Catch Your Breath
Time to Catch Your Breath
Considering our recent wildfires in Sonoma, Napa, and Southern California, it makes sense to remind all of you how you can “catch your breath.”
2019, like the smoky days of 2017, brought high winds, intense fires, and intense emotions.
While we cannot control when and where fires erupt, we can control our reactions.
Your Breath and Self-Care Refresher
- how to reclaim your breath
- reorganize your immune system
- calm your nervous system
- and reduce the stress your body and mind are experiencing
Those of us who were not directly in harm’s way from the fire were under stress from a loss of power, and sometimes water too. We were living with uncertainty about when we could resume our normal activities and if we would be safe from disaster.
At my home and office, we were without electricity which affected our water, as we are on a well. We could stay in our home, but it was as if we were camping out for the week, as we nervously watched and waited. They evacuated many of my friends and clients, some more than once. And I understand that some folks were without power for more than a week.
Help Your Breath
I know there is concern about the ash in the air. The dust and debris have triggered:
- respiratory projects
- fatigue
- scattered thinking
- sleep disruptions
- feelings of being under threat
- Loss of control
- Anxiety
- General disquiet
In California, we are living in fire season. We have been on high alert since the first dry winds in September. Extreme low humidity, dry conditions, lots of vegetation/fuel, unusually high winds, a convergence of meteorologic conditions that result from global warming, all have contributed to our current situation. Life is not business as usual.
What You Can Control
Take extra care of yourself and by using these energy tips, you can feel more like yourself now and whenever you encounter challenging situations, natural disasters, work stress, and family pressures.
Get more information and tips from Recovering from the Sonoma Fires
Resources for Victims of California Wildfires
Wildfire Resources – California Victim Compensation Board
Resources for Victims of Wildfires | Official Website …
Northern California fires: List of resources for victims …
2019 Fire Season Outlook | Welcome to CAL FIRE
California Fire & Evacuation Maps: Track Fires Near Me Today [Nov. 3]
Would YOU help me become a best-selling author? For only 99 cents you can help me get there. Take this opportunity to read Choices: Inspiring Stories of Healing Through Alternative and Holistic Health Care. The eBook is available now on Amazon. Our big campaign day: Friday the 13th, the perfect day for you to post a review.
Here is how you can help yourself as you help me:
1. Buy the book
2. Read the book
3. Post an honest review on Amazon
4. Tell someone you love about this offer
5. Post a photo of yourself reading the book
6. Email a copy of your receipt for a chance to win a copy of one of my Easy Self-Help Acupressure Books
Here’s the link where you can purchase the book and post a review. I’m in gratitude, ahead of time, for your support!
I chose to be a part of a fantastic book called Choices. Why did 19 authors come together and compile what I think is a wonderful creation?
In alternative and holistic health care, we have possibilities for improving health unknown to the public. We know it can be easy to make yourself a priority and want you to explore ALL your CHOICES before making life-changing decisions.
In this book, the community of practitioners and authors provide short, compelling, examples of just a few modalities available to help you on your journey to get your life back. Grab the keys, take responsibility, and make your CHOICE for your life.
I am Chapter 5 in the book: “The Magic of Jin Shin Jyutsu.” What I offer is one choice available in the world of health care. I loved writing my chapter in the book Choices. It helped me re-validate WHY I love doing what I do! I started my acupressure/Jin Shin Jyutsu practice in 1995. And I can’t imagine not doing what I get to do every day with and for my clients! Within the sessions and with self-help instruction, I teach others how to partner with their bodies with ease.
Here is an excerpt from my chapter that gives you a sense of life-changing possibilities from what I offer my clients and my students.
“In fall 2017, thousands of people in Sonoma County experienced trauma, beyond description, as they raced away from the blazing infernos that had been their homes. The impact from those few days of hell, left emotional scars, particularly for youngsters…”
“I used Jin Shin Jyutsu to help Justin, a five-year-old who could not understand why he had lost his belongings, why he didn’t have his old bedroom to go home to, and why his cat was no longer part of the family. He was suffering a physical shortness of breath from smoke inhalation, plus his breath had been taken away by the trauma. This caused him to be more and more stuck in the memory and sadness, and he was plagued by recurring nightmares. As I applied gentle touch on energy meridian points, his lungs opened to release the buildup of smoke, his body remembered the old pattern of expansive breath, he broke through the nightmares, and he started smiling and laughing again.”
I love having the opportunity to help people partner with their bodies. Non-intrusive and gentle, Jin Shin Jyutsu replenishes mental, physical, and emotional energy, and allows breathing to be more expansive. Where energy flows, the breath follows. It seems like magic: it can reduce stress, balance emotions, improve performance, increase clarity and focus, and strengthen self-confidence and mindfulness. Pressure points are targeted to relieve bothersome symptoms and maintain energy balance. The result is empowering.
We each have opportunities every single day to look at options. See the possibilities. Choose where you go, from where you are to where you want to be.
As always, I feel gratitude for everyone who chooses to “be a partner with their body.”
Heart Talk Series Webinar
Whole Earth Hub Heart Talk Series Webinar
Join us on June 26, 2019, from 7 to 8:30 pm PDT
Meet the Speakers for the Heart Talk
Watch a video preview
Heart: Diana Borge
Mind: Marjorie Favuzzi
Body: Deborah Myers
Spirit: Jan Kucker
Register for the Webinar
It is easy and free. We will use Zoom. To join the call, click on the link below.
You can join by phone, tablet, or computer. Give yourself 5-10 minutes to test your connection.
We want to share four easy techniques to connect your heart, mind, body, and spirit. Join us for this Heart Talk. It is our gift to you. Feel free to share this with one person you feel would benefit.
Ah(choo) Spring!
Are you sick and tired of the symptoms of allergies?
Feeling any of these symptoms:
- sinus congestion
- sneezing
- headaches
- itchy watery eyes
- itchy throat
- a stuffy or runny nose
If you are constantly dealing with any or all of those miserable symptoms, you are most likely noticing a loss of productivity. These symptoms impact sleep and vitality in a big way. Spring grasses, weeds, and tree pollen (allergens) can bring on those pesky discomforts. If you are like me, you don’t want to hide inside. You want to enjoy what Mother Nature has created for you.
3 easy ways to reduce the misery of seasonal allergies
Follow along and learn how to reduce reactivity to the pollen floating around outside.
Use acupressure to relieve allergy symptoms
Jasmine came for a Jin Shin Jyutsu session feeling uncomfortable and lousy. Swollen, weepy eyes. Her head hurt. Jasmine had intense sinus congestion. She had been doing all the right things to boost her immune system: lots of self-help acupressure flows and drinking lots of water. It seemed like an uphill battle and she was on the losing side. She left our 90-minute session in comfort and ease. She could breathe deeply. Her face was no longer puffy, and her cheekbones reappeared.
Why did Jin Shin relieve Jasmine’s allergies?
Our bodies are made of energy. Energy needs to flow. Conditions, illnesses, and injuries are evidence of blocked energy. Acupressure helps energy flow. It allows the body to let go of symptoms and heal.
Now, when Jasmine does her daily self-help acupressure, she will notice the benefits more readily. And everything else she does for herself will help her body be happier, healthier and more comfortable.
Hydration! Drink lots of water!
Allergies have a tendency to dry out our systems. It’s important to hydrate your body. Avoiding dehydration will boost your immune system and help maintain normal histamine levels. Read more about it in this article from,
Lubricate your body adequately with good fluids, including electrolytes, and all layers and levels of your body will notice the difference. Your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic levels will all cooperate with each other and bring health.
Eat anti-inflammatory foods
Beat seasonal allergies the natural way by adding anti-inflammatory foods to your grocery list. Pineapple, which contains the enzyme known as bromelain, fish oil, and fresh ginger are just a few that will reduce allergic reactions.
Check out a more complete list at
To read more about seasonal allergies go to
Got Questions about Allergies?
Leave a comment below or contact me directly.
Wishing you a beautiful and enjoyable spring without the misery of allergies!
Announcing the Deborah Myers Wellness Website
Announcing the Deborah Myers Wellness Website
It happened! My new website is live! I’m not saying it’s done, because I discovered along the way that I had to let go of that expectation. Anything we create is always in a state of change. Even when we think we finished a project, we discover something needs changing. And, my goodness, I know that about my garden! I can’t even count the number of times over the last 18 years that I’ve moved plants to different locations because they needed more sun, less sun, more elbow room, a different set of companion plants. Sometimes I discovered I needed to let a plant go because it didn’t work. So, if I knew that, I wonder why I thought a website update would go to a completed state without changes and side trips! Here is my ah-ah for this experience! Just like my garden, projects like a website, a training program or a new product are never in a completed state because they are always being added to and changed up, which allows them to evolve into many bigger possibilities.
It Takes a Team
Thank goodness for my amazing team who worked with me to bring my ideas for the website and the possibilities to fruition. Catch the garden connection? I couldn’t have done it without Heidi, who was my website guru at Planeteria, my longtime website company. I sure couldn’t manage all the intricacies of the content without Ruth Schwartz who has an eagle eye and can comb through minutia with a fine-toothed comb. She’s the reason there will be the parts and pieces that still get found and changed up. Judy Baker was there to make sure we had the right product images and banners. And Victoria Lasin was often my final eye for editing the content.
Along the way, there were critical deadlines, as you can well imagine. I’ve always known that I don’t do well with deadlines when I’m the one who sets them. But when someone else gives me one, I can really get into a state of angst. Well, getting things done isn’t an easy process when we get into that place. I so wish I could remember that each time I set a deadline!
Stay in Flow
I’ve decided that instead of expecting myself to remember how I can be with deadlines, I am choosing to find the flow. Here’s what I’ve realized. And, I hope you can get help from my realization when you decide to create a big project.
Order from Chaos Tip Sheet
- Create a master list of all your projects and split big projects into smaller manageable ones
- Develop a storyboard to remind you of what you want to see at the end of the journey
- Have hope of the completion date and allow yourself room for change
- Put timelines to the items listed in the smaller lists (keep lists and projects manageable with 10 or fewer items)
- Be realistic that everything on the list (both the actual to-do steps and the expected completion dates) will change when the prior items get shifted
- Change the storyboard often. It’s okay!
- Don’t sweat the small stuff
- Don’t sweat the timing
- Celebrate the completions along the way
- Give yourself permission to take a break from the project; both you and the project may benefit from some respite
- Don’t sweat the small stuff and the timing
- And maybe the most important item of all is to be kind to yourself. We are more often than not the hardest on ourselves
Notice how many times I said, “don’t sweat the small stuff and the timing?”
Visit the new website
Please tell your friends to visit my new website. It combines the Health at Your Fingertips and the Daily Clean Your House Flow sites.
To see what we created: go to
I am a proud Mama
The new website process felt as if I was giving birth, and it took a full nine months. Thank goodness for my team who helped me with the gestation and the actual birthing.
Stay on the Right Path
Clarity and focus kept me on the path. There is one key energy hold I kept reminding myself to do.
- Right hand: cup forehead with fingers on the left side
Left hand: cup base of skull with fingers on the right side of occiput - Switch hands
To release any tension that has built up and to prevent tension and stress, follow these steps:
- Right hand: cup sternum below the clavicle
Left hand: hold fingers in a vertical pattern on the tummy below the navel - Right hand: cup left shoulder with fingers near neck
Left hand: hold left sit bone - Switch hands to release right side
I wish you an easy journey with your project, whatever it might be!
Ensuring Student Success
Thanks to our School Professionals!!!
There are so many people who play a part in ensuring the success of students. American Education Week is a dedicated time to recognize all those professionals who touch the lives of our children: teachers, administrators, counselors, office staff, food service employees, health care employees, safety officers, custodial and maintenance employees.
Each and every one of them help keep schools running and students safe, healthy and ready to learn. Student achievement is a reality when they receive quality education. Without all of these professionals we would not have a school environment that creates the space for education to be a journey in discovery.
Good Memories of School
Do you have memories of school being fun, engaging, beneficial, and worthwhile and that you wanted to be there? I’m lucky to say those qualities are what I experienced when I was a young student, and that it was primarily the adults who were on the school campus who brought that to fruition. They fostered my desire to study and learn, and to have fun doing so.
Creating Success for Our Kids
Maybe its those memories that brought me to the place of wanting to create a program that allows teachers to have classrooms that are calmer and more productive, to have students who aren’t anxious and stressed and have more clarity and focus. However I got there, I am passionate about bringing the possibility of that environment to our schools. My animated video of a self-help acupressure flow is helping teachers and parents create a balanced calm space — at school and at home.
Check out the first 90 seconds of the six minute video called the Daily Clean Your House Flow. Teachers and parents are saying, “This makes a huge difference at school and at home.” And kids are saying, “Everything is easier.” Studying, doing homework, taking tests, sports, music – kids are having more success in all they do. And they’re having fun learning an easy way to get there!
And that’s what they should experience! Life should be filled with successful moments that give them the inclination to keep on being involved, trying, learning and stepping into their potential. I love hearing kids telling me the good things, the happy moments, the “I like being in school,” and “my teacher is the best,” and “I’m doing better.”
And I know that teachers and school staff feel the very same way. Otherwise they wouldn’t be doing what they do – helping children step into being the best they can be. Thanks to ALL of you who are there every day for your students!
Getting Your Breath Back with Easy Self-Help Acupressure
Life can throw us curves of all sorts! We don’t plan on those, and we don’t necessarily see them coming our way. One such event was the October 2017 fires. And no matter how YOU were individually impacted, the experience most likely affected your breath, your emotions, your sense of well-being, and maybe your physical health.
Our Bodies Remember Trauma
As we get closer to the one-year anniversary of that terrible time for Sonoma County and Napa County, your body may be experiencing memories of distress. Also, it hasn’t helped that we’ve had other fires raging north of us.
People are using phrases like, “I’m waiting with baited breath” and “I’m wondering how much more I can take.” Some folks realize that they’re not processing information with ease, similar to what they were experiencing one year ago after the fires. And many are trying to figure out what they need to do to regain their vitality and productivity. Fatigue is running rampant because sleep isn’t restful and rejuvenating.
None of those symptoms are unusual after trauma and chaos. And when we re-experience the memories of the traumatic event, our bodies get even more stuck in the patterns of the symptoms.
Reduce the Impact of Trauma
We can help our bodies let go of the symptoms and the tendency to hold onto those patterns. By balancing our energy, we can create new patterns of balance and ease that our bodies will see as more desirable.
Self-help acupressure is a natural, effortless way to remind your body how to be in breath, how to let go of stress and anxiety, and how not to take on stress. You can relieve discomfort and pain, balance your emotions, boost wellness, and improve performance in your daily activities.
Daily Practice
A daily practice of balancing your energy allows you to become a partner with your body. Rediscover your breath, boost your immune system, improve your focus and clarity, increase your vitality, let go of overwhelming thoughts and handle your feelings. You will find that your body feels healthy and full of life when you get your breath and energy back.
Here are a few energy tips that will help you reach health and vitality: To open the breath and calm the whole system:
▪ Hold thumbs with opposite hands
▪ Hold index fingers with opposite hands
▪ Fold arms across chest and hold opposite upper arms
To relieve respiratory distress, such as holding breath or coughing:
▪ Hold the right base of the rib cage with right fingers
▪ Hold right chest below clavicle with left fingers
▪ Switch and hold opposite sides
To release jaw, mouth or throat tension, such as clenching or holding breath:
▪ Cup sternum directly below clavicle with the right hand
▪ Place left fingertips in a vertical pattern below the navel
I hope that you make use of these suggestions! to get your breath back. They can really make a difference!
Sonoma Strong
And to learn even more, join me at the Sonoma Strong Healing Fair on Saturday, September 29th at the Veteran’s Building in Santa Rosa. I’ll be presenting at 11:30, offering more suggestions on how to get your breath back.
I’ll also be teaching in the Kids’ Area at 1:00 and 3:00. I look forward to seeing you there! In the meantime, wishing you ease.
April is Stress Awareness Month
Isn’t it crazy that we actually have a “National Stress Awareness Month”? Guess that shows a lot of people are dealing with some sort of stress in their worlds.
What is stress?
How do we best define it when it is so different for everyone? What can we do to reduce the effects of it so our bodies don’t go into reaction? And what can we do to actually have a sense of control so stress doesn’t seem to be running the show?
I’ll give you some historical background about how stress came to be recognized as a “condition” in our country. Then, I’ll share some easy-to-use self-help acupressure energy tips for changing how we can transform stress from a negative to positive. Transforming stress is a bit different from how Western medicine suggests we can manage it! And, when we get to that place of management, we truly are partners with our bodies.
Stress Awareness Month
It has been held every April since 1992. Sponsored by The Health Resource Network (HRN), a non-profit health education organization, Stress Awareness Month is a national, cooperative effort to:
- inform people about the dangers of stress
- successful coping strategies
- harmful misconceptions about stress that are prevalent in our society.
Medical Definition of Stress
In a medical or biological context, stress is a physical, mental or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension. Stresses can be external (from the environment, psychological, or social situations) or internal (illness or from a medical procedure). Stress can initiate the “fight or flight” response.
The state of mental or emotional strain or tension from adverse or very demanding circumstances can be so recognizable that others notice. We even hear comments like “he’s obviously under a lot of stress” and “she really needs to figure out how to manage her stress.”
Stress can cause or influence the course of many medical conditions. These include psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety. Medical problems can encompass poor healing, high blood pressure, headaches and migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, and many others. We now have “stress management” recognized as an effective treatment for many medical conditions.
To read more about stress and how the Western medical world defines it, go to
Transforming Stress
Articles that include tools for self-assessment, resources, and programs, can be found on the website for The American Institute of Stress. The organization is all about awareness, education, and collaboration.
Go to
Stress as a Project
Personally, I like to look at “stress” as a “project that can be transformed.” The term stress was coined by Hans Selye in 1936. He defined it as “the non-specific response of the body to any demand for change”. If we look at stress as “the rate of wear and tear on the body,” it makes sense that increased stress can actually accelerate the aging process.
And who wants that? I don’t know about you, but I’d rather walk around in a body that does not have major reactions to stressful situations. All of the experimental and clinical research confirms that the sense of having little or no control is always distressful, and that’s what stress is all about.
Energy Tips to Manage and Transform Stress
Here are my self-help acupressure energy tips that you can use to manage stress. They will allow you to be a partner with your own body. Because stress can take the breath away and cause us to wait with bated breath, follow along to learn how you can have full expansive breath. You’ll be way ahead of stress and its ability to affect you.
To help let go of stress, open up breath, release tension and increase vitality:
1. Hold upper arms by folding arms across the chest
2. Right hand — cup sternum directly below the collarbone
Left hand — hold fingers in a vertical pattern on your tummy
3. Right hand — hold the base of the right front ribcage
Left hand — hold fingers on the right chest below the collarbone
4. Gently cup thumbs
More than an Ounce of Prevention
The Daily Clean Your House Flow helps you stay in balance and get in front of stress. Doing the Daily Clean Your House Flow prepares your body for what you’re going to ask it to do now and for what might come at it (even major stressful traumatic events). Do the Daily Clean Your House Flow at least once a day. It will create a strong foundation for you to be able to be the best partner you can be with your body. I have been doing it daily for more than 20 years, as have many of my clients, friends, and family. This one practice is the best antidote to stress and you can do it anywhere, anytime. The more you do it, the better you will feel.
Do your part to Make Stress Awareness Month Obsolete
Share this post about the Daily Clean Your House Flow with the people you care about through your social channels, like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You’ll be glad you did your part to lower the stress in the world.
March is Women’s History Month
In honor of Women’s History Month, I will share some stories of today and how it all got started.
I love it when I see anyone in my life really step into possibilities and gear up for reaching their goals and objectives. And I have to admit that when that person is a woman who is creating magic in her life, I can really get excited about what she is up to.
Meet Chickenpreneur: Allie Rae Allen
Imagine a 7-year-old girl who says, “I’m going to have my own business raising chickens for eggs.” And then she begins to also sell her laying hens. She has a plan, she figures out the steps and she even gets a loan from the bank! Yep! All of that and she is only 7 years old. By the way, this amazing young woman is Allie Rae Allen. If you’re in the Petaluma area, you can connect with her to order your eggs or your hens and maybe just say, “Well done! YOU are impressive!” Her phone number is 707-721-7781.
Could a 7-year-old, especially a girl, manage all that 40 years ago? I kind of doubt it, especially talking a bank into giving her a business loan!
Women are Doing it For Themselves!
I’m a big proponent that women of all ages should have equal opportunities no matter what their goals and aspirations are. So, no matter what their desires women should be able to do just as much and go just as far as men. Whether it is that 7 year old girl or a 70 year old woman saying, “It is time for me to get out of my own way, create my art and bring it to the world” that woman, young or old, should be able to take a chance and step into her possibilities in a big way.
What’s crazy is that in the 1970’s it was truly necessary to acknowledge the extreme differences between the opportunities for women and men. That wasn’t that long ago!
The National Women’s History Project Started in Santa Rosa
It was 1978 and The Education Task Force of the Sonoma County (California) Commission on the Status of Women were recognizing the achievements of women in all facets of life. They initiated a “Women’s History Week” celebration for the week of March 8th, 1978.
Dozens of schools planned special programs and over one-hundred community women participated by doing special presentations in classrooms throughout the county. That first Women’s History Week ended with a parade and program held in the center of downtown Santa Rosa, California. What was truly being acknowledged was that actually recognizing the achievements of women in science, community, government, literature, art, sports and medicine has a huge impact on the development of self-respect and new opportunities for girls and young women.
Other organizations across the country heard of the success of the celebration and decided to emulate it and support an effort to secure a “National Women’s History Week” and “write women back into history.”
In 1980, the National Women’s History Project (NWHP) was founded in Santa Rosa, California by Molly Murphy MacGregor, Mary Ruthsdotter, Maria Cuevas, Paula Hammett and Bette Morgan to broadcast women’s historical achievements.
The NWHP started by leading a coalition that successfully lobbied Congress to designate March as National Women’s History Month, now celebrated across the land.
With an emphasis on positive role models and the importance of women from all backgrounds, the NWHP has developed a nationwide constituency of teachers, students, parents, public employees, businesses, organizations, and individuals who understand the critical link between knowing about historical women and making a positive difference in today’s world.
In 1987, Congress declared March as National Women’s History Month in perpetuity. A special Presidential Proclamation is issued every year which honors the extraordinary achievements of American women.
You can read more about the NWHP and all of the programs that are available throughout the country at Discover how YOU can be instrumental in making a difference for our young girls!!

Heart, Romance and Recover
Heart and romance
February is all about heart health, both emotional and physical.
Each year on February 14th, many people exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers with their special “valentine.” The day of romance we call Valentine’s Day is named for a Christian martyr and dates back to the fifth century, but has origins in the Roman holiday Lupercalia. No matter the history, it is the day that gives many a BIG reason to recognize and celebrate those heart connections with loved ones in their lives.
AND you still have time to get that extra special gift for that special person in your life!
February is Heart Health Month
This is the month we’re made more aware of how we can improve the health of our hearts so we can decrease the chances of heart disease.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States. It is an equal opportunity killer which claims approximately 1 million lives annually. The good news? It is also one of the most preventable. Making heart-healthy choices, knowing your family health history and the risk factors for heart disease, having regular check-ups and working with your physician to manage your health are all integral aspects of saving lives from this often silent killer.
Read more about how to make a BIG difference in having a heart-healthy life.
Giving Service from the Heart
Here’s another “Heart Connection” — and it is doing something really big for the community.
My dear friend and colleague, Dr. Shiroko Sokitch, director of Heart to Heart Medical Center in Santa Rosa, has created an amazing event that is FREE and available online to help you deal with physical and emotional challenges after a traumatic event, like a disaster, an accident or a death in the family.
This event is entirely at no cost and it will be yours to keep when you sign up for it. It’s all about being able to heal no matter where you are or what is going in your life. Register to hear talks by healthcare experts February 12– 19.
The Disaster Recovery Online Summit
This event is here to help those who have endured the disasters we’ve recently experienced—fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, and others—to help them heal and overcome, physically and emotionally, the impacts of living through a disaster.
After a traumatic event, people begin to go back to their daily lives, but it doesn’t mean they’ve completely healed. And, far too often, there are very few resources that address the emotional difficulties and latent health issues that such events can cause.
Health care experts will provide advice on helping children cope, anxiety, mindfulness, self-healing, mold toxicity, even disaster recovery itself.
Get complimentary access to these talks about traumatic recovery now
These 32 talks are yours FOREVER! Meaning, you’ll gain access once they’re unlocked on February 12, and retain it for whenever you need to address trauma for yourself, or anyone else.
No purchase required and no commitment necessary for you to participate.
My interview with Dr. Shiroko on Tuesday, February 13th at 6:00 pm
I’m honored to be participating in the Disaster Recovery Event! Dr. Shiroko will be interviewing me on Facebook Live Tuesday, February 13th at 6:00 pm (Pacific Time). Tune in to hear my suggestions for how we can make use of Easy Self-Help Acupressure to help deal with the stress and challenges of traumatic events. I’ll give you energy tips that can make a big difference in the quality of life.
Go to Dr. Shiroko’s Facebook Page.