Deborah Myers Wellness Products-7-27-182

Easy Self-Help Acupressure Kit for Grown-Ups


When you buy the Daily Clean Your House Flow Kit for Grown-Ups, you will have a simple set of tools to help you get more out of every day. The Grown-Ups Kit includes the Daily Clean Your House Flow animated video plus a guide entitled Easy Self-Help Acupressure for Grown-UpsDaily Clean Your House Flow for Work, Home and Life: A Smart Person’s Guide to Health, Productivity and Happiness. The Kit offers clear explanations and an entertaining demonstration of what to do to increase attention span, reduce stress and handle emotions.

Please make sure you choose the ebook format you want to have as part of your package.  Once it's chosen, you can not change it. However, once you add this kit to your Cart, you will have the opportunity to purchase additional guides in other formats, including the print version (via a special link in your confirmation email message).


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Product Description

The Smart Person’s Guide to Health, Productivity and Happiness presents brief, clear explanations and fun illustrations of each of the nine steps of the Daily Clean Your House Flow. The lively Daily Flow video demonstrates the acupressure poses through appealing animated illustrations and music. Each step involves gently placing your fingertips on acupressure points to harmonize and restore the energy flow in your body. The whole process takes less than 10 minutes but provides long-lasting results. With the Daily Clean Your House Flow as part of your routine, you and can feel great anytime!

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“We’ve made a family plan, and we do the Daily Clean Your House Flow before all of us head out of the house to school and work. Later in the day, the kids do it before homework, and all of us do the Daily Flow together at bedtime. What a magnificent way to bring our family together and make major differences in our health.”
—Brad & Jenny Hunter, parents and business owners

“For years, I have believed there is much more to healing than what is provided by the medical community. So, when Deborah taught me the Daily Clean Your House Flow, I brought it into my daily routine. I also attended her energy-healing program, and I frequently utilize her information. I continue to do the DCYHF every day, and I feel great.”
—Laurie Zerga, business advisor

“By using the Daily Clean Your House Flow, I have been able to keep my energy aligned, calm and balanced. The Daily Flow has helped me to release stress, stay energized and increase my immunity. I love this technique!
—Jasmine Moe, energetic healer & accountant

“The Daily Clean Your House Flow has been my “go to” saving grace for many years. I use it first thing in the morning, after a long day or on a break—whenever I need to clear, ground and re-energize! Deborah is an inspiring and talented teacher of Jin Shin Jyutsu and she can help you learn how to take care of your precious self!”
—Eoanna Passidakis, Life Empowerment Coach and Relaxation Whisperer!

“I LOVE using Jin Shin Jyutsu. The Daily Clean Your House Flow is especially beneficial after working in my beautiful garden. It releases the aches and pains that bending and shoveling can bring, and I love the great results it gives me, especially in a body that’s not as young as it used to be!”
—Jan Kucker, psychic medium, On the Wings of Angels


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