
Teachers Page imageGive your students one simple, powerful tool to enhance their learning—this great resource for teachers and their students.

The Daily Clean Your House Flow animated video is a series of easy-to-follow acupressure poses that promote focus, productivity and clarity. The video is appealing to children of all ages. And it takes less than 10 minutes!

Teachers are noticing increased cooperation, less acting out and happier students! A clean “house” makes an upbeat, positive learning environment.

The Smart Teacher’s Guide offers clear explanations and colorful illustrations that show how to increase attention span, reduce stress and handle emotions. You will discover why the video is working for your students!

The video and the Teacher’s Guide together comprise a simple set of tools to help your students succeed in and out of the classroom.

Each of the nine steps of the Daily Clean Your House Flow involves gently placing the fingertips on acupressure points to harmonize and restore the energy flow in the body.

The video is easy to follow and makes the Daily Flow easy to learn and easy to do.

Add this to your curriculum and you don’t have to do any new lesson plans to make it happen! It just makes the days go smoother – for you and for your students!

Get complete information on the Easy Self-Help Acupressure Kit
for Students and Teachers


“It’s easier to study and I’m getting better grades on my spelling tests.”

“I’m not getting sick like I used to so I’m not missing school.”

“I do the Daily Flow before I practice piano and I’m doing so much better. My teacher says I’m doing better, too.”

“I have eight students who struggle with paying attention and focusing. ALL of them showed improvement when we used the Daily Flow.”
—Lara, 3rd grade teacher

“Doing the Daily Flow with my students centers them and creates focus. There is more cooperation and less acting out.”
—Arianne, Kindergarten teacher

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Get your copy of the six-minute Daily Clean Your House Flow animated video.

It’s my gift to you!! Click here..