
heart smileGratitude

I love the word! And it really does help the world go around. When we’re in gratitude we’re in a space of recognizing that something good has come our way. Then, when we take the next step and acknowledge that we have received, we are showing that we accept it. In that moment in time, we are creating the space that allows more to come our way.

Does that sound like we’re expecting to receive?  That we’re being demanding or feeling entitled?

I don’t think that’s the case. In fact,I believe that when we’re in gratitude, we help our energy move, and movement of energy allows us to draw to us what will help us improve our state of being, whether or not we’re even aware what that might be.  THAT is not being demanding. Rather it’s creating the space for possibilities to happen.

My Right Foot

Here’s what recently happened to me. I needed minor foot surgery. As soon as a close friend heard what was scheduled for me, she informed me that she was organizing healing circles – friends to come and give me healing energy work. My initial response was, “Jan, it’s just my toe.” Her response was, “So? It’s time for you to receive. You have given and now it’s time to be helped by those you have helped.”

Receiving is a Gift

So, I got out of my own way, accepted that the circles were scheduled and allowed Jan and all my beautiful friends to take time to come to me. Then came the actual circles. In the saying “yes” and “thank you” to their gifts of time, energy, and love for me, I allowed magic to happen. Those healing circles (three of them!) helped improve my state of being and the results were magnificent. In addition, many more friends were continuously sending me good thoughts and lots of great healing energy, all of which boosted that magic. I know that the time spent receiving from my dear friends is what has helped my recovery be smooth with very little discomfort. I know that I’ll continue to heal easily and that my body will be happy, healthy and balanced.

Deja Vu

I’ve had this lesson from my friends before. When my husband, Randy, was ill and we needed some financial assistance, these same friends created a benefit. THAT was a big one for both Randy and me to allow. But what an amazing gift! Then, six short months later, after Randy had passed away, those friends came together again to help me organize a beautiful event to celebrate his life.

Surrounded by Love

I’m a lucky one. I have extremely special friends in my life who keep reminding me to open up to receive. I am in gratitude that they’re here for me and willing to say: “it’s time to allow.” I have gratitude for my friends, for all the special clients and students in my life, for my beautiful children, and for my home and garden. I have gratitude for how I get to spend my days – bringing energetic balance to my clients, teaching how we can do our own energy work and become our own care providers, and creating new ways to help others, especially children, be healthy and productive.

Giving and Receiving

My wish for you is to be in gratitude, allow, receive, acknowledge and accept. And the gifts will keep on coming and you’ll keep on giving. Then comes more gratitude. That’s how the world goes around and we create magic.

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The San Francisco Giants Won! Working Together = Success

Baseball playerOkay, I admit it – I’m a major Giants fan! I love baseball, and isn’t it great for me and all other Giants fans that we had an amazing October! And, lo and behold, the Giants won the World Series – the third time in five years. That’s a testament to their individual talents and effort, their attitudes and perseverance, their love and passion for the game, their love for their teammates, and their desire to have lots of fun. Take them all together, and the Giants are a team that was actually called a dynasty last night by the announcers. But you can’t have a dynasty without everyone working together as a well-oiled machine. This particular machine had a big plus on its side – they KNOW how to work together and they listen and cooperate. They also have flexibility to change in mid-stream as the information comes in. They accept change and allow it.
You can see that on the field. I watched every Giants game this year. They’re usually recorded and sometimes I have to watch them late at night. By the way, I even watch the whole game when I know the end result. That’s how much I love baseball and the Giants! I only fast forward through the commercials because each and every play is an important one. Each and every play gives messages as to what each of the players is up to and how they’re all fitting together to make the game work.

Team Work

That’s actually how our bodies work – all the parts talking to each other and letting each other know how the whole is working out. When all the parts (physical areas, organs, etc.) are working together, the systems that they are within can function easier and perform to their ultimate purpose. For example, the respiratory system can perform easily and effortlessly if the lungs and the diaphragm are stepping up to the plate doing what they need to do (pun intended). And when the mid-back and the abdomen are flexible and allow the movement of the breath, the respiratory system can fully do its job. There are energy balance points that are specific to those organs and those areas of the body. When those points are open and balanced and the energy rivers can flow easily with no blockages, the entire respiratory system and all that is within it can do all that the body needs and wants.

Take a Breath

I bring up the respiratory system because when I’m watching the game, I’m watching the players and their breath. When the breath is open and the diaphragm has full space to inhale and exhale, the pitcher can more easily be in the moment and get that ball where he wants it to go. When the breath is open, the batter is able to have full flexibility and able to be fully present, seeing the ball and seeing the bat connect with that ball. When the breath is open, everyone on the field is able to be fully aware and focused with all attention in the moment, not the past and not the future – just the now.
The Giants are a good example of a team that has all the parts working together. Our bodies can be that same good example. All you need to do is remind the body to be in breath. So here you go – some easy to do energy movements that will give your body the message to “just breathe” so you can be fully present and able to do all you want to do:

  • Hold upper arms by folding arms across chest
  • Hold fingers of one hand on elbow and hold other hand at base of ribcage
  • Hold thumbs (gently cup and hold)
  • Cup sternum directly below clavicle and with other hand, hold fingertips in a vertical pattern below the naval

Have fun being in your breath – both the inhale and the exhale. And enjoy walking around in a body that is like a Giants team playing all the needed positions on the field! Then, feel the gratitude – gratitude for a body that knows how to take care of you!
To learn more about breath and to discover how to navigate through the holidays with ease, consider attending my upcoming introductory workshop on Monday, November 17th.

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Don’t Be a Deer in the Headlights

Have you ever felt like you were a deer caught in the headlights?

Yesterday I walked outside and surprised a deer that was near my garden fence. She freaked out, jumped the deck railing and I thought for sure she had jumped into the garden. But as I walked around the garden, there was no sign of her. That poor girl must have run across the deck and jumped off the high side.
Granted, it was daylight and there really weren’t headlights, but the deer must have felt like her life was in jeopardy. Her reaction was “get out of here fast no matter what I have to do to make it happen.” She also could have gotten “stuck in the moment and not been able to move.”
I know I have had times like that: “needing to make an immediate decision and follow through right now.” It’s real easy at the moment to go into flight or fight mode, or paralysis and not be able to do anything.

Jumper Cables Tame Big Emotions

One of the best ways to tame big emotions is to Jumper Cable each of your fingers, even if it’s just holding the thumbs or index fingers. Spending time holding the thumb is all about letting go of worry and anxiety, the emotion/attitude that our bodies will go to if things aren’t going the way you want or expect. To get the results you want and to “get to success,” hold those thumbs!
Holding the index fingers will allow you to move away from fear and move towards taking action with confidence. When there is no fear present, there is a sense of safety and security and ability to “deal with it” and know that all is well.
So, when you have a surprise that could easily take your breath away and cause you to get caught in the headlights, Jumper Cable! It will work much easier and faster if you’ve already balanced your body by doing the Daily Clean Your House Flow.

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A Dragon Eats the Moon

Red DragonI’ve been watching the moon get eaten by the dragon! It’s truly a ‘blood moon’ as it has turned from a bright glowing sphere to a burned red color. The ancient Chinese believed that solar eclipses occur when a legendary celestial dragon devours the Sun. They also believed that this dragon attacks the moon during lunar eclipses.
Well, I can see why they had a tradition to bang drums and pots and make loud noise during eclipses to frighten that dragon away. They must have been totally freaked when such a big orb in the sky became “nothing.” Just minutes ago, I experienced a change that was magical. The sky had been glorious with the stars shining bright and the moon changing colors and shape. And then the sky turned pitch black and the night sounds became silent. Even the stars went into hiding – they don’t have the same sparkle.
In October 2014 we know what is happening. We even have websites and Wikipedia to give us all sorts of information in the moment. But 2000 years ago, and even 200 years ago, the eclipse would bring fear and a sense of foreboding because they thought something bad was transpiring. Today, I’m not tempted to beat the pots and pans. Rather, I am in awe that such magic can be happening and that I’m awake to experience it. I am in awe of the quiet. There is no sound. Even the owls have gone to silence. There is no movement. I can’t see my hand in front of my face.
No more than twenty minutes have passed, and it’s not quite as dark now as the moon starts showing a sliver of light. That light allows me to see that the moon is still red, but it won’t be for long. And the sky is just a bit lighter as the stars shine a bit brighter. The dragon is almost gone, and I didn’t have to bang any pots or fire any cannons to chase it away.
I am blessed to experience magic.

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A Breath of Fresh Air

Stop SignBreath: it’s such an important part of living in our bodies. Have you ever experienced times when it doesn’t feel “totally there?” That feeling or realization has happened to most of us off and on throughout our lives. But we often aren’t even aware when it actually started or that our bodies developed consequences of not having total breath available.
So, what happened? I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “it took my breath away.” This has understandably happened to quite a few people in the last few weeks. There have been a few instances that maybe even stopped you in your tracks.

Big Changes

When we lost Robin Williams, most of us felt immediate sadness for his family, but we also felt the sadness for Robin and what he had gone through all of his life. But I think what really created reaction in our bodies was the realization of losing an icon that we saw as vibrant, vital, and so full-of-life. He had a way of being that he shared with all of us. He could make you laugh and laugh so hard you felt it in your very core. The realization that something big is no longer available to us is what “can take our breath away.” And where do our bodies experience that “taking or holding of breath”? Our diaphragms are where we get the reactions, the consequences.
Another BIG incident that was felt by those of us who live in Napa and Sonoma Counties was the earthquake on Sunday August 24th. The jolt at 3:20 a.m. in the morning was enough to take MY breath away! Follow that with the shaking and rolling that seemed to go on forever and I had a full diaphragm tightening experience.

My BIG Changes

The day before, August 23rd, was my birthday. I usually love everything about the birthday experience but this year was a bit different. My husband Randy’s birthday would have been the 22nd. This year I really missed having our birthdays together – I think because I didn’t have anything big planned, so there was the realization that all of the traditions that we had created over the years to celebrate both days were never going to happen again. I felt the loss and the changes. I actually felt like I was floating in a tunnel at times. Follow those feelings with the earthquake and I really had a “taking my breath away” experience.
So, what did I do? I got up on Sunday with the sunrise and took a really long hot tub where I did the Daily Clean Your House Flow, as well as other flows that are all about “getting grounded,” creating vitality and discovering breath and joy. I spent the rest of the day in the garden. I remember feeling thankful and joyful that I had a way to truly be in touch with the earth, the same earth that had jolted me awake several hours earlier. And I left that “tunnel feeling” behind. I felt an awareness that all was right with the world, that there are moments in time that can affect us but we can still be “okay.”


If you have had some “projects crop up” in the last week or so, and you don’t know what you did to have it happen, you are not alone. By the way, “projects” is the word I use instead of problems or conditions that are the results of the consequences of an incident, an injury, a trauma, etc.  So, some projects that could easily be results of diaphragm tightness and “loss of breath” are back discomfort, throat tightness, chest and breath constriction, knee soreness, loss of clarity and focus, loss of vitality. The list can be longer, but I’m sure that you get the sense of it. I’ve seen a number of clients over the last few weeks whose bodies are showing up with these projects.
Read on to get some answers for what to do – to open up your breath, to release your diaphragm, to rediscover calm, to find joy, to release constriction, to help your body release discomfort.

For specific project release:

To open the breath, calm the whole being, relieve anxiety:

  • Hold thumbs
  • Hold index fingers
  • Hold upper arms by folding arms across the chest
  • Cross hands and hold inside of knees (or upper inner thighs)
  • Hold right fingers on base of right ribcage
    and hold left fingers on right chest below collarbone

Switch and hold opposite sides

To release jaw, mouth or throat tension; to create space for breath and strong voice

  • Right hand cup the sternum just below the clavicle and
    hold left fingers in a vertical pattern just below the naval

To let go of head pressure, headaches, “mind chatter”, tired eyes; to remove incessant (persistent) mental absorption (often creates forehead and/or eye tension)

  • For right side “project”

Left hand – hold forehead with fingers on right side
Right hand – cup back of head, fingers on left base of skull

  • For left side “project”, switch hands

To reduce back and neck discomfort, improve flexibility and mobility, improve posture, enhance vitality, experience more gain & less pain in all that you do

  • Sit on both hands
  • Sit on left hand with right hand on left shoulder (near neck)
    • Sit on right hand with left hand on right shoulder (near neck)
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Hormones, The Good, The Bad, The Balanced

Woman-Butterfly-MetamorphosesAre you feeling healthy, vital, vibrant and comfortable in your body?

All of those are signs that your body is in a state of balance. If you have moments in the day where you’re just feeling “off”, the chances are good that you just may need to tweak one or more of the following: your diet, “busy scheduling”, exercise, sleep time or “time you spend in your head”. And, of course, it just might be good to add in a few more energy balancing flows to perk up your entire system!
If you’re feeling “off” and tired, fatigued, and maybe even “out of sorts”, your hormones may be in a state of imbalance. Balanced hormones help all the systems in your body to work together easily and effortlessly. And when they’re balanced, everything you’re already doing for your body, mind and spirit will be that much more effective. In addition, your body will be less likely to even experience symptoms of stress if your hormones are regulated. We usually hear more about hormones when women are “going into menopause”.

Hormone health is appropriate conversation no matter your age

Hormones are always in flux and therefore finding balance is a life-long goal. At my retreat on September 7th, we will be experiencing energy work (Jin Shin Jyutsu/acupressure self-help) and yoga that will be all about the endocrine system. In addition, we will have the expertise of an acupuncturist/Chinese herbalist who will be sharing all about hormones and creating an endocrine system that is regulated and balanced. No matter what your age, plan on discovering what YOU can do to be in a body that is in a balanced state. Join us: me (Deborah Myers), Maria Battista, and Shiroko Sokitch, so you can experience a “me day” at my home and garden! And plan on having lots of yummy, healthy food from Garry and Judy Baker.
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Breath and Imagery

This is a guest post from Maria Battista, Sacred Mountain Yoga

yoga on the deck“At our retreat on July 1st we acknowledged the beautiful nature that surrounded us on Sonoma Mountain.  Our yoga practice focused on breathing with the many oak trees all around.  We drew deep into our lungs and blood stream the rich oxygen that the trees and plants were offering to us.  In return we gave back to them what our cells no longer needed so that they could create more oxygen.  Giving and receiving through mindful breathing we felt our mutually nurturing connection to the earth and to each other.  In our asana practice we opened up our bodies to remove the tightness, and the blockages.  Each of us, at our own level was able to expand to receive and to give back with more abundance.  We were energized and fed, calm and grounded.

Our retreat on September 7th will be about balancing our hormones. In the yoga portion, we will focus on the endocrine system.  Using movement and posture we will gently massage each of the organs of the endocrine system to tone and balance.  Movements of the neck will tone the thyroid and parathyroid.   Chest openers will enliven the thymus gland behind the breastbone,  twists for  the pancreas and ovaries.  Using forward bends the adrenal glands at the back of the waist will be calmed and restored.  Gentle inversions will bring blood into the brain to feed the pineal and pituitary glands.

Using breath and imagery we will touch each of these organs with the healing power of intention and light in a guided meditation. This meditation will move us into a deep place of connection with ourselves resulting in letting go of stress and striving.  The endocrine system and hormonal secretions are very much affected by stress.  In deep relaxation (also known as Yoga Nidra) the body moves out of the sympathetic nervous system and the reactions of fight and flight.  Instead, we live in the parasympathetic state of peace and calm benefiting us in body, mind, and heart.

I look forward to sharing the powerful healing practice of yoga with all the the women who attend our September 7th women’s retreat.  Namaste — Maria Battista

Maria Battista

Sacred Mountain Yoga

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Herbed Hummus

Good food is an important part of any gathering! Especially when you have a group of women who are getting to know each other!

Cyrelle McDonald was our chef and server. Her Herbed Hummus was a hit of the retreat. She made lots of it and it was gone, though I have to admit I saved a small bowl back and used it the following day as a sandwich spread with grilled chicken. Yum, yum…I know YOU will enjoy this concoction too!

To find out more about Cyrelle check out her website at


Herbed Hummus with Parsley, Cilantro & Garlic

Serves 6-8


2 cups chick peas, cooked

½ cup extra virgin olive oil

3 Tbs Tahini

1 tsp sea salt, to taste

1 cup fresh parsley & cilantro

1 Tbs ground cumin

2 lemons, juiced

1 tsp ground cayenne

1 clove garlic


Combine all ingredients into a food processor and blend until smooth and everything is well incorporated. If too thick, add a few tablespoons extra lemon juice or filtered water. Serve and enjoy with sliced vegetables, mini rice crackers, or pita bread.

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Rosa’s Salsa Verde

I love Mexican food! And, as often takes place with me in the kitchen, when I find a real easy recipe that my taste buds get excited about, I often have a tendency to overdo it. I make too much at a time or make it too often. But I have found that there is never too much of this yummy salsa!
I got this great recipe from Rosa, our cook and housekeeper, on a family vacation in Mexico.

Salsa verde in a bowlRosa’s Salsa Verde

3 large tomatillos (4-5 small)

1 avocado

½ jalapeno (more for extra spicy)

⅛ onion (more if you want)

Cilantro – small bunch

1/2 lime


Variation: add ⅓ to ½ cucumber
All goes in a blender. (Be careful if you use the cucumber. It has a tendency to quickly double the quantity in your blender)

How We Use It

We use it as a chip dip, vegetable dip, salad dressing, sandwich spread, fish dip, the list goes on. And it lasts for a long time in the frig. I discovered that it stays good for two weeks after I had made a huge quantity. I had doubled the recipe and then decided to add the cucumber so there were four jars waiting for multiple uses.
Hope you enjoy this “salsa” as much as we do!

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Serendipity and Tears

Barbara Hyde and Deborah Myers at the April 12, 2014 BAIPA meetingIs it serendipity or is it just a small world? I love how life can bring amazing moments that create goose bumps and make your heart feel full. I totally believe that we can easily attract what we want to receive by walking around in a body that is energetically balanced and harmonized. You’ve heard me say that or read my articles or watched my Energy of Prosperity Workshop DVD. But I have to admit that I still get beautifully surprised!
Last Saturday I attended a BAIPA meeting (Bay Area Independent Publishers Association). Judy Baker of brandvines, my awesome marketing coach who creates systems to get my word out and consistently makes me look good, told me I needed to attend both the meeting and the workshop. She was right one more time! The guest speaker was Joan Stewart, aka The Publicity Hound, who spoke about creating your own publicity and the fabulous tools that are available to do so.
I’m sitting in the room, listening to everyone introduce themselves when I realize that the next person is going to be Barbara Hyde, my very dear friend from college. I’ve seen her a few times in the past forty years, but we had lost touch. I hadn’t seen her for at least fifteen years. I had no idea that she had just moved back to San Francisco. Then, I looked around the room and there she was! I couldn’t say anything to her at the moment because she needed to be focused for her introduction. I sat there for another forty-five minutes as the microphone went around the room. When it was my turn I didn’t dare look at her because I knew I would burst into tears of joy.
As I sat down our eyes met and the smiles were huge. You can imagine the hugs and laughter that followed. And, of course, there were tears. I had to tell Barbara that my husband, Randy, had died three years ago. That was not an easy conversation. She was the person who introduced me to Randy one month before we were graduated from college.
So here we are in Northern California, back in touch, spending time together, catching up and feeling blessed that life can bring such beautiful moments. I am indeed blessed and feel very lucky that the people in my world help create magical moments. Thank you Judy and Joan for being a part of the serendipity. And thank you, Barbara, for bringing me to tears!

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