Halloween Shouldn’t Be Stressful!

Halloween Shouldn’t Be Stressful!

Halloween is supposed to be fun! Do YOU remember the decision process of what to wear for Halloween? Chances are good that it didn’t matter if you chose a costume that someone else was wearing, or one that wasn’t quite as spectacular as your friend’s costume, or even one that you wore last year. It was all about the experience of dressing up, being in the costume parade at school, and then, the very exciting time of going trick and treating.  And it very seldom was anything but a safe experience.

I thoroughly loved Halloween. It was the holiday that allowed me to fully be out of regular character and act the part of someone entirely different from the normal me.  Decorations didn’t play a big part when I was a child, but when I became an adult, my kids informed me that I went a bit crazy creating a Halloween go-to destination for trick and treating.

Halloween Was Indeed Fun

I do believe I made it lots of fun for all the kids in the neighborhood. Is it fun for your kids? I hear from way too many children in today’s world that they’re stressed about what to wear, about what group of kids they can hang with that night, whether they’ll be invited to THE party, and whether this Halloween will be better than last year’s holiday.  They want something better than what they perceive is not okay and in that place of wanting something different, they’re stressed.

Stress and Halloween Are Not Supposed To Go Together

That’s not okay! If you notice your children are feeling anxious or nervous about the events of Halloween consider helping them by showing them how to be calm and relaxed. It’s all about discovering that breath is the key. Have you ever noticed that when YOU are anxious your breath gets blocked and congested? The trick is to open up the energy so breath expands. Here’s an easy energy tip to help your children breathe, to be calm and to let go of anxiety.

Your Halloween Treat

With one hand — hold your fingers on the upper back near the shoulder blade

With the other hand — hold your fingers on the upper arm

Then move those fingers to the outside of the wrist     

You can do it for yourself too.  And teach your children how to do it for themselves.

Right hand — hold your fingers on your left upper arm

Left hand — hold your fingers on the base of the right ribcage

Left hand — hold your fingers on the right inner thigh

Feel how the breath opens and everything in the body relaxes.  And experience a whole new way of feeling, including being excited about Halloween. Enjoy!

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Is Finding Time Creating Stress?

Woman So Stressed She is Vibrating

Is Finding Time Creating Stress?

Where did last week go? For that matter, where on earth did the last six months go?

Is time really passing faster? Or is it our perception? I believe that our brains take an accounting of all that we’re asking our physical, mental and emotional bodies to handle. When the list is long and the activities we manage to accomplish and check off of the list are many, our brains say, “I can do it all!” So our bodies step up to the plate to help us get around to it all and get it done and be able to even add more to the list.


But that means “all of the items on the list” need to fit into the calendar and into the entire picture. Our brains see all of those five and ten-minute segments and two plus hour time slots and have to figure out how we’re going to do it all. You would think that time would appear to slow down to allow it all to happen. But, alas, it is a paradox. The brain and our bodies get the sense that time is speeding up as we fill our days with all of the “to do items” on our lists because we’re NOT moving slow! It’s no wonder that feeling stressed comes into the picture.


And here is the clincher. The kids in our lives SEE that behavior and our need to find time to do it all.  Many children have an amazingly full schedule between school, studying, music, and sports without even talking about all of the other extras. And that’s not even taking into account just hanging out and doing fun things with friends and family. They manage to do what they see US doing: filling up their calendars, trying to do it all, and experiencing time passing faster and faster as the days go by. And this brings them to feel the sense of “being stressed.”

There are significant health risks associated with stress. In an article by Dr. Robin Berzin, she identifies 10 Reasons Why Stress is the Most Dangerous Toxin in Your Life. Of the ten health risks, one really stood out. Dr. Berzin cites research into brain chemistry that shows “Early life events determine your set point for stress.” And if that was the only harmful effect, it is reason enough to break this habit of hurry.


The solution: slow down and create space for our bodies to experience feeling the breath, feeling the energy of “just being,” discovering that meditation is easy when we allow our brains the opportunity to “just hang out.” Consider doing something to help you and the children in your life more easily allow that to happen. I start every day doing the Daily Clean Your House Flow. It takes me anywhere from five to twenty minutes, depending what I choose. The animation video I created only takes six and a half minutes!


And why are people doing the Daily Flow? They are noticing that they have better attention to detail because clarity and focus are boosted, that they are better able to do their activities without their bodies going into reaction (any sports, house and yard chores, computer work, etc.) and that their bodies stay healthier. But the absolute biggest reason is they feel less and less stress. People who do this daily practice have told me they notice that their breath is more expansive, that they can actually relax, that their brains slow down and let go of the chatter.


Try it for yourself. YOU just maybe will slow down and smell the roses! And just maybe we can model different behavior and change what’s happening out there in the world and help children NOT be in that terrible thing called stress.

Photo credit: Evil Erin / Foter / CC BY

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Time for Change

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Autumn is here. Whether we’re ready for it or not, the world is giving us lots of messages that things are going to be different. I don’t know why I’m surprised every year when I notice LOTS of ways that life is changing right along with the season change.  You would think that after sixty plus years I would be at least somewhat aware of what is coming around the corner!

This particular autumn seems to be really showing all of us that something is in the works. I’m hearing from many clients and friends and colleagues that so many of us are sensing “imminent change,” that something is coming our way – and it’s going to be big.

What change is imminent? Is it something that will be affecting all of us equally? Some are saying that maybe the weather is going to be really intense this year, or that maybe some decisions are going to be taking place that will create major impact across the board.


I personally think that the change we’re sensing is within each of us individually and that each of us is recognizing it is time to step up to the plate and do something different and maybe even really big and expansive.

I’m seeing evidence of that! I know someone who is “finally” publishing her first book. She has been writing it for five plus years. Another person has literally jumped into a whole new profession because she recognizes it is time to step into her true potential, and in doing so she’s leaving a really good-paying job. Another has said it is time to stop working at the regular job so he can spend the time he wants to in community service. And another person has let go of a relationship that wasn’t doing either of them any good, even though it had just been easier to keep on doing the same thing.

For myself, I’m noticing that after almost five years of not having Randy in my life, I’m thinking of “what’s next?” I’m not jumping into anything different – I’m just noticing that the question is there.


Here’s the key: a question, in and of itself, creates the energy of the possibility of change. Energy does not like being stuck because that creates stagnation. Energy wants to and needs to move. If you’re contemplating “something different in your life,” ask questions, be imaginative, be innovative, and see what might come your way.  THAT is being IN the midst of being creative.

To have your experience be even more eventful, spend time every day balancing your energy. Being balanced will allow you to more easily create the results and desires you’re searching for. Enjoy the journey!

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Expectations and Transitions – Allowing Change to Happen!

Expectations and Transitions – Allowing Change to Happen!

It was just one year ago that we were lucky enough to see a red moon!  And it was a glorious experience.  So we must be doing something right to have it happen again!  Last Sunday night was a gorgeous, clear night and just before the eclipse of the full moon, the moon became flame red.

(See the post for Oct 8, 2014: A Dragon Eats the Moon)

Red Dragon

And then the moon was gone. It was a surreal moment when the night became so dark that I couldn’t see the path, much less my hand in front of my face. It was immediately so still that there was not a tree or an animal moving.

CHANGE – It’s what life is all about

The energy of those moments was truly one of “quiet expectation” as the earth was transitioning from one way of being to another. It was preparing for change. Have you ever noticed that quiet way of being as YOU are preparing to make a change, especially a big one? You were busily going through all the steps – coming up with an idea, creating and planning, checking off the items on the to-do list, and getting closer to the completion. Then you wait for the movement, for the change, after the completion. It’s in that “waiting” when we experience the sense of the possibilities that are right around the corner.

THAT is the moment where we allow the magic to happen. Want more magic in your life? We can help ourselves step into our potential and destiny by balancing our energy to allow change to take place. Spend time doing your energy work, meditating, contemplating, and dreaming. All of that will bring you more easily to what you want to receive.


By the way, the energy balance area that is “hungry to be in balance to allow that change to take place” is at mid-back at the level of the kidneys. Just hold that area, left fingers on left side and right fingers on right side, with light gentle touch. Your body will appreciate the signal to “step into change easily and effortlessly.”

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School should be FUN!

silhouette of children filled with words identifying emotionsSchool should be FUN!

Is your child feeling anxious about school or an activity or maybe even about a relationship? If that’s the case, his or her apprehension makes you want something to change so your child isn’t nervous, worried or fretful, all of which can be overwhelming to the system. You want your child to be excited about life, not overcome with unhappiness.

How best to make that happen? Changing the pattern should be easy so we don’t have to create “one more thing to be anxious about.”

First Aid for Anxiety

Here are a few simple self-help energy tips to help discover “ease and joy” – no matter what’s going on. Try one at a time to see which one or ones resonate with your child.

  1. Hold upper arms by folding arms across the chest. Yep – it’s the first step of the Daily Clean Your House Flow! This simple pose reminds the body to breathe. And breath is one of the first body mechanics that gets affected when there is anxiety or stress.
  2. Gently cup each thumb – helps let go of worry and concern.
  3. Gently cup each little finger – helps let go of overwhelm
  4. With one hand, cup the forehead and with the other, cup the base of the skull. This will bring in clarity and focus and help the body recognize that holding on to the “stuff isn’t good for the body to be experiencing”
  5. Hold the outside of the knees. When you bring balance to this energy balance area the body will experience peace because it brings in a new pattern that is better for the body.


And, of course, it would be a GOOD thing to do the whole Daily Clean Your House Flow! It creates a firm foundation so that all levels of the body (physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral) can find balance and let go of the “stuff” that is in the way of feeling good and having fun.

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Autumn leaves change is in the airARE YOU HUNGRY FOR CHANGE?

There’s a reason if you are noticing that you are searching for something to make different. Autumn is the time of year when everything around us is changing, so we subconsciously mirror that pattern and the desire to be in that pattern. On top of that, the bodies we live in are all about change. There is no part of us that likes to be stuck whether we’re looking at our physical, mental or emotional bodies.


So put it all together and the question is, “Are you ready for the change that is probably coming your way?!?” To create readiness for transition, it’s a necessity to not be holding onto blocked, stuck energy. I would like to share a few simple energy tips to help you more easily step into what you want to do:

  1. Cross your arms and hold your elbows or upper arms. Yes, it’s the first step of the Daily Clean Your House Flow and is all about opening up breath. AND it’s an energy balance area that connects with the energy that allows for all parts of you to be ready for transition
  2. Continue holding your fingertips on one of your elbows and with the other hand, hold the opposite inner thigh or knee. This energy movement will help you step INTO the transition – whatever it looks like for you and your world.
  3. Then move the hand that is on the inside of your knee to the outside of the knee. You are now holding an energy balance area that is all about rhythm and strength. In other words, being grounded and balanced so you CAN let go and do all you want to do.


These energy tips will help prep your body AND help you be in a state of conscious awareness and mindfulness. When you’re grounded and energetically balanced, ALL parts of you will be along for the ride and you’ll discover your journey is a whole lot easier than you even expected.
Listen to the recording of my teleclass that happened on August 26th. It’s all about opening up the flow of energy so you can be the creative being you are meant to be.

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Letting Go of Fear

Standing on the zip line platform

Deborah Myers standing on the zip line platform

Rappeling from the zip line platform

Deborah Myers rappeling from the zip line platform

Does your child experience anxiety or fear?

Do you notice how it affects their ability to be present and that it can actually create worry about the future? Frequent bouts of anxiety, worry, fear, trepidation (no matter what word is used) create a pattern that the body gets used to. THAT means the body is caught up in a state of “being in stress” which in turn creates a tendency to take the breath away and a tendency to be stuck in the emotions and the feelings.

No matter the age, these feelings are not imagined. They are THERE and can affect what we’re willing to do and/or how easily we step into the activity. We can be talking about going to school, meeting new people, studying, taking tests, playing sports, trying anything new.

An Adrenalin Rush

I love to fly through the air on zip lines. It’s an adrenalin rush for sure. But more than that, for me it is the experience of loving the feeling of freedom and joy. Several weeks ago, my kids joined me for a night time zip line for my birthday. Loved that anticipation! And I was ready. I go myself energetically centered and grounded. (I do my energy balancing before I step into the harness.)

There are usually eight people in the group, so it’s not unusual to not know everyone who you go up on the platform with. I noticed right away that a young woman in our group was in a state of worry. Even during the initial practice, she was second guessing her decision to do the zip line. By the second platform she was in a major state of fear — she had discovered an intense fear of heights that surprised her and took her breath away. By the way, when that happens, there is no going back. You have to finish the next six zip lines (there are a total of seven plus two sky bridges and a rappel). I offered some self-help acupressure tips, but by that point, she needed assistance. I taught her husband and on each of the platforms we did energy balancing (held acupressure points) before she zipped to the next platform. Long and short of it, she made it to the end, though the hardest was the very last one where you need to rappel yourself to the ground.

Perception is Your Truth

The reason for the story? The stressful experience someone is going through can be that kind of intense or it can be something that appears relatively easy to another person. My belief is that each and every “stressful experience” has a reason for showing up that way. So it needs to be addressed with “let’s change this up and make it different.” We can do that by learning and doing simple energy balancing movements that can re-pattern the body.

First Aid for Fear

Here is what did I do for that young woman on the zip line:

I did the following. And, YOU can do the same thing for your child if he or she is experiencing stress, worry, anxiety or fear. Hold each point with light, gentle touch and hold for several breaths.

  • Hold your fingers at upper back near middle of shoulder blade
    (Keep that hand there while the other hand moves)
  • At the same time, with other hand, hold same side upper arm above elbow
    • Move that hand to elbow, then to thumb
    • Then move to base of ribcage.

This simple movement gives the body a chance to open up lungs and diaphragm and open up breath.

And you can do this in the midst of the “anxious moment” or as prevention! The body wants to be in flow, not be stuck in  “I’m not okay with this way of being”. We just need to show it how to get there and stay there!

Let me know how it works for you!

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Developing awareness

Conscious awareness — what does it really mean?

Have you ever driven from one place to the next and realized that you reached your destination and don’t have full recollection of the route you traveled? THAT was a space in time of not being consciously aware! I don’t know about you, but when that sort of thing happens to me, I have to seriously ask the question, “Where on earth was I just now?”

How do our brains do that and allow us to reach our goal and be safe about it? It’s pretty amazing what our bodies can do, how they can step up to the plate and accomplish what needs to happen without OUR conscious awareness. Our energetic bodies (including our brains) have an innate ability to have our best interests at the forefront, which is why we more often than not don’t experience a major chaotic moment when by rights we should have!

Zip-pity Do Dah

Some of you know how much I love to travel the zip line. We’re lucky — we have Sonoma Canopy Tours which is a phenomenal zip line through the redwoods near Occidental. I keep telling the marketing person who I happen to know that they really need to have a “frequent flyer package” for folks like me.

Deborah and Nicole with their guide for nighttime zipliningSeveral weeks ago my kids joined me for a night time zip line for my birthday present. Now THAT was an awesome experience! Imagine zipping through the trees and it’s totally dark except for a light on the tree you’re heading to and the light on your helmet. Beautiful, quiet, surreal, awesome — the adjectives are many. I had to be in a total state of conscious awareness because of what I was up to. But especially so because the last time I zipped I went into the zone — literally flying through the air and not being aware of the platform I was supposed to land on. The guide gave me a full-blown lecture and told me that no matter how often anyone has done the zip line, there has to be full attention given every step of the way.

I got the message

Well, I got the message! This time, I spent time before I stepped into the harness getting fully present and aware – I did the first few steps of the Daily Clean Your House Flow. And then I cupped my sternum with one hand and held my tummy with the other. THAT brought me into my breath and I was grounded and centered. And when I was waiting on the platforms I reminded my body to be in breath.

It was another great experience – I’m up to six or seven times now. I’m ready for the Challenge Course that just opened up. The longest zip line is 1500 feet! I’ll let you know how that one goes!

Be Prepared

No matter what YOU do for your fun and/or thrills, prepare yourself by doing some energy balancing before you start. Be grounded and centered and you’ll have a much better experience!

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Igniting Creativity and Inspiring Imagination

Igniting Creativity 

Creating Magic and Fun with Your Kids is Easy

Image is the first half of imagination. Igniting creativity, inspiring imagination and having some fun with your kids is easy, if you use your brain. Here is my recipe: I love looking at the sky and at trees to see if I can find pictures. I remember spending lots of time as a kid just gazing up at the clouds or staring at a tree to see what might be hiding there.

It’s a great pastime and allows your child to be creative. Trying to describe what you’re seeing when someone else might not see the same thing is a great way to practice “getting your point across.”

What Do You See?

Yesterday I was walking along our road and saw this tree trunk. Do you see the horse that has reared up on his hind legs and is peering over the fence?!? I’ve noticed it before but this time I had my iPhone along so I could take the picture.

Log horse in my garden

Do you see what I’m seeing?

If not, maybe it would just take some time to describe how and why I’m seeing what I’m seeing. The process is truly like painting pictures with your words.

Practice this with your kids.

Simple Energy Tips for Igniting Creativity

AND if either of you need some help expressing what you are seeing, try these simple energy tips:

  1. Hold the base of your skull, right fingers on the right side and left fingers on the left side
  2. up the base of your skull with one hand and cup your forehead with the other

Have fun being a creative artist with your words!

Your Mind is the Center of Your Creativity

For more information about igniting your creativity and using your brain, check out Steven Campbell’s radio show and website. I will be his guest on September 2nd from 9:00 to 11:00 am. His radio program is entitled “Making Your Mind Magnificent.” Steven’s weekly radio show features the latest findings in cognitive psychology.

Tune into KOWS radio at 107.3 FM and on the internet at http://kows107-3.org.  You may call us during the show at 707-874-1073.

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The Perils of Being Unconsciousness

deer silhouetteBe Here Now

Have you caught yourself being un-conscious, that is not aware of where you are at a specific moment or not being aware of HOW to be where you are?

Bambi Alert

I’ll give you an example from my life! In the past few weeks I’ve been unlucky enough to have deer jumping the fence and getting into my garden. Now that is a bummer! I’ve lost tomatoes, strawberries, lettuce, flowers and who knows what else. I know they’re hungry and searching for food and water, but in MY garden? I have a really tall fence all around the garden, but I think they’re jumping onto the deck and then over the railing into the garden itself. Now, those deer are truly persistent.

One of the first mornings I discovered three deer (a doe and two little ones) meandering around and chomping away, I rushed down without thinking about what was on my feet. Big mistake. I should’ve been wearing tennis shoes, not sandals. In the process of herding them through an open gate, I stubbed my toe and really hurt it.

My Wake-up Moment

I know that accidents happen. But I truly was not being in a state of conscious awareness of where I was putting my feet and how I was moving. Well, those deer are still getting in, but I’m not going into “frantic mode”. It is what it is and I’ve decided to move more slowly and deliberately as I meander my way into the garden and herd those “sweet looking beings” out the gate.

The Lesson of My Story

BE in a conscious state of awareness by allowing every part of you to fully feel your body, where you are in time and space, and how you are experiencing your surroundings and emotions. One way to get yourself there easily is to “do” a daily practice of mindfulness. Maybe it’s doing the Daily Clean Your House Flow, maybe it’s meditating, maybe it’s a practice you’re already putting into your day. Whatever it is, allow you and your body to feel the breath and feel the movement of energy.

A Quick Energy Tip for Mindfulness

A real quick energy tip to bring in breath and bring you and your body to full awareness is to:

  1. Right hand — cup sternum directly below the clavicle
  2. Left hand — hold fingers in a vertical pattern on your tummy

This simple energy movement will remind your body to breath and to go to that place of centered and grounded. THAT is where you will experience “conscious awareness” and truly be present.

I’ll give you more next time — both the story and the energy tips.

Enjoy being in the moment!

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