Hats Off to You Mom!

Mom and little girl with hats in a field laughing

We all get it. Moms like you have lots on their plates to keep life happening, so Hats off to You, Mom!

First off, it’s everything that NEEDS to get done for the kids – school commitments, after-school activities, and keeping the kids on track with “doing well” at whatever they’re involved in, plus homework and their “I love doing this, and I can’t skip it.”

Sometimes, it seems like way too much getting juggled.

What if you’re caring for a parent or someone else, that’s another timeline that must be included in your day.

And let’s not forget the long list to take care of in your own life:

  • work and its requirements
  • time with your partner
  • connecting with friends
  • after-work activities
  • exercise program
  • quiet time
  • sleep
  • self-care

You get it – the list is crazy. How on earth do you do it all?

Ask Yourself This

Besides focusing on all the things, take a moment to reflect on yourself.

  • Do you ever get to the space of feeling anxious about “too much and not enough time?”
  • Do you ever tell yourself that you’re not doing everything good enough?
  • Do you give yourself a lecture that it’s time you make some changes and make them now?

All of these are “anxious-making stuff,” and create havoc in your mind, your state of being, and potentially in your physical body.

  • Do you notice that you’re holding your breath or clenching your jaw?
  • Is your neck taking the brunt and holding up the weight of the world?
  • Is your lower back feeling tight and sore, and is it hard to turn, lift, and stretch?

Maybe your body is experiencing one of those glitches or something else.

  • Do you sometimes feel on edge, and maybe it’s hard to hold back an angry comment?
  • Does your head hurt with the “too much to do” and the mind chatter it all creates?
  • Does the mind chatter take over, and you find you’re being super hard on yourself and maybe others?
  • Or do you feel like you’re just super tired and don’t know how to make it through the day?

If any of that is happening, that anxiousness is being experienced as a pattern in your body. And if you’re expressing yourself with angry comments or fretful impatience, it’s being noticed by others, including your kids.

If your kids see you being impatient and on edge, that is anxious behavior that they may very well model when they’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

The greatest gift you as a mom can give to your kids is modeling a way of being that is calm, no matter what is going on. When you show up composed, unruffled, and relaxed even when there is craziness in the day, they WILL notice and SEE your behavior as a soothing and peaceful way to be.

My Mother’s Day Gift to You

In the spirit of Mother’s Day, it’s time for YOU to receive a simple, easy way to “just be” and have your body experience breath and calm.

So, here is my gift of “just being.” And everything I share with you will work for everyone else in your life, including your kids, their teachers, your partner, and your best friends. Feel free to share what I’m going to suggest.

Following are some super simple self-help acupressure tips you can do anytime, anywhere.

Your body will start saying, “Do this,” and you’ll find that you and your body have created new habits that will make you feel better, healthier, and happier.

For each of the ‘poses’ below, use your fingertips with a light, gentle touch on the points I suggest, and hold each step for several good breaths.

So here you go!

To expand breath, ease anxiousness, assist with clarity and focus, feel stronger, have more vitality, and just feel good:

  1. Give yourself a hug – just hold your fingers on the upper arms above your elbows.
  2. Cup the back of your head using your right hand with fingers on the opposite base of the skull. Then cup your forehead using your left hand with fingers on the opposite side.
  3. Cup your sternum below the collarbone (thumb on one side and fingers on the other). With the other hand, hold your fingers on your tummy.
  4. To create more room for everything, including your neck and shoulders feeling more spacious and able to hold up your head and DO everything more easily…
    With your right hand, cup your left shoulder near your neck
    Place your left hand under your left sit bone or near it
    After a few breathes, switch hands.
  1. Cup your fingers, one at a time (first one hand and then the other, starting with the thumb). This routine is called jumper cabling, and it helps to increase breath and balance emotions.

Keep Going!

Are you interested in knowing an energy flow pattern that takes less than 10 minutes? This energy flow can be used throughout the day, and it can create calm and breath as it works with every system in your body to bring balance and vitality.

It’s called the Daily Clean Your House Flow® , and it’s my gift to you and your family!

Hey Mom!  Give yourself a Happy Mother’s Day gift. Bring on the breath and calm and peace. Feel balance and harmony throughout your whole body.

Everyone in your life will appreciate you even more because you’re taking care of yourself. Enjoy your day and every day.

And LOTS of hugs! YOU deserve to be loved! 

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Step into Holiday Magic Week 3 of 3

Deborah Myers Wellness Holiday Banner

Reduce Burnout, Increase Positivity, and Magic Will Find You!

How can it be that easy?

  1. Begin by balancing your energy
  2. Your emotions and feelings will follow and come into balance
  3. When there is harmony within, it’s easier to be positive
  4. Positivity attracts joy and happiness to you
  5. You’ll find more and more to be thankful for
  6. Gratitude flows into your day and way of being
  7. Relationships improve as you grow aware of happiness inside and out
  8. You will live in happier spaces
  9. MAGIC fills your life
  10. And your holidays will be full of joy and MAGIC


Energy wants to move and flow into a state of balance. When energy is in balance, it is easier to be positive. Your emotions and feelings will duplicate the positive. And the step-by-step progression towards magic and joy is right in front of you.

Let’s make magic together!!

Balance emotions and habits, and you will feel how easy it is to be positive

Amid all that is going on in our world, it is super important to turn down your stress and anxiety meter to find joy and positivity. Banish burnout. Balance is protection—a vaccine against fatigue and tension.

COVID-19 and Change—We are still in a Pandemic

Have you noticed feelings of being on an emotional rollercoaster? You are not alone. Are you trying to figure out how to live in a topsy-turvy world and stay productive?

If you have kids in your life, you will most likely notice that they are experiencing the same feelings of uncertainty.

What if you could recognize and acknowledge the surrounding changes in a way that takes you out of reaction and into positive action?

You Can Feel Better FAST If You Know How to Balance Your Body

  • Experience your body as an energy system—grow awareness of your body. You’ll find more breath, ease, calm, and vitality. You’ll even notice when your body is giving you a message so you can DO something about it.
  • Manage feelings and emotions—recognize and re-pattern them for more ease, have positive thoughts, smoother experiences instead of crashing into stumbling blocks
  • Boost your immune, endocrine, and adrenal systems—help your body live healthier and stronger. Be better prepared to handle potential exposure to viruses and bacteria.

Stay Calm and Carry On

If creating a sense of calm and curiosity appeals to you, Step into Holiday Magic is right for you.

In the three-part workshop series, you will learn:

  • Easy Self-Help Acupressure to keep in balance
  • Creative ways to be in gratitude and appreciate yourself
  • Discover balance, gratitude, joy, and magic go together!

Take Control of What You Can

Are you ready to take responsibility for your well-being? Give yourself a gift of Step into Holiday Magic and enjoy the holidays. Set yourself up to begin the new year.

Step into Holiday Magic Workshop

I’m excited about my upcoming workshop to prepare for the holidays. And I’d love YOU to be in the workshop! I want this to be a fantastic season for you and your family! And I want to share how you can more easily get that to happen.

How to Register for the Workshop

Click here to sign up for the workshop.

And, if you can’t attend the live class, you’ll be able to access the recording.

You are worth it!!

Your investment in your improved health:

You’ll pay $97.00 for all 3 class meetings!

The meetings will take place via Zoom on the following Tuesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:00 PM Pacific Time

  • November 23
  • November 30
  • December 7
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Step into Holiday Magic Week 2 of 3

Deborah Myers Wellness Holiday Banner

Reduce Burnout, Increase Positivity, and Magic Will Find You!

How can it be that easy?

  1. Begin by balancing your energy
  2. Your emotions and feelings will follow and come into balance
  3. When there is harmony within, it’s easier to be positive
  4. Positivity attracts joy and happiness to you
  5. You’ll find more and more to be thankful for
  6. Gratitude flows into your day and way of being
  7. Relationships improve as you grow aware of happiness inside and out
  8. You will live in happier spaces
  9. MAGIC fills your life
  10. And your holidays will be full of joy and MAGIC


Energy wants to move and flow into a state of balance. When energy is in balance, it is easier to be positive. Your emotions and feelings will duplicate the positive. And the step-by-step progression towards magic and joy is right in front of you.

Let’s make magic together!!

Balance emotions and habits, and you will feel how easy it is to be positive

Amid all that is going on in our world, it is super important to turn down your stress and anxiety meter to find joy and positivity. Banish burnout. Balance is protection—a vaccine against fatigue and tension.

COVID-19 and Change—We are still in a Pandemic

Have you noticed feelings of being on an emotional rollercoaster? You are not alone. Are you trying to figure out how to live in a topsy-turvy world and stay productive?

If you have kids in your life, you will most likely notice that they are experiencing the same feelings of uncertainty.

What if you could recognize and acknowledge the surrounding changes in a way that takes you out of reaction and into positive action?

You Can Feel Better FAST If You Know How to Balance Your Body

  • Experience your body as an energy system—grow awareness of your body. You’ll find more breath, ease, calm, and vitality. You’ll even notice when your body is giving you a message so you can DO something about it.
  • Manage feelings and emotions—recognize and re-pattern them for more ease, have positive thoughts, smoother experiences instead of crashing into stumbling blocks
  • Boost your immune, endocrine, and adrenal systems—help your body live healthier and stronger. Be better prepared to handle potential exposure to viruses and bacteria.

Stay Calm and Carry On

If creating a sense of calm and curiosity appeals to you, Step into Holiday Magic is right for you.

In the three-part workshop series, you will learn:

  • Easy Self-Help Acupressure to keep in balance
  • Creative ways to be in gratitude and appreciate yourself
  • Discover balance, gratitude, joy, and magic go together!

Take Control of What You Can

Are you ready to take responsibility for your well-being? Give yourself a gift of Step into Holiday Magic and enjoy the holidays. Set yourself up to begin the new year.

Step into Holiday Magic Workshop

I’m excited about my upcoming workshop to prepare for the holidays. And I’d love YOU to be in the workshop! I want this to be a fantastic season for you and your family! And I want to share how you can more easily get that to happen.

How to Register for the Workshop

Click here to sign up for the workshop.

And, if you can’t attend the live class, you’ll be able to access the recording.

You are worth it!!

Your investment in your improved health:

You’ll pay $97.00 for all 3 class meetings!

The meetings will take place via Zoom on the following Tuesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:00 PM Pacific Time

  • November 23
  • November 30
  • December 7
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Step into Holiday Magic

Deborah Myers Wellness Holiday Banner

Reduce Burnout, Increase Positivity, and Magic Will Find You!

How can it be that easy?

  1. Begin by balancing your energy
  2. Your emotions and feelings will follow and come into balance
  3. When there is harmony within, it’s easier to be positive
  4. Positivity attracts joy and happiness to you
  5. You’ll find more and more to be thankful for
  6. Gratitude flows into your day and way of being
  7. Relationships improve as you grow aware of happiness inside and out
  8. You will live in happier spaces
  9. MAGIC fills your life
  10. And your holidays will be full of joy and MAGIC


Energy wants to move and flow into a state of balance. When energy is in balance, it is easier to be positive. Your emotions and feelings will duplicate the positive. And the step-by-step progression towards magic and joy is right in front of you.

Let’s make magic together!!

Balance emotions and habits, and you will feel how easy it is to be positive

Amid all that is going on in our world, it is super important to turn down your stress and anxiety meter to find joy and positivity. Banish burnout. Balance is protection—a vaccine against fatigue and tension.

COVID-19 and Change—We are still in a Pandemic

Have you noticed feelings of being on an emotional rollercoaster? You are not alone. Are you trying to figure out how to live in a topsy-turvy world and stay productive?

If you have kids in your life, you will most likely notice that they are experiencing the same feelings of uncertainty.

What if you could recognize and acknowledge the surrounding changes in a way that takes you out of reaction and into positive action?

You Can Feel Better FAST If You Know How to Balance Your Body

  • Experience your body as an energy system—grow awareness of your body. You’ll find more breath, ease, calm, and vitality. You’ll even notice when your body is giving you a message so you can DO something about it.
  • Manage feelings and emotions—recognize and re-pattern them for more ease, have positive thoughts, smoother experiences instead of crashing into stumbling blocks
  • Boost your immune, endocrine, and adrenal systems—help your body live healthier and stronger. Be better prepared to handle potential exposure to viruses and bacteria.

Stay Calm and Carry On

If creating a sense of calm and curiosity appeals to you, Step into Holiday Magic is right for you.

In the three-part workshop series, you will learn:

  • Easy Self-Help Acupressure to keep in balance
  • Creative ways to be in gratitude and appreciate yourself
  • Discover balance, gratitude, joy, and magic go together!

Take Control of What You Can

Are you ready to take responsibility for your well-being? Give yourself a gift of Step into Holiday Magic and enjoy the holidays. Set yourself up to begin the new year.

Step into Holiday Magic Workshop

I’m excited about my upcoming workshop to prepare for the holidays. And I’d love YOU to be in the workshop! I want this to be a fantastic season for you and your family! And I want to share how you can more easily get that to happen.

How to Register for the Workshop

Click here to sign up for the workshop.

And, if you can’t attend the live class, you’ll be able to access the recording.

You are worth it!!

Your investment in your improved health:

You’ll pay $97.00 for all 3 class meetings!

The meetings will take place via Zoom on the following Tuesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:00 PM Pacific Time

  • November 23
  • November 30
  • December 7
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Free Webinar – Relieve Anxiety and Stress

Relieve Anxiety and Stress

Join me Wednesday evening the 25th at 7:00 p.m. to discover easy-to-learn and easy-to-remember ways to get ahead of anxiety and stress.  Register here for the free class.  And, if you can’t attend the live class, you’ll be able to receive the recording.

In this free webinar, you will learn how to find your breath, relieve stress, get better sleep, boost your immune system.

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From Stress to Success – Creating the Miracle of Abundance and Prosperity

Strong woman in balance
Have you ever felt that you’re not receiving all that you want and desire and that you’re not going to be able to be all you want to be? Maybe what you’re searching for seems to be right around the corner, or perhaps it flits in and then it seems to disappear.
There is a trick to setting intentions and attaining your goals. It’s about creating a state of balance and harmony within your body by allowing your body to experience the movement of energy. When that shift is happening your body will naturally want more of the same, and it will let go of any stuck, stagnant energy that has been blocking your ability to make changes and move forward.


A blockage of energy is just something in the way, like a traffic jam or a beaver dam.  The beauty of this process is that we don’t have to break out the big equipment and get all stressed out by working too hard to make changes. We can gently break apart the blockages and allow the flow of energy to happen and do so without effort. And that flow is what creates the space to receive all that you want to gain.


That is prosperity, whether you’re searching for health, financial abundance, happy relationships, or a fulfilling career. Your goals could include letting go of self-judgment and self-sabotage, increasing productivity and having the vitality to do all you want to do. Anything is possible in this state of balance because nothing is in the way of fulfilling your dreams. For that matter, your intention could be receiving all of those! And then you are on the journey of creating miracles!
Without that vibration of balance in the body, what we want will not come towards us. The vibrations of the body must match the energy you are trying to attract. Otherwise, it just does not show up.
Another step on your journey towards abundance and prosperity is to spend time each day being in thankfulness and gratitude for all that is coming your way. In that state of being you will easily be able to continue to attract all that you want because you are in alignment.
It is easy to follow your dreams and keep those New Year’s resolutions when your energy aligns with your goals and desires. Create miracles this year! You have abundance and prosperity at your fingertips.


Here are two super easy energy tips to help you flow freely toward prosperity without struggle or effort.
Energy movements for expansion of breath and manifesting your destiny:

  • Right hand:  hold on area of right kidney
  • Left hand: hold on area of left kidney
  • Right hand: cup sternum directly below your collarbones
  • Left hand: hold fingers in a vertical pattern on your tummy

There are other “tricks” to help your journey towards abundance and prosperity be a true miracle. It can be easy, effortless and successful. Join me for my Energy of Prosperity Workshop on Wednesday, January 31st.  Follow this link to get more information or to RSVP now.
Photo by Chevanon Photography from Pexels https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-with-arms-outstretched-against-blue-sky-317155/

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Homework Battles – A Thing Of The Past!

Biff Boxer

Homework Battles – A Thing Of The Past!

Has homework made your household a daily battleground?  Let’s face it — for your children to be successful at school, homework is a necessary thing to do. But a lot of kids have a real hard time getting beyond the “it’s no fun.” Guess what? It often times isn’t fun for them! But then here you come — requiring an action that butts up against their belief and you have a battle.

The key is to help them change their belief  from “it’s no fun” to “it is a part of the day that is enjoyable.” It’s all about changing their perception which in turn can change the pattern that is in place.

Change the Pattern

Here’s the clincher, patterns can be changed! We can do it by moving the blocked energy that has been getting and keeping your children stuck in their old way of being. And, even better — it will be super easy. It’s all about getting the mind and actions to match up so new patterns have a chance to become automatic and natural for your child. To help that new pattern replace the old one, you can do self-help acupressure. And, it will happen faster if you have a consistent daily practice.

The Power of a Daily Practice

I know a lot of families who are doing the Daily Clean Your House Flow to start the day and then again before homework. The Daily Flow is a acupressure flow that adults and children can easily do. One parent says, “I’m blown away by how much easier it is to start the day, get my kids to school, and then how there are no more bouts of anger and frustration around homework. It just gets done and I’m no longer the mean mom. And it only takes us 6 minutes each time. That is good use of time for all of us.”

To see how easy the whole process is, try holding these acupressure points to help open up and expand breath.

  • Hold your upper arms by folding your arms across your chest.
  • Then, while still holding your right fingertips on your left arm, move your left hand to the base of your right ribcage.

You have just touched three separate points that when held in conjunction with each other, remind your body to breathe.

1st Position of the Daily Clean Your House Flow

See How Easy It Is To Not Have A Battleground!

It’s that simple! I have a lot of other “pointers” (pun intended!) on my website. Go to www.dailycleanyourhouseflow.com to see what I suggest for you and your family! And see the first 90 seconds of a 6 minute animated video of the Daily Clean Your House Flow.

You will discover that you no longer need to be the battalion chief. And that you and your kids will have more fun — even when doing homework!

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Getting Centered and Feeling Better

Out of sorts joe

Have you ever noticed that when you feel “out-of-sorts” you might just need to take a break from what you’re doing? Sometimes if you switch up where you are, you can quickly change your perspective too. For me, I often just need to walk outside and literally smell the roses. Yes, I’m “smelling the different air” and in reality I’m putting myself in a different environment that allows my brain and my senses to make different connections and create a new way of being in that instant. And when I’m really in a stuck place, getting dirty in the garden is more often than not the perfect solution for me!

Kids have the very same need as we do to make a quick shift from blah to better. Emotions and feelings and that sensation of “I don’t know why I feel this way, but I do” can often be so all-encompassing that they can literally take over and cause a “no rational thought can even happen in this space.” When that happens to a child, you can make a big difference by helping them create new habits and patterns.

When you notice that your child and/or student is really having a rough time, create a diversion which can help them get unstuck and experience a different way of being. Be supportive of what your child is experiencing and validate what is being felt. You just might help create the moment when they realize they can be in control of their own energy and the way they feel — a true moment of empowerment.

Hit the Reset Button

Some possible diversions that can trigger a reset are:

  • Come up with a favorite outside activity, like “want to go ride your bike?”
  • Or “Let’s go for walk. I could really use a break.”
  • “Will you help me_______?” (choose something you know your child loves to do)
  • And one of my absolute favorite suggestions is to do the Daily Clean Your House Flow or at the very least the Jumper Cables, which is the last step of the Daily Flow.

When we bring a daily practice of energy balancing into our lives, the body “knows what it feels like.” It will more easily go to that place of being in balance and being centered as soon as you start doing some of the energy poses.

Case in point – I was having a rough day last weekend. Old feelings of loss came up when I was spending time with an old friend who knew my husband and me when we were in college. I could tell that I had “lost my center” so I went down to the garden and spent some quiet time doing some energy work. Within a few minutes, I could feel my breath expand and I could feel myself becoming okay with where I am now. I got back in touch with “being in the moment.”

It doesn’t matter how old we are or what we’ve experienced, sometimes we just need to change up the pattern and give ourselves a reset.

Subscribe to my monthly newsletter to see other ways to help make a difference in your child’s life.

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Get your copy of the six-minute Daily Clean Your House Flow animated video.

It’s my gift to you!! Click here..