Allergies Getting the Best of You?
All of that rain followed by heat and here comes more rain! Then pollen is released! If you have allergies, this may be a recipe for suffering.
Is your body in reaction?
You can get on the other side of it by helping your head empty the build-up. And you can potentially do it without using over-the-counter drugs. Make use of your fingertips and do a few acupressure flows!
The reason that allergies can create so much havoc is because a suppressed or depleted immune system will allow your body to react more readily to the allergens that are all around you. Build up your immune system and you can increase the chances that your body can change its pattern and not react to the allergens.
Build a strong foundation to support balance and harmony by doing the Daily Clean Your House Flow.
Here is a sneak peek of my soon to be released Seasonal Allergy Relief: The Insider’s Guide to Feeling Good Every Day.
Help your head feel lighter and provide relief for tired eyes by following this simple tip:
- Hold fingertips on the right side of your forehead with your left hand
- Then, hold fingertips at left base of your skull with your right hand
Check back soon for how to get your copy of the Insider’s Guide.
The Beauty of Spring
Spring is all about transformation. We see it all around us – the plants growing, the land changing all around us.
I love the beauty of spring colors, the emerald green of the grass and trees, the vibrant colors of the flowers and the glorious blue of the sky. I am thoroughly enjoying the scents that are permeating the air. It’s amazing to be able to smell my lilacs, citrus and jasmine all at the same time.
Our bodies are also in the mode of change. Are you feeling the shift as a boost of vitality and a greater sense of awareness? Or are you experiencing tiredness and loss of energy? If the latter is the case, you may also be experiencing allergies. It’s not unusual that they go hand in hand. But it doesn’t have to be that way!
Discover how easy it is to walk around in a body that has balance and harmony and allows you to experience all the beauty of spring. Let go of blocked energy that is creating allergies, tiredness and loss of energy by doing your energy work! It’s super easy to do the Daily Clean Your House Flow. See the nine-step self-help acupressure flow on the website and discover what difference you can make in how you feel and what you can do.
Navigating through life with ease!
Navigating Through Life with Ease!
This video will give you tips so you have more ease as you go through your day.
Video by Bob Cheal, Section on Aging, Sonoma County
Nourish Your Heart with Gratitude and Self-Love
Nourish Your Heart with Gratitude and Self-Love
Take time right now to think of how you can nourish your heart with gratitude and self-love. You may find that you are always giving to others first. You deserve love.
Welcoming February
If you’re anything like me, you’re happy that January has moved into February. Don’t get me wrong. There was a lot of good stuff in January. I especially loved my Disneyland trip with my kids! As you might have read in my articles, I make a really good little kid and can step into total enthusiasm real easy.
The reason that I like leaving January behind is that it has this “thing” about needing to let go of the old and prepare for the new. All good, of course. But, I for one, can get real bogged down in the lists and the “oh, oh, forgot to do that and didn’t manage that.” It’s pretty easy to get down on yourself in the midst of that mind chatter and forget how awesome you really are.
Dedication to Loving Yourself
So, here comes February — the month for love. It is after all the month that gives us Valentine’s Day, the day that is dedicated to showing our love for the special people in our life. But here’s the clincher: we can’t really love others and be able to fully express that love for someone else if we don’t first love ourselves. That love is all about appreciation for yourself and all that you do, gratitude for your body and spirit that allows you complete expression, and accepting who you are and what you offer in the world.
Louise Hay says it perfectly. “Love is the nourishment that we humans need to fulfill our greatness. As we learn to love ourselves more, we learn to love everyone more. Together we tenderly cultivate an ever more beautiful world.” By the way, you can feed yourself daily with beautiful and meaningful affirmations by going to
Gratitude Ritual
So, one of the best ways to discover how great you really are is to have a ritual around gratitude. Because when you’re expressing gratitude you’re discovering how much you really offer and that you are indeed a gift. It’s in that space of reminding yourself of your greatness that you will create your best life. My ritual goes like this. I start every day writing a gratitude and putting it my gratitude jar. I first re-read yesterday’s daily quote on Louise Hay’s daily calendar (thank you to my good friend Ronnie Roche for that annual Christmas gift!) Then I write my gratitude of the day on the back of yesterday’s page and put it into my gratitude jar. I started this last year when my friend and colleague, Cynthia Riggs, was promoting her “Good Things Challenge.” It was a good thing to do last year, so I’m even more committed to following through in 2016. Check it out at Discover how good it feels to contemplate gratitude and how it easily feeds into loving yourself.
Self-Help Energy Balancing Creates Appreciation
I continue my ritual with doing self-help energy work which lets my body know how much I appreciate what it does for me and that I’m willing to focus my attention on optimal health and wholeness.
Earlier in the morning I do the Daily Clean Your House Flow so I’ve already helped prepare my body for all that I’m going to ask of it and all that might come at it. Either during the “gratitude ritual” or when I have finished writing and putting it in the jar, I do one or more of these steps to get that feeling set in my being:
- Hold your upper arms (to bring in breath and connect with heart and love)
- Left hand: move fingers to right elbow (will help let go of old stuff) and
- Move right hand to base of right skull (will help be clear and focused)
- Left hand: move fingers to outside of right wrist while still holding head (will calm the whole being and allow you to be in the moment)
Give Gratitude for Valentine’s Day
And then, when you’re completely in that space of appreciating and loving you for who you are, you can step into fully loving others. Here’s another idea: instead of a regular Valentine’s Day card for that someone special, how about writing a list of everything you are grateful for in that person? Give that as a special “I love you because” gift. I’m willing to bet that you will bring on some huge smiles. Further, try it with the people in your life who are part of your team, whether it’s in your personal life or your business life. That kind of energy and love is the nourishment that we humans need to fulfill our greatness.
Have fun being the great and awesome you!
January is National Mentoring Month
Where is time going? Have you heard that question from your children? Time is passing so fast and it seems like every minute is filled with stuff that has to get done. No wonder our children are experiencing stress and the feeling of “not enough time.” We’re the best models of that behavior!
Here is a suggestion that I would like to share with you. Be a mentor to your very own children! Mentoring is simply a way to ensure that our young people have the support they need to discover success. It’s an attitude and a way of being.
What Makes a Mentor?
A mentor is an experienced and trusted adviser who can be instrumental as a guide, counselor, confidant, trainer, teacher, or tutor. Granted it wold be great to spread the wealth and mentor others as well, but if you can’t fit it in to your schedule, at least discover and utilize the skills with your own children.
Or maybe you mentor another family and those parents mentor your children. Sometimes it really makes sense to get different perspectives and who better than someone you already know and trust? At the very core, mentoring children guarantees that there is someone who cares about them and makes them feel like they matter.
Reasons to Be a Mentor
What better person than a mentor to help a child, no matter their age, to move forward towards goals and objectives that YOU help them realize?
Mentoring, at its core, guarantees young people that there is someone who cares about them, assures them they are not alone in dealing with day-to-day challenges, and makes them feel like they matter. Research confirms that quality mentoring relationships have powerful positive effects on young people in a variety of personal, academic, and professional situations. Ultimately, mentoring connects a young person to personal growth and development, and social and economic opportunity. Yet one in three young people will grow up without this critical asset.
When you’re spending time with your own children or others in that mentoring mode, plan on doing the Daily Clean Your House Flow before you “get down to whatever is happening that day.” It will help everything go smoother, even homework!
Photo credit: Northern Ireland Executive / CC BY-ND
Mentoring is a Way to Create Success for Our Children
Mentoring is a way to share with our children. It seems appropriate to contemplate what we can do for the children in our communities as we celebrate National Mentoring Month during January.
How You Can Help
Mentoring doesn’t have to take a huge amount of time. It can easily be a short period of time in your week. Contact one of your local schools to see how you could participate in any of their programs. Or go to to see how that organization can get you on the mentoring track.
Everybody Wins with Mentoring
When you’re contemplating the possibility of becoming a mentor, consider these positive effects noted on their website:
- Students who meet regularly with their mentors are 52% less likely than their peers to skip a day of school and 37% less likely to skip a class. (Public/Private Ventures study of Big Brothers Big Sisters)
- Young adults who face an opportunity gap but have a mentor are 55% more likely to be enrolled in college than those who did not have a mentor. (The Mentoring Effect, 2014)
- In addition to better school attendance and a better chance of going on to higher education, mentored youth maintain better attitudes toward school. (The Role of Risk, 2013)
If you decide to become a mentor, let me know how it goes! And a suggestion is to make use of the Daily Clean Your House Flow when you get together with the young person you’re working with. Both of you will discover how much more you get accomplished and how much better you feel!
Life Is So Very Full
And yet it is so very important to find ways to help our children discover success at home, school, and in all of their activities.
The children, parents and teachers I work with have found that doing the Daily Clean Your House Flow (a self-help acupressure flow) helps increase focus, attention, and productivity. It reduces stress and anxiety and helps balance emotions. So imagine what benefits are being seen when a classroom of kids are doing the Daily Flow together! And it takes less than 10 minutes to watch the video!
Mentoring is another way to ensure that our young people have the support they need to discover success. At the very core, it guarantees that there is someone who cares about them and makes them feel like they matter. A mentor is an experienced and trusted adviser who can be instrumental as a guide, counselor, confidant, trainer, teacher, or tutor. What better person than a mentor to help a child, no matter their age, to move forward towards goals and objectives that YOU help them realize?
Photo credit: opensourceway / CC BY-SA
Being a Kid and Discovering Magic
Being a Kid and Discovering Magic
Disneyland is beyond magical —three days of being totally involved in the excitement and joy of Mickie and Minnie, parades, light shows and rides! And of extra special note — I was there with my family. For someone who loves amusement parks and being a kid-at-heart, I couldn’t have asked for anything more.
I wasn’t the only one excited to be at the park. Even though it was raining, there were so many people who were thrilled to be at the happiest place on earth. So how did I contain some my excitement so I wasn’t a complete embarrassment to my kids? And how did I make sure my body cooperated so I could do everything I wanted to do? One of our days was fifteen hours long, so I had to make sure I didn’t lose my juice, especially since that day was cold.
Discovering Magic with These Energy Tips
As you follow these easy-to-do suggestions, you’ll notice that both you and your children can easily do them. All of you just might discover how much smoother your days can be!
I started the day with the Daily Clean Your House Flow. And then while I was waiting in lines and waiting for rides to start I did the following to make sure my body was prepared for what I was going to ask it to do:
To release any neck tension and boost the immune system
- Right hand — hold fingers at base of right side of skull
- Left hand — hold fingers just below center of right collarbone
- Right hand — move fingers to right side of neck
- Left hand — move fingers to left chest below left collarbone
To warm up — hold fingers on outside of knees
To expand breath and “handle feelings”
- Jumper cable — gently cup each thumb and finger
- Cup ring finger and middle finger at the same time — will help create a sense of happiness and joy and take away frustration, all at the same time!
Being a Kid
One of the things I discovered as I played in Disneyland is that it creates a child-like excitement when you allow yourself to be caught up in the moment. I love being a kid and I don’t mind being seen as a kid. I might be sixty-three years old, but whether it’s Disneyland, or Christmas, or being with little ones, I’ll never grow up.
I wish for you to have lots of fun-filled moments — whether you’re on your own or with your children. My suggestion is to find ways to be a kid. It really is okay to be filled with the child-like joy!
I Am One Tremendously Lucky And Astonished Girl Full Of Disneyland!
I Am One Tremendously Lucky And Astonished Girl Full Of Disneyland!
It happened! I was at Disneyland! My excitement got even more ramped up when I got to the park. And, in my daughter’s and son’s opinion, I played like a three year old. For three fun-filled days, we took one ride after another and we watched parades, light shows and fireworks. One day was fifteen hours long, and my kids never suggested we should quit even though it was raining most of the time. I am one lucky girl!
Tremendously Lucky
My body cooperated — even with the rain and cold and long, long lines. I was doing a lot of energy work to help my body be happy. Prior to the trip, the energy work was all about being productive and getting as much of the to-do list as possible taken care of.
It was a different story at Disneyland. It was all about having the energy to be able to fill every moment with fun. I’ve managed to retain that joy since my return home which is a big plus. It’s in the space of experiencing joy and good memories that we can be creative and step into being more productive.
And I assure you I’m in need of a “feeling productive space!” It’s the beginning of a new year and there is a real long list of what needs to be done to get a good start on my intentions, objectives and goals for 2016.
My Disneyland Inspired Energy Tip
Try this energy tip to help you be engaged with your list and boost your productivity:
To connect with clarity and focus and step into possibilities —
- Place fingers on left and right base of your skull
- Right hand — cup back of head so fingers are on left base of skull
- Left hand — cup forehead so fingers are on right side
- Left hand — cup sternum directly below your clavicle
My hope for you is that you have lots of astonishing moments of fun and that they fill you with joy!
Disneyland Express Fires Up My Imagination
Disneyland Express Fires Up My Imagination
I’m on the Disneyland Express, heading there for the time of my life! It is like a train that has a mind of its own with its engine pulling me along for the ride. I’ve been called a big kid many times and yet, this is a whole level of excitement that I haven’t experienced for a long time. I totally get why it’s so hard for kids to concentrate on the day-to-day stuff when there is a big exciting event coming around the corner. Because that is exactly where I am!
But I need to get some stuff done before I leave so it’s all about creating focus and attention. So, realizing that the teacher needs to make use of what she knows, I’ve been doing what I’ve taught elementary school teachers and parents and kids.
Tools To Use When Excitement Wants to Take Over
Here are some of the tools that have helped me and will help your kids, no matter what exciting adventure is being planned. AND it will even help them get in the mode for returning to school. That in and of itself can be an adventure!
- Do the Daily Clean Your House Flow. It helps create the foundation for easy and effortless “being in the flow”.
- For an extra boost of clarity and focus, with right hand cup the back of the head so fingers are on the left base of skull. And with left hand cup the forehead.
- Discover how easy it is to balance emotions and feelings by simply doing the Jumper Cables. Hold each thumb and finger for several good breaths. By the way, holding the middle fingers helps let go of frustration and anger! And holding the thumbs helps decrease worry and anxiety.
And consider checking out the animated video of the Daily Clean Your House Flow. It’s a fun way for teachers to make a difference in the classroom and for parents to see how much smoother family life can be.
Wishing you LOTS of adventures for 2016 for you and your kids!
Colossal Disneyland Excitement Makes it Hard to Sleep
Colossal Disneyland Excitement Makes it Hard to Sleep
Yep! I’m a kid at heart and that has been totally apparent for the last several months as the departure for Disneyland has been getting closer and closer. Though we’re arriving late on the first day, I talked my kids into getting a park pass for that day because “Why on earth would you even want to miss the opportunity to start the enjoyment?” And, of course, we’re doing the Hopper Pass so we can go to both Disneyland and California Adventure.
For someone who has always loved amusement parks and has super clear memories of the last time at Disneyland (it’s only been twenty plus years!), I’m ready to see and do as much as possible. I’ve been asking everyone who has been there what rides and attractions absolutely must be experienced.
Thrill of Anticipation
Have YOU ever had the level of excitement in which you get all wrapped up in the pictures in your mind and the anticipation of the thrill of what you have planned? At this moment in time I totally get why it’s so hard for kids to concentrate on the day-to-day stuff when there is a big exciting event coming around the corner.
I’m pulling out the “energy tips” to get my brain engaged so I can get at least a few things done before I’m traipsing all over Disneyland.
Here’s What I’ve Been Doing To Create Productive Space
Since it’s the beginning of a new year, it’s especially important to be “doing the steps” to meet my objectives and goals. If you want to get more out of your days, here are the flows I use:
- Starting the day doing the Daily Clean Your House Flow. It helps create a solid foundation for the day.
- Hold the mid-back near the kidneys, right hand on right side and left hand on left side. This creates space for “flow and manifesting”. Hold for several good breaths as you open up the energy and allow for new possibilities to come your way.
- With the right hand, cup your sternum directly below the collarbone and with the left hand hold your fingers on your tummy. This will create energy movement that will bring in breath and ease and ability to “take in” all that does come your way. AND it will, because you’ve created the space that allows ALL to happen.
Wishing YOU all the excitement and joy of the New Year as you create and allow possibilities of transformation and expansion!