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Easy Self-Help Acupressure Kit for Students and Teachers


When you buy the Easy Self-Help Acupressure Kit for Students and Teachers, you will have a simple set of tools to help your students succeed in and out of the classroom. The kit includes the Daily Clean Your House Flow animated video plus a guide entitled Easy Self-Help Acupressure for Students and Teachers – Daily Clean Your House Flow for Learning and Living: A Smart Teacher’s Guide to Healthy and Productive Students.

Please make sure you choose the ebook format you want to have as part of your package.  Once it's chosen, you can not change it. However, once you add this kit to your Cart, you will have the opportunity to purchase additional guides in other formats, including the print version (via a special link in your confirmation email message).

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Product Description

The Smart Teacher’s Guide to Healthy and Productive Students presents brief, clear explanations and fun illustrations of each of the nine steps of the Daily Clean Your House Flow; a set of simple and effective behavior management techniques. The lively Daily Flow video demonstrates the acupressure poses through animated illustrations and music that is appealing to children of all ages. Each step involves gently placing your fingertips on acupressure points to harmonize and restore the energy flow in your body. The whole process takes less than 10 minutes but provides long-lasting results for student behavior in your classroom.

Adding a daily practice of the Daily Flow to your curriculum creates increased cooperation, less acting out and happier classrooms. And YOU don’t have to create any lesson plans!

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“It’s easier to study and I’m getting better grades on my spelling tests.”
– 8-year-old

“I’m not getting sick like I used to so I’m not missing school.”
– 9-year-old

“I do the Daily Flow before I practice piano and I’m doing so much better. My teacher says I’m doing better, too.”
– 11-year-old

“I have eight students who struggle with paying attention and focusing. ALL of them showed improvement when we used the Daily Flow.”
– Lara, 3rd grade teacher

“Doing the Daily Flow with my students centers them and creates focus. There is more cooperation and less acting out.”
– Arianne, Kindergarten teacher


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