Recovering from the Sonoma Fires

Watching and Waiting

Recovering from the Sonoma Fires

This last week has been one of the most intense and crazy times most of us who live in Sonoma County and Napa County have ever experienced. The loss and devastation are beyond belief. My heart goes out to those who have lost their homes. Many are still in a place of uncertainty as to what is next. That is most likely going to be “the new normal” for awhile.
I hope that YOU are in a safe and comfortable place wherever you might be.

I’m one of the lucky ones

my home is intact. In fact, the evacuation has been lifted and I returned today to see my home for the first time since Monday the 9th at 1:00 am when I raced away from our neighborhood. If you’ve been reading my Facebook posts, you know that my kids, Nicole and Chris, have been on the property on fire watch – keeping the buildings and gardens wet and putting out grass fires in the subdivision, along with other neighbors who were doing the same. Over the last few days, they have had to chase off looters who are cruising the areas affected by the fire. How sad that there are people who are hurting rather than helping their community.
I’ve been staying safe with friends in Petaluma. They managed to make me laugh when there was so much to be sad about. Since I work out of my home, I haven’t been able to see clients there. But a friend offered an extra room in her massage studio in Cotati, which has been working out beautifully. I’m expecting to be back in my home treatment room space by next Monday.
Being able to “do my work” with my clients has been my saving grace. Please reach out to me and let me know how you are doing. And, if you or someone you know has lost their home, I’m offering complimentary acupressure/Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions.
As you know, an acupressure session can relieve stress and effects of trauma, help with respiratory issues, correct digestive discomfort and relieve pain and discomfort. Please let me know if I may be of assistance.
I’d like to give you some ways to help your body let go of the build-up of stress.

Healing and Breathing

Easy Self-Help Acupressure Tips from Deborah

1st Position of the Daily Clean Your House Flow

As the body experiences balance and harmony, you can relieve anxiety, let go of the pressure and stress, achieve calm, strengthen your immune system, promote healing, relieve pain (chronic or acute).
And super important right now – doing self-help acupressure can help with all breathing issues, including filtering the smoke from your system and relieving cough and sore throat.
Get LOTS of recovery tips in my Seasonal Allergy Guide, free for you to download when you add your email to our list. In addition, you will get the full 9-step Daily Clean Your House Flow.

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Here are a few of the tips:

To open the breath and calm the whole system:
  • Hold thumbs with opposite hands
  • Hold index fingers with opposite hands
  • Fold arms across chest and hold opposite upper arms
To relieve respiratory distress, such as holding breath or coughing:
  • Hold right base of rib cage with right fingers
  • Hold right chest below clavicle with left fingers
  • Switch and hold opposite sides
To release jaw, mouth or throat tension, such as clenching or holding breath:
  • Cup sternum directly below clavicle with right hand
  • Place left fingertips in a vertical pattern below the navel
I hope that you make use of these suggestions! They can really make a difference!

Additional Energy and Recovery Tips

How you can speed up recovering from the Sonoma Fires:

  • Please wear your masks when you go outside. The air quality is poor after the fire.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Get electrolytes into your system (coconut water is a great source, Smart Water, as well as electrolyte powders).
  • Take your EFA’s (essential fatty acids) — omegas are a natural anti-inflammatory.
  • Consider taking a supplement that will help your respiratory system get clear and stay clear (the ones I like are Dr. Michael Murray’s Lung, Bronchial & Sinus Health and Clear Lungs by Ridgecrest).
  • Drink Throat Coat tea.
  • Get enough sleep.
It is important to keep your stress level down and your immune system strong right now.
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Back in the Saddle

CowgirlBack in the Saddle — at Last

Time has floated right on by me. I thought I would be back in the saddle about six-weeks post-op with rest and rehabilitation. I can’t believe that it has been six months since my neck surgery. Life did indeed throw me a curve ball when surgery was the way to take care of the flare-ups and pain I was experiencing from the October 2015 car accident. When we get out of our way, it can be pretty amazing what can take place.

Surgery went smoothly, and so has my recovery. My surgeon is pleased with the results. My whole healthcare team is in full agreement that I am doing well. Flexibility and mobility are improving daily. Physical therapy can bring up discomfort as the muscle groups figure out new ways of engagement and movement. Doing my energy work before and after PT and my home exercises allow my body to do more with less reaction. So that is helping the healing process. I’m also discovering how doing Jin Shin Jyutsu and physical therapy can bring back a voice. (Yep — lost my voice for a while.)

Learn more about the procedure: Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion and also here.

The Big Surprise

What took me by surprise was how long it took me to regain clarity and focus. I had full belief and expectation that by the sixth week after surgery I would be getting to my extensive list of writing projects, office clean up and organizing projects. Well, dream on! At this point, I’m still in the space of “getting it together.” Clarity is back, but I’m finding that my body is asking for more rest and downtime. At first, I thought I was experiencing a loss of motivation which was freaking me out! I realized that I need to look at my calendar and avoid teaching multiple classes and presentations in a row. I’m listening to the messages from my body. I’m not packing as much into my days. Go figure! I’m spending lots of time each day doing my energy work, along with physical therapy and voice exercises.

Autumn is Upon Us

This is one of the hardest realizations I had over the last few months: I couldn’t do all my gardening and yard work that I typically pack into spring, summer, and fall.  Thank goodness I have had great help, but for those of us who love getting dirty in our gardens, it’s not quite the same. I’m harvesting my basil and tomatoes and enjoying the dahlias.  And, of course, I love these autumn days that are pleasantly warm and have gentle cooling breezes.

What’s Next

I’ve learned so much about healing from major surgery, being patient, and respecting my body’s timeline. Stay tuned for my insights as I share my journey of recovery.

basil-Fall-2017 Tomatoes-Autumn-2017 Nasturiums-Fall-2017 pink-flower-fall-2017 red-dahila-falll-2017 sunset-dahlia-Fall-2017

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This is What Happens When Life Throws a Curveball

Curve Ball from WikipediaLife throws a curveball when we are going along doing what we love. Life can have all sorts of surprises, and sometimes we’re not necessarily enamored with them! As you can well imagine, I get bodywork on a regular basis. I’ve been making sure to receive an assortment of treatments to relieve discomfort, to aid healing and to help my body not be so reactive. Healing has consumed a great deal of time for the last year and a half, since a car accident in October 2015.  For the most part, I’ve accomplished that except I pretty consistently am dealing with flare-ups. So here comes the curve ball. I got a surgical consult, and I need neck surgery! I immediately went into, “Not me! I’m not a surgical candidate!” Guess what? The reason I have so many flare-ups is that I don’t have adequate discs in my cervical spine. The trauma from the car accident caused my body to go into a major reaction, and now my body is vulnerable to actions that strain or exacerbate, which seems to happen for pretty simple movements.

Research Your Options

I’ve done the research, I’ve talked to all of my care providers, and I’m listening to my body and my health care team. I’ve gotten out of my way, and I’m recognizing that sometimes you have to take a route you weren’t planning on taking. In fact, that route could very well be something that you weren’t even likely to consider.

Help Your Body be Prepared No Matter What Happens

The beauty of this whole journey is that I have no worry and no fear. I’m ready for this next step because my body is prepared for what I’m asking it to do and for what might come at it. Sound familiar? It’s a statement I’ve been known to say to my clients and students! It’s all about doing our energy balancing on a daily basis so IF something does come up our bodies can easily move through the next steps of the journey. I know that I’m ready because all I have been doing and receiving is allowing this next step to be smooth and successful. Surgery IS a big ask of my body and mind. I’m pleased that Western medicine gives us options that allow us to receive what we need to have healthy, productive lives. I’m scheduling treatments for post-surgery, so my body heals faster and easier. How lucky we are that we can easily blend allopathic and alternative health care.

Pot at the End of the Rainbow

I am laughing about this piece most. The energy balance point located at the mid-cervical spine area is “all about not my will but thy will and about getting out of my way.” See my smile? Further, when that energy balance point is in a state of balance with no blocked energy, it can fulfill its purpose which is to “gain flexibility, mobility, and alignment.” And that is what this surgery WILL give me. I am so ready to be able to go back to living my life without my body talking back to me. I’m willing to have the energy and capability to go back to exercising, doing yoga, gardening, hiking, comfortable driving, sitting in front of my computer, chasing my cat in the garden. Granted I’m more than willing not vacuum or clean the litter box, but to know that I can if I want to or have to is a massive shift for me.


Of course, recovery won’t be instantaneous. I’ll need lots of physical therapy, and I’ll need to be smart about what I ask my body to do. So, I’m continuing to do my Daily Clean Your House Flow, to balance my energy, and to receive treatments from my care providers. And I’m ready for the next step. Surgery is on the schedule for Wednesday, April 5th. Thank you, ahead of time, for thinking of me!

Thanks to Wikipedia for the great animated gif of a curveball.

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Kid Scoop News – Easy To Do Acupressure

1st Position of the Daily Clean Your House FlowI love helping kids, parents, and families stay healthy. See my tip on how to stay healthy during the winter months in the February 2017 edition of  Kid Scoop News

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Ready for a vacation??

My Winter Vacation

Have you ever gone on a holiday and didn’t want to come back from your vacation? And when you did return, did you have a real hard time being back? Well, that’s my story!
Sunrise over the Sea of CortezI was on the beach for a whole week. I was enjoying the sun and spending lots of time snorkeling and glimpsing colorful fish. I also spent every morning watching the sunrise over the water. The new light of the day would wake me up. The sun was in the midst of creating its beautiful canvas of oranges, yellows, and reds. As each second created a new canvas, the calm water would mirror the painting. Oh my! And then the night would bring the full moon rising over the water. No wonder I didn’t want to leave!
I rested a lot. I enjoyed the beach and water. I enjoyed spending time with my family. I ate lots of great food and just felt that space of ease and relaxation.

My Takeaway

Step into the possibilities of having more vacations, no matter where they are or how long they are. Hey! I’m open to that! But until that is a done deal, I have realized that I need to fool my mind and my body and create the semblance of a vacation. Now, granted, there is nothing like leaving for a real destination. But if that isn’t in the plan, we can create restful chunks of time that revitalize the body, mind, and spirit.

Taking Your Experience of Health to the Next Level

I’ve worked with many of you, one-to-one, or in a workshop. I shared easy and effortless ways to help your body grow healthier with a few steps. Easy, self-help acupressure helps you integrate physical, mental, emotional and spirit.
I can show you how to create a vacation for yourself right here and now. As you do your energy balancing, hold each energy balance point, and “pretend” that you are there. Envision where you want to be. See the beauty, picture the experiences, hear the sounds, and smell the scents. Breathe it all in and know that you are there. Some may call it meditation or a soul journey.  It is, but let go of labels and just experience the moment and see what happens.

The Power of the Daily Clean Your House Flow

I’ve created what I have just described while doing the Daily Clean Your House Flow. I do it when I awake in the morning and again in the evening. Off and on throughout the day, I’m holding a few energy points as I relive the best vacation moments. I am extending my vacation even though I’m back home! I feel like I’m right back at the beach plus I’m giving myself restful breaks during the day.
I enjoyed taking catnaps on the beach. My secret for getting back to that sense of peace and relaxation: doing the Daily Clean Your House Flow. It helps me feel rested. I sleep more deeply at nighttime too.
Full Moon Rising Over the Sea of Cortez
I’ve retained the vitality I gained from my vacation. And I’m enjoying those gorgeous sunrises as if they’re still happening.

Energy Balance Points = Mini-Vacation

Here are a few of the energy balance points that I’m holding to get those “hints of my vacation”:

  1. Let go of mind chatter: With right hand, cup your forehead, so your fingertips are on the left side. And with the left hand, cup the base of your skull, so the fingertips are on the right side. You will create clarity. You can contemplate the possibilities of what you are envisioning.
  2. Let go of old patterns: With right hand, hold your fingertips on the left elbow. And with the left hand, hold your fingertips on the base of the right ribcage. This flow is about expanding your breath and letting go of old ways and patterns.
  3. Build new habits: Hold the outside of your knees. These energy balance points will help you create the new pattern of openness. You will be receptive to new ideas.
  4. Manifest: Hold your fingertips at your mid-back at the area of the kidneys. You will connect with manifesting all you want to receive.

Let me know where your visions take YOU on your mini-vacation!  Enjoy!!

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2017 Calls for Patience

Topaz shows patience as she watches the birdies.


Now doesn’t that sound like a different way to approach a new year? Determining your goals and objectives and figuring out your timeline is still a big part of the picture. But what I have discovered is that if you don’t include patience in the equation most of what you want to happen gets lost in the shuffle.

Topaz is the epitome of patience

Learning Patience

My beautiful kitty Topaz has been giving me a lesson in getting and keeping patience as part of my daily practice. Topaz will pounce upon the windowsill to wait for the birds to land on the feeder. She knows that there actually is no way that she can get to the birds, but it’s all about the eye candy. As soon as the birds are at the feeder, she will chirp at them, get a bit excited and then either lie down and just look or decide that she’s gotten her fix and go on to other escapades.
When I watch Topaz, I see that her goal is “be in the moment and enjoy what’s right in front of me.” Then it’s all about “be patient and see what happens.”
And that is where I see the correlation. I have lots of ideas for new projects, especially for my animated video program, for new books and workshops. To get each of those ideas into a step-by-step plan that are realistic could be pretty overwhelming. What I’ve discovered is that to be ahead of the game I need to let go of effort, be in the moment, do what I can in that moment, find the fun, and be patient – especially with ME! The key is to allow time to be my friend, see what happens and then to remember to take the some time to celebrate the successes.

Energy Tips to Enhance Patience

I find that doing the following easy-to-do energy tips can get me into the space of ease and patience:

  1. Fold your arms across your chest and gently touch your upper arms.
    This pose will connect with your breath and allows for ease of the whole system.You have now completed the first step of the Daily Clean Your House Flow!
  1. With one hand cup your sternum directly below your collarbone.
    With your other hand hold your fingertips in a vertical pattern on your tummy.This pose connects with breath, with the release of tension, and with allowing for ease and being in the moment.
  1. With one hand cup the base of your skull.
    With your other hand cup your forehead.Feel the letting go of mind chatter, of the “to do list” and the new space of clarity and focus and ease.
  2. Hold your fingertips on the outside of your knees.
    This helps re-pattern old ways and brings on the patience that was eluding you.

Add Patience to Your Daily Practice

Watch for signs of an impressive and prosperous New Year as you add in patience to your daily practice.

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Holiday Excitement and Two New Cats

Holiday Kitties 2016

I love the holiday season!

There’s something about the getting ready that makes me feel good all over. It starts with sharing Thanksgiving with family and friends. And then I jump into decorating for Christmas and having fun times with friends. My tree covered with ornaments and lights, the mantle with Santa and his reindeer, my Santa collection spread throughout the house, and miniature nativity scenes set in their unique places all create the reasons why the holidays are such an extraordinary time of the year for me. You have to see my home to understand that I’m really into it. There’s nothing like the feeling I got when a 4-year-old walked in the front door and asked, “Are you Mrs. Santa Claus too?”

Something is a bit different this year

None of my beautiful vintage glass ornaments are on the tree because two new kitties, Topaz and Tux, are new to the picture and creating magic in the household. They’ve been super with all of the decorations, but I’m not going to take any chances!

A Season of Fun and Joy

I hope YOUR holiday season is full of fun and joy! And I hope that you and your family have many magical experiences!

Sweep Away Holiday Stress

Want a super easy way to do some holiday shopping? No matter who you are shopping for and how old they are, my animated video of the Daily Clean Your House Flow will help bring calm and ease to the special people in your life.
Help them sweep away stress and overwhelm and discover the magic of energetic balance!

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Are You Getting Triggered?

Roller CoasterAre You Getting Triggered? Are you searching for joy??

It has been a crazy roller coaster ride the last couple of weeks— for everyone. Lots of questions and emotions are jumping around inside of all of us. No matter who we wanted to win the election and how we feel about the results. Now on top of that, we have the holidays when lots of old family issues can get fired up.

You may be experiencing topsy-turvy emotions

You might be feeling:

  • Anxious
  • Distress
  • Sadness
  • Uneasiness
  • Grief
  • Worry
  • Unhappiness
  • Fear
  • Frustration
  • Anger

These emotions can trigger feelings of overwhelm for your body. Your body responds to feeling out of balance and ungrounded by creating symptoms.

What are your symptoms?

Have you been noticing shortness of breath, head pressure, loss of equilibrium, erratic sleep? How about increased sensitivity to others’ comments and opinions or close to tears? Or maybe you’re having indigestion, sadness, overall tiredness or just feeling on edge?

Your body is trying to get your attention!

If any of those symptoms are present, your body is trying to get your attention. It wants to be grounded, centered, and in a place of easiness. Are you ready to feel all that AND have your body bubble up with joy and happiness? It is possible even in the midst of whatever is creating your topsy-turvy roller coaster ride. The stuff that is triggering your upset may not go away, but your body can be a lot happier!

Easy Ways to Create Calm

Here are some easy self-help acupressure points to:

  • Open breath
  • Create calm
  • Relieve anxiety
  • Let go of fear
  • Increase your vitality

See how easy it can be to help your body create new patterns.

  1. Hold upper arms by folding your arms across the chest
  2. Shift your fingers so you’re holding the outside edges of your shoulder blades (like giving yourself a great big hug)
  3. Hold your thumbs and index fingers
  4. With right hand, cup the sternum just below the collarboneAnd hold left fingers in a vertical pattern on your tummy
  5. With left hand, cup forehead so fingers are on the right side
    And with right hand, cup back of head with fingers on left base of skull

Wishing you lots of ease and comfort! And a magnificent Thanksgiving!!
With gratitude for YOU being a part of my life!

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Freaking Out

Freaking Out halloween-bat-01Is something freaking you out?

It’s the season! The trick is to find ways to get through the “freak out stage” whether the upset is a result of being in overwhelm, information that you just received and can’t wrap your brain around, feeling not listened to, or any number of other reasons.
The trick can easily become a treat. Your body doesn’t like being freaked out so it will easily make good changes when you try to correct the episode by bringing a special treat into the mix. It’s like being offered your most favorite and yummy chocolate or dessert and getting that “oh, my, I’m in heaven” result.
Instead of freaking out when an upset occurs, retrain your body. When you are in stress mode, your breath is often impacted. It becomes constricted and causes your lung and diaphragm capacity to be lessened. So it’s all about helping your body rediscover breath. Then the next step is to re-pattern your breathing, which will also create more fluid movement, even affecting mobility and flexibility. That’s where “the change has taken place” is experienced.

Treat Your Body

Here’s a super easy way (treat) to help your body let go of any unhappy experience and get back on an even keel.

  1. Give yourself a hug by crossing your arms and gently touching your upper arms. This will open up lung capacity.
  2. Move one hand to the base of your ribcage (keeping the other hand on the upper arm). This hold will help open up the diaphragm.
  3. Move the hand that is on the upper arm to the outside of your knee. That connects with helping ease of movement.
  4. Move the hand that is on the ribcage to the outside of the other knee. You’re now holding the outside of both knees. THAT is all about the re-patterning and helping your body accept the change.

Hope this helps you get through ANY “freaking out episode” you might be experiencing. Just know that it’s a moment in time and the trick is to help your body not take it on as “real.”
Wishing you a super Halloween! And hoping that the season is all about freaking out because of the haunted house, not because of an upset or stress!

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Pay Attention to Your Body’s Signals

A world colored by painPain is no fun!

Pain is a signal that your body is trying hard to get your attention and get a message to you. Your body is saying, “I’m out of sync and it’s affecting how well I can function.” No matter what has created the pain and discomfort and regardless of where you are experiencing the pain, the flow of energy is blocked. Your body is in a state of imbalance and confusion, and the pain will not allow it to easily do all it needs to do to be a healthy and vibrant being. Pay attention to your body’s signals.
If you’re experiencing pain, tightness or tension, is it affecting what you can do? Are you in denial and trying to do most everything that is on that long list of work and household chores? Have you become a master of ignoring what your body is telling you?
Blocked energy is what creates your symptoms,  issues, or problems that are getting in the way of doing what you want to and need to do. By the way, instead of “problems,” I like using the word “projects.” Projects are more fun to work with and have a beginning and an end!

Move Your Energy to Shift Away from Pain

Are you aware that you can help move that blocked energy that is creating the pain and make a difference in how you feel? All it takes is recognizing that your body is sending a message, listening to that message, and then helping your body let go of the blocked energy. You can help that project get corrected! It’s all about having a self-care program that is easy to learn, easy to do and easy to get around to doing.
When you and your body experience energetic balance, you will more readily recognize what a state of balance is for your body. And, on the other side of the coin, you will realize when your body needs something more to get to the place of pain-free and healing.
Doing a daily series of self-help acupressure flows can assist your body in having a firm foundation.  Consider doing the Daily Clean Your House Flow to give you that space that allows improved energy flow, as well as improved oxygenation and circulation. It will also help you recognize the signals your body wants you to hear.

Gaining Insight

Over the last few months, I have come to the realization that I was ignoring what my body was trying to tell me. I do my Daily Clean Your House Flow several times a day. Plus I consistently do many other flows and energy points to help my body be better prepared for what I’m going to ask it to do, as well as better prepared for whatever might come at it. By the way, when I’m doing my energy work, I tell my body, “I like you being in flow and this is how we’re doing it together.” It’s all about being a partner with your body.
I honestly thought I was in touch with what my body was telling me. I was in pain from an injury I received last year as the result of an automobile accident. I could sometimes manage the pain with my self-help Jin Shin Jyutsu, and I was receiving excellent care from my providers.
I did not realize that I needed something extra and different to move me out of the pain zone. Sometimes we can’t fix it all by ourselves. Sometimes we need care that is more extensive than we can provide to ourselves. The pain I experienced affected my clarity and my ability to pick up on the information my body was giving me.
I finally got out of my own way. I listened to my body.  I increased my awareness of what I needed.  I know now that I’m on the way to healing.

Pain is a Journey of Discovery

Pain is a magnet that can pull you off center. It can take you off your true path. Pain can create stress and confusion in your entire system. Pain has an ability to compromise your health, focus and clarity, productivity, and your ability to manage emotions.

What Happens When Pain Becomes Chronic?

As stated by WebMD at
“About 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, defined as pain that lasts longer than six months. Chronic pain can be mild or excruciating, episodic or continuous, merely inconvenient or totally incapacitating.”
“The emotional toll of chronic pain also can make pain worse. Anxiety, stress, depression, anger, and fatigue interact in complex ways with chronic pain and may decrease the body’s production of natural painkillers; moreover, such negative feelings may increase the level of substances that amplify sensations of pain, causing a vicious cycle of pain for the person. Even the body’s most basic defenses may be compromised: There is considerable evidence that unrelenting pain can suppress the immune system.”

“The symptoms of chronic pain include:

  • Mild to severe pain that does not go away
  • Pain that may be described as shooting burning, aching, or electrical
  • Feeling of discomfort, soreness, tightness, or stiffness.”

“Pain is not a symptom that exists alone. Other problems associated with pain can include:


  • Sleeplessness
  • Withdrawal from activity and increased need to rest
  • Weakened immune system
  • Changes in mood including hopelessness, fear, depression, irritability, anxiety, and stress

You can read the entire article at

Pain Relief is at Your Fingertips

Do the Daily Clean Your House Flow at least once every day. There is no such thing as too much self-help!  Discover how good you can feel when you treat yourself to  the Daily Flow several times a day. Your body hungers for the firm foundation that comes from a daily practice of energy balancing like the Daily Clean Your House Flow.

Do Try This At Home for Pain Relief

Holding these specific balance points will bring easier movement and flow, and help release any back and neck tension you may be feeling:

  • Right hand – cup back of neck with fingers on the left side
  • Left hand – hold fingers on the coccyx (base of spine)
  • Left hand – hold fingers on outside of left knee

Holding these points will help your body let go of any pain and discomfort:
It doesn’t matter what ankle you’re holding to start —

  • Right hand – hold fingers on the inside of the ankle
  • Left hand – hold fingers on the outside of the ankle

And —

  • Hold hand on area of discomfort/pain/inflammation
  • With other hand – hold fingers on outside of knee

Wishing you easy movement so you can have fun, get things done and let go of PAIN! Let me know what transpires!

Discover how easy it is to be a partner with your body!

Study with me in my next hands-on Level 1 Health at Your Fingertips Wellness Workshop.

  • 3 Wednesdays, October 12, 19 and 26
  • 6 -9 pm
  • Santa Rosa, CA

Sign up now for the early bird special price

You will learn how to listen to your body and hear the signals!!

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Get your copy of the six-minute Daily Clean Your House Flow animated video.

It’s my gift to you!! Click here..