Hats Off to You Mom!

Mom and little girl with hats in a field laughing

We all get it. Moms like you have lots on their plates to keep life happening, so Hats off to You, Mom!

First off, it’s everything that NEEDS to get done for the kids – school commitments, after-school activities, and keeping the kids on track with “doing well” at whatever they’re involved in, plus homework and their “I love doing this, and I can’t skip it.”

Sometimes, it seems like way too much getting juggled.

What if you’re caring for a parent or someone else, that’s another timeline that must be included in your day.

And let’s not forget the long list to take care of in your own life:

  • work and its requirements
  • time with your partner
  • connecting with friends
  • after-work activities
  • exercise program
  • quiet time
  • sleep
  • self-care

You get it – the list is crazy. How on earth do you do it all?

Ask Yourself This

Besides focusing on all the things, take a moment to reflect on yourself.

  • Do you ever get to the space of feeling anxious about “too much and not enough time?”
  • Do you ever tell yourself that you’re not doing everything good enough?
  • Do you give yourself a lecture that it’s time you make some changes and make them now?

All of these are “anxious-making stuff,” and create havoc in your mind, your state of being, and potentially in your physical body.

  • Do you notice that you’re holding your breath or clenching your jaw?
  • Is your neck taking the brunt and holding up the weight of the world?
  • Is your lower back feeling tight and sore, and is it hard to turn, lift, and stretch?

Maybe your body is experiencing one of those glitches or something else.

  • Do you sometimes feel on edge, and maybe it’s hard to hold back an angry comment?
  • Does your head hurt with the “too much to do” and the mind chatter it all creates?
  • Does the mind chatter take over, and you find you’re being super hard on yourself and maybe others?
  • Or do you feel like you’re just super tired and don’t know how to make it through the day?

If any of that is happening, that anxiousness is being experienced as a pattern in your body. And if you’re expressing yourself with angry comments or fretful impatience, it’s being noticed by others, including your kids.

If your kids see you being impatient and on edge, that is anxious behavior that they may very well model when they’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

The greatest gift you as a mom can give to your kids is modeling a way of being that is calm, no matter what is going on. When you show up composed, unruffled, and relaxed even when there is craziness in the day, they WILL notice and SEE your behavior as a soothing and peaceful way to be.

My Mother’s Day Gift to You

In the spirit of Mother’s Day, it’s time for YOU to receive a simple, easy way to “just be” and have your body experience breath and calm.

So, here is my gift of “just being.” And everything I share with you will work for everyone else in your life, including your kids, their teachers, your partner, and your best friends. Feel free to share what I’m going to suggest.

Following are some super simple self-help acupressure tips you can do anytime, anywhere.

Your body will start saying, “Do this,” and you’ll find that you and your body have created new habits that will make you feel better, healthier, and happier.

For each of the ‘poses’ below, use your fingertips with a light, gentle touch on the points I suggest, and hold each step for several good breaths.

So here you go!

To expand breath, ease anxiousness, assist with clarity and focus, feel stronger, have more vitality, and just feel good:

  1. Give yourself a hug – just hold your fingers on the upper arms above your elbows.
  2. Cup the back of your head using your right hand with fingers on the opposite base of the skull. Then cup your forehead using your left hand with fingers on the opposite side.
  3. Cup your sternum below the collarbone (thumb on one side and fingers on the other). With the other hand, hold your fingers on your tummy.
  4. To create more room for everything, including your neck and shoulders feeling more spacious and able to hold up your head and DO everything more easily…
    With your right hand, cup your left shoulder near your neck
    Place your left hand under your left sit bone or near it
    After a few breathes, switch hands.
  1. Cup your fingers, one at a time (first one hand and then the other, starting with the thumb). This routine is called jumper cabling, and it helps to increase breath and balance emotions.

Keep Going!

Are you interested in knowing an energy flow pattern that takes less than 10 minutes? This energy flow can be used throughout the day, and it can create calm and breath as it works with every system in your body to bring balance and vitality.

It’s called the Daily Clean Your House Flow® , and it’s my gift to you and your family!

Hey Mom!  Give yourself a Happy Mother’s Day gift. Bring on the breath and calm and peace. Feel balance and harmony throughout your whole body.

Everyone in your life will appreciate you even more because you’re taking care of yourself. Enjoy your day and every day.

And LOTS of hugs! YOU deserve to be loved! 

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Gratitude Creates Smoother Days

Give Thanks with a Grateful HeartDay of Thanks

’Tis the season for recognizing all the good that we have in our lives! In this country, we are taught from a very early age that Thanksgiving Day is for giving thanks for all we have and to give to those who don’t have enough to have a comfortable, safe life.

How about being in that “place of gratitude” daily? Take time each and every day to recognize something that is really good and positive, something that puts a smile on your face, gives you good feelings and helps you truly appreciate how blessed you are. You’ll discover that it makes the whole home environment smoother and calmer.

Family Project For “Tracking The Good Things”

When we recognize the good things that have happened, we automatically go into a place of gratitude. When we’re in that place of gratitude, more good keeps on coming. What you focus on expands.

Start a family practice that allows each of you to get in the habit of looking for the “good things.”

Three Ways to Track Good Things

  1. Set up a “good things jar” for each family member or each member could have their own journal.
  2. Have a special place in the house for everyone to write their day’s good thing.
  3. Spend time when you’re sitting at the dinner table to say “this was good for me today” and “I did this good thing today.”

You’ll notice that your household has a lot more smoother days. You’ll probably discover that each and everyone of you have easier, calmer days at work and at school.

Positive Versus Negative

Have you ever noticed that when you’re in a place of being positive, everything in your day goes smoother and easier? And that on those days it’s easy to find things to be grateful for? On the other side of the coin are those days when nothing seems to go right and your thoughts are negative. That’s because negative thinking creates more negative thoughts, actions, behaviors, and responses. In that environment, not much positive can take place because there’s only room for the negative to live. And where there is a preponderance of negative, how can there be anything much to be grateful for?

The trick is to stop any old negative pattern you don’t want and to have the space for a new pattern to be created and to grow. It is in that place that we can create positive. And from that space, more and more will arrive in your life to be grateful for.

My Gratitude Jar

This past year I have been filling a gratitude jar with “daily good things”. And when I take the time to do it, I find that it is hard to write just one good thing because one thing breeds another and another. My piece of paper can get really full on those days. And when I miss a day (and especially when I miss several days in a row) it is noticeable to me that it’s easy to get into “not enough, or this is rough, or I wish this was different.”

A Balanced Body Creates a Positive Life

Make a difference in your life, your kids’ lives and in how the whole family moves through the day. Find a way to track the good things and you will be in gratitude.

To create the space for more good things, consider walking around in a body that is in a state of balance and harmony. When your body is in balance, being positive is just easier. Do the Daily Clean Your House Flow as a family and see that it makes a big difference. See what parents and kids are saying at www.dailycleanyourhouseflow.com

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Happy Kids Make for Happy Lives for Everyone!

Originally posted on Health at Your Fingertips blog.

It’s summer time! And life is super full — especially if you have children in your life. Whether you’re a parent or a grandparent or a caregiver or a teacher in hiatus — some portion of some days are spent keeping those kids happy. Happy means that they are active with something that keeps their attention and that they are content with what is happening. All of requires that they are content within their bodies. What on earth do I mean by that??!!

Content within our bodies means that our bodies are in a place of ease and balance, that our bodies are energetically prepared for what we’re going to ask them to do and prepared for what might come at them. THAT means we will have clarity and focus, ease in actual physical movement and ease in creative expression. In addition, balance brings the ability to handle our emotions so they don’t get too big, take our breath away and cause us to get stuck IN the emotion.

For example, have you ever noticed that irritation can sometimes lead to frustration and maybe even anger? When we don’t address our reaction to what is creating the irritation, it can quickly turn into a bigger, more intense emotion. That increase will be what takes our breath away and causes us to be in the throes of the emotion and then everything escalates.

So imagine what a child is experiencing when all of what I have described is happening and they have no experience in how to handle irritation or frustration or anger. Dealing with emotions so they don’t get too big is a learning journey. You can help the children in your life more easily experience their emotions, get the information they need from the emotions, and gain life lessons.

Here’s how! Show them the Daily Clean Your House Flow! And see how much easier life can be — for them and for you.

You will notice: increased attention span, reduced stress, improved performance, improved health with less illness, increased cooperation, less acting out and increased self-esteem.

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Happy Kids Make for Happy Lives for Everyone!

Summer FunIt’s summer time! And life is super full — especially if you have children in your life. Whether you’re a parent or a grandparent or a caregiver or a teacher in hiatus — some portion of some days are spent keeping those kids happy. Happy means that they are active with something that keeps their attention and that they are content with what is happening. All of requires that they are content within their bodies. What on earth do I mean by that??!!

Content within our bodies means that our bodies are in a place of ease and balance, that our bodies are energetically prepared for what we’re going to ask them to do and prepared for what might come at them. THAT means we will have clarity and focus, ease in actual physical movement and ease in creative expression. In addition, balance brings the ability to handle our emotions so they don’t get too big, take our breath away and cause us to get stuck IN the emotion.

For example, have you ever noticed that irritation can sometimes lead to frustration and maybe even anger? When we don’t address our reaction to what is creating the irritation, it can quickly turn into a bigger, more intense emotion. That increase will be what takes our breath away and causes us to be in the throes of the emotion and then everything escalates.

So imagine what a child is experiencing when all of what I have described is happening and they have no experience in how to handle irritation or frustration or anger. Dealing with emotions so they don’t get too big is a learning journey. You can help the children in your life more easily experience their emotions, get the information they need from the emotions, and gain life lessons. Here’s how!

Show them the Daily Clean Your House Flow! And see how much easier life can be — for them and for you.

In the next few days my new whiteboard animation video of the Daily Clean Your House Flow will be available! Children and adults are finding the video fun to watch and it makes the nine steps of the Daily Flow easy to follow and learn. But even bigger than that — the Daily Flow makes a huge difference in how your children experience their emotions and it will help you create smoother days.

You will notice: increased attention span, reduced stress, improved performance, improved health with less illness, increased cooperation, less acting out and increased self-esteem.

Stay tuned for the announcement that my new website www.dailycleanyourhouseflow.com is up and ready for you to check out!

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Get your copy of the six-minute Daily Clean Your House Flow animated video.

It’s my gift to you!! Click here..