Catch Your Breath

Time to Catch Your Breath

relaxed cat

Considering our recent wildfires in Sonoma, Napa, and Southern California, it makes sense to remind all of you how you can “catch your breath.”

2019, like the smoky days of 2017,  brought high winds, intense fires, and intense emotions.

While we cannot control when and where fires erupt, we can control our reactions.

Your Breath and Self-Care Refresher 

  • how to reclaim your breath
  • reorganize your immune system
  • calm your nervous system
  • and reduce the stress your body and mind are experiencing

Those of us who were not directly in harm’s way from the fire were under stress from a loss of power, and sometimes water too. We were living with uncertainty about when we could resume our normal activities and if we would be safe from disaster.

At my home and office, we were without electricity which affected our water, as we are on a well. We could stay in our home, but it was as if we were camping out for the week, as we nervously watched and waited. They evacuated many of my friends and clients, some more than once. And I understand that some folks were without power for more than a week.

Help Your Breath

I know there is concern about the ash in the air. The dust and debris have triggered:

  • respiratory projects
  • fatigue
  • scattered thinking
  • sleep disruptions
  • feelings of being under threat
  • Loss of control
  • Anxiety
  • General disquiet

In California, we are living in fire season. We have been on high alert since the first dry winds in September. Extreme low humidity, dry conditions, lots of vegetation/fuel, unusually high winds, a convergence of meteorologic conditions that result from global warming, all have contributed to our current situation. Life is not business as usual.

What You Can Control

Take extra care of yourself and by using these energy tips, you can feel more like yourself now and whenever you encounter challenging situations, natural disasters, work stress, and family pressures.

Get more information and tips from Recovering from the Sonoma Fires

Resources for Victims of California Wildfires

Wildfire Resources – California Victim Compensation Board

California Wildfire Resources

Resources for Victims of Wildfires | Official Website …

Northern California fires: List of resources for victims …

2019 Fire Season Outlook | Welcome to CAL FIRE

California Fire & Evacuation Maps: Track Fires Near Me Today [Nov. 3]

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School should be FUN!

silhouette of children filled with words identifying emotionsSchool should be FUN!

Is your child feeling anxious about school or an activity or maybe even about a relationship? If that’s the case, his or her apprehension makes you want something to change so your child isn’t nervous, worried or fretful, all of which can be overwhelming to the system. You want your child to be excited about life, not overcome with unhappiness.

How best to make that happen? Changing the pattern should be easy so we don’t have to create “one more thing to be anxious about.”

First Aid for Anxiety

Here are a few simple self-help energy tips to help discover “ease and joy” – no matter what’s going on. Try one at a time to see which one or ones resonate with your child.

  1. Hold upper arms by folding arms across the chest. Yep – it’s the first step of the Daily Clean Your House Flow! This simple pose reminds the body to breathe. And breath is one of the first body mechanics that gets affected when there is anxiety or stress.
  2. Gently cup each thumb – helps let go of worry and concern.
  3. Gently cup each little finger – helps let go of overwhelm
  4. With one hand, cup the forehead and with the other, cup the base of the skull. This will bring in clarity and focus and help the body recognize that holding on to the “stuff isn’t good for the body to be experiencing”
  5. Hold the outside of the knees. When you bring balance to this energy balance area the body will experience peace because it brings in a new pattern that is better for the body.


And, of course, it would be a GOOD thing to do the whole Daily Clean Your House Flow! It creates a firm foundation so that all levels of the body (physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral) can find balance and let go of the “stuff” that is in the way of feeling good and having fun.

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Letting Go of Fear

Standing on the zip line platform

Deborah Myers standing on the zip line platform

Rappeling from the zip line platform

Deborah Myers rappeling from the zip line platform

Does your child experience anxiety or fear?

Do you notice how it affects their ability to be present and that it can actually create worry about the future? Frequent bouts of anxiety, worry, fear, trepidation (no matter what word is used) create a pattern that the body gets used to. THAT means the body is caught up in a state of “being in stress” which in turn creates a tendency to take the breath away and a tendency to be stuck in the emotions and the feelings.

No matter the age, these feelings are not imagined. They are THERE and can affect what we’re willing to do and/or how easily we step into the activity. We can be talking about going to school, meeting new people, studying, taking tests, playing sports, trying anything new.

An Adrenalin Rush

I love to fly through the air on zip lines. It’s an adrenalin rush for sure. But more than that, for me it is the experience of loving the feeling of freedom and joy. Several weeks ago, my kids joined me for a night time zip line for my birthday. Loved that anticipation! And I was ready. I go myself energetically centered and grounded. (I do my energy balancing before I step into the harness.)

There are usually eight people in the group, so it’s not unusual to not know everyone who you go up on the platform with. I noticed right away that a young woman in our group was in a state of worry. Even during the initial practice, she was second guessing her decision to do the zip line. By the second platform she was in a major state of fear — she had discovered an intense fear of heights that surprised her and took her breath away. By the way, when that happens, there is no going back. You have to finish the next six zip lines (there are a total of seven plus two sky bridges and a rappel). I offered some self-help acupressure tips, but by that point, she needed assistance. I taught her husband and on each of the platforms we did energy balancing (held acupressure points) before she zipped to the next platform. Long and short of it, she made it to the end, though the hardest was the very last one where you need to rappel yourself to the ground.

Perception is Your Truth

The reason for the story? The stressful experience someone is going through can be that kind of intense or it can be something that appears relatively easy to another person. My belief is that each and every “stressful experience” has a reason for showing up that way. So it needs to be addressed with “let’s change this up and make it different.” We can do that by learning and doing simple energy balancing movements that can re-pattern the body.

First Aid for Fear

Here is what did I do for that young woman on the zip line:

I did the following. And, YOU can do the same thing for your child if he or she is experiencing stress, worry, anxiety or fear. Hold each point with light, gentle touch and hold for several breaths.

  • Hold your fingers at upper back near middle of shoulder blade
    (Keep that hand there while the other hand moves)
  • At the same time, with other hand, hold same side upper arm above elbow
    • Move that hand to elbow, then to thumb
    • Then move to base of ribcage.

This simple movement gives the body a chance to open up lungs and diaphragm and open up breath.

And you can do this in the midst of the “anxious moment” or as prevention! The body wants to be in flow, not be stuck in  “I’m not okay with this way of being”. We just need to show it how to get there and stay there!

Let me know how it works for you!

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