experience joy and ease!

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Lower Your Stress Meter Fast!

Lower Your Stress Meter Fast!

Stress takes away breath, disrupts sleep, amplifies emotions, causes body pain, and dampens immune response. Add in fatigue from living in close quarters, and explosions may ensue!

Discover easy-to-learn and remember ways to get ahead of anxiety and stress.

Register for this 3-week workshop series and leave all of that behind.

We will meet 3 times

Wednesday evenings on June 10, 17 and 24

6:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Live Zoom meetings with handouts.

Registration will close on June 8.

Click to Register

Meetings will take place via Zoom. You will receive an email with instructions for joining the webinars after you register. You can join via computer, mobile devices, or phone.

We will record the sessions and make them available to those who register. We encourage you to attend the live event and take part in the Q&A.

More Information

We will cover how to easily and effortlessly create balance and harmony and improve your sense of wellness and health:

  1. Experience your body as an energy system. Being in touch with your body will become second nature. And you’ll discover your breath, ease, calm, and vitality.
  2. Boost the immune, endocrine, and adrenal systems. Help your body become healthier and more robust.
  3. You will be better prepared to handle potential exposure to viruses and bacteria. AND gain knowledge of how to improve your sleep!
  4. Manage pain and recover from trauma
  5. Energy tips to promote healing, relieve pain, and let go of symptoms. Whether from flu, respiratory conditions, injuries, post-surgery, chronic conditions, or emotional distress.
  6. Manage feelings and emotions: recognize them and re-pattern them so you can effortlessly have positive, smoother experiences instead of stumbling blocks.

You will gain tools to last a lifetime and your investment in your improved health is only $77.00 for all 3 class meetings.

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Lower Your Stress Meter Fast!

Lower Your Stress Meter Fast!

Stress takes away breath, disrupts sleep, amplifies emotions, causes body pain, and dampens immune response. Add in fatigue from living in close quarters, and explosions may ensue!

Discover easy-to-learn and remember ways to get ahead of anxiety and stress.
Register for this 3-week workshop series and leave all of that behind.

We will meet 3 times

Wednesday evenings on June 10, 17 and 24

6:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Live Zoom meetings with handouts.

Registration will close on June 8.

Click to Register

Meetings will take place via Zoom. You will receive an email with instructions for joining the webinars after you register. You can join via computer, mobile devices, or phone.

We will record the sessions and make them available to those who register. We encourage you to attend the live event and take part in the Q&A.

More Information

We will cover how to easily and effortlessly create balance and harmony and improve your sense of wellness and health:

  1. Experience your body as an energy system. Being in touch with your body will become second nature. And you’ll discover your breath, ease, calm, and vitality.
  2. Boost the immune, endocrine, and adrenal systems. Help your body become healthier and more robust.
  3. You will be better prepared to handle potential exposure to viruses and bacteria. AND gain knowledge of how to improve your sleep!
  4. Manage pain and recover from trauma
  5. Energy tips to promote healing, relieve pain, and let go of symptoms. Whether from flu, respiratory conditions, injuries, post-surgery, chronic conditions, or emotional distress.
  6. Manage feelings and emotions: recognize them and re-pattern them so you can effortlessly have positive, smoother experiences instead of stumbling blocks.

You will gain tools to last a lifetime and your investment in your improved health is only $77.00 for all 3 class meetings.

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