
heart smileGratitude

I love the word! And it really does help the world go around. When we’re in gratitude we’re in a space of recognizing that something good has come our way. Then, when we take the next step and acknowledge that we have received, we are showing that we accept it. In that moment in time, we are creating the space that allows more to come our way.

Does that sound like we’re expecting to receive?  That we’re being demanding or feeling entitled?

I don’t think that’s the case. In fact,I believe that when we’re in gratitude, we help our energy move, and movement of energy allows us to draw to us what will help us improve our state of being, whether or not we’re even aware what that might be.  THAT is not being demanding. Rather it’s creating the space for possibilities to happen.

My Right Foot

Here’s what recently happened to me. I needed minor foot surgery. As soon as a close friend heard what was scheduled for me, she informed me that she was organizing healing circles – friends to come and give me healing energy work. My initial response was, “Jan, it’s just my toe.” Her response was, “So? It’s time for you to receive. You have given and now it’s time to be helped by those you have helped.”

Receiving is a Gift

So, I got out of my own way, accepted that the circles were scheduled and allowed Jan and all my beautiful friends to take time to come to me. Then came the actual circles. In the saying “yes” and “thank you” to their gifts of time, energy, and love for me, I allowed magic to happen. Those healing circles (three of them!) helped improve my state of being and the results were magnificent. In addition, many more friends were continuously sending me good thoughts and lots of great healing energy, all of which boosted that magic. I know that the time spent receiving from my dear friends is what has helped my recovery be smooth with very little discomfort. I know that I’ll continue to heal easily and that my body will be happy, healthy and balanced.

Deja Vu

I’ve had this lesson from my friends before. When my husband, Randy, was ill and we needed some financial assistance, these same friends created a benefit. THAT was a big one for both Randy and me to allow. But what an amazing gift! Then, six short months later, after Randy had passed away, those friends came together again to help me organize a beautiful event to celebrate his life.

Surrounded by Love

I’m a lucky one. I have extremely special friends in my life who keep reminding me to open up to receive. I am in gratitude that they’re here for me and willing to say: “it’s time to allow.” I have gratitude for my friends, for all the special clients and students in my life, for my beautiful children, and for my home and garden. I have gratitude for how I get to spend my days – bringing energetic balance to my clients, teaching how we can do our own energy work and become our own care providers, and creating new ways to help others, especially children, be healthy and productive.

Giving and Receiving

My wish for you is to be in gratitude, allow, receive, acknowledge and accept. And the gifts will keep on coming and you’ll keep on giving. Then comes more gratitude. That’s how the world goes around and we create magic.

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